8명의 노르웨이 청소년들이 10 27일 한국을 방문했습니다. 이들 8명은 어릴 때 노르웨이로 입양된 이후 청소년이 되어 한국을 방문한 학생들이어서 더욱 뜻깊은 방문이었습니다.

1028 봉은사 체험, 점심 배식 봉사활동

불교 문화에는 낯설기만 한 노르웨이 학생들은 사찰 구석 구석을 돌아다니며 관심을 보였습니다. 봉은사 투어를 시작으로, 다도, 참선, 연꽃 만들기 등 다양한 체험활동에 참여했습니다.


1029 DMZ, 김치아카데미하우스


토요일에는 외국인이 가장 가고 싶어하는 한국의 관광지로 뽑힌 DMZ를 방문하여 남북의 대치 상황을 간접적으로나마 느껴볼 수 있었습니다. 또한 김치 만들기’, ‘한복 입어보기등 한국에서만 할 수 있는 한국의 독특한 문화를 보고 배울 수 있는 시간을 가졌습니다.

1030 양국 청소년 교류


이 날은 휴일을 맞아 한국 참가자 학생들 9명이 하루 종일 노르웨이 친구들과 함께 했습니다. 또래 친구들과 일대일로 짝을 이룬 양국 청소년들은 서울 시내 곳곳을 탐방하며, 창덕궁, 경복궁, , 한옥마을, 박물관 등 한국의 문화유산을 보고 배울 수 있었습니다. 뿐만 아니라 서울광장에서 진행되었던 희망의 운동화프로그램에도 참여하여 뜻깊은 시간을 보냈습니다.

1031 압구정 고등학교 수업, 연세대학교 특별강연


월요일에는 압구정고등학교를 방문하여 직접 수업에 참여하기도 하였습니다. 1학년 경제 수업을 들으며 직접 노르웨이의 경제에 대해서 한국 학생들에게 발표를 준비하기도 하였습니다. 같은 날, 한국 청소년들과 함께 연세대학교에서 한국의 역사와 문화에 대한 마이클 김 교수(연세대 국제대학원)의 강의를 들었습니다.


1101 주한 노르웨이 대사관 방문


마지막 날에는 중구 정동에 위치한 주한 노르웨이 대사관을 방문하여 한국과 노르웨이의 관계에 대한 설명을 들었습니다. 또한, 새로 부임한 주한 노르웨이 대사와 함께 이번에 경험한 한국의 문화와 노르웨이 문화와의 차이점을 비교해보는 시간도 가졌습니다.


1101 송별회


일주일간의 프로그램은 다시 한국 참가자와 노르웨이 참가자들의 아쉬운 작별의 시간으로 끝이 났습니다. 양국 청소년은 모두 한 자리 모여 프로그램에 대한 평가를 한 후, 송별회를 하였습니다.



이번 한국-노르웨이 교류 프로그램은 서울시립청소년문화교류센터 미지가 운영하는 한-유럽 교류사업의 일환으로, 서울시의 후원과 주한 노르웨이 대사관 및 주 노르웨이 한국 대사관의 협력 하에 진행되었습니다.


"Abilympics" is the combined word of "Ability" and "Olympics".

The first International Abilympics (IA) was held in Japan in 1981 to celebrate 'The United Nations International Year of Disabled Persons.' Its main goal was to support full participation of persons with disabilities in our society and promote their self-reliance and has been held every 4 years in various countries. This year, the South Korea hosted the Abilympics to the world.


At center in Yangjae, Seoul                                                             Opening ceremony of the 8th IA

The 8th International Abilympics 2011 was held in Seoul, South Korea from the 25th to the 30th of September which took place at the AT Center and at the Olympic Park Stadium (Olympic Hall).

57 countries participated and the world’s most highly skilled contestants with disabilities gathered. Skills of contestants are put to test; there are 40 categories of skills competition.

On September 26th, a spectacular opening ceremony at Olympic Park, Seoul marked the beginning of the 8th International Abilympics.


In the event, Yoon Ok Kim, the first lady of South Korea, the president of IA, and the chairman of the Korea Employment Agency for the Disabled addressed a welcoming speech. After the official schedule, there were special performances that showed Korean traditional culture.


The contest began on Sept 27th at the AT center, Seoul. From Basket making to computer programming, there was a wide variety of tasks that took place during the contest.

Competitions took 5 hours long on average; contestants were totally focused and put a lot of effort into each assigned task. I was so touched by their passion and their great skills. They made so many creative objects, painting, and even furniture.
Many other different programs were also held. There was a Theme Park in which contestants from all over the world could experience Korean culture.

Also, many booths were set which exhibited various cultures and traditions of other participating nations. This enabled contestants to enjoy other cultures, widening their perspectives. Furthermore, contestants could get work experience such as crafts, cooking, cake decorating and balloon art.

The contest provided contestants with great opportunities to learn about careers and skills which could further be developed.


6 days of the 8th International Abilympics in Seoul culminated in success on Sept 30th as followed by the closing ceremony at Olympic Hall, Olympic Park, Seoul. Awards were given to all winners. There were a total of 23 gold medals, 22 silver medals, and 15 bronze medals—South Korean contestants received the most.

After the Award ceremony, all participants, delegations, and guests enjoyed a special farewell banquet and had a time to interact with others from different countries.

After the party, I happened to interview one contestant named Herman Gatete from Rwanda. I asked short questions since he had to get into the bus; his interpreter was next to him while translating his responses.

He has a hearing disability and participated in ‘Wood Carving’.


After the party, I happened to interview one contestant named Herman Gatete from Rwanda. I asked short questions since he had to get into the bus; his interpreter was next to him while translating his responses.

He has a hearing disability and participated in ‘Wood Carving’.


Did you enjoy the 8th International Abilympics in Seoul?

: Yes, I felt really comfortable for the last six days because all Korean staffs were nice and the AT center was well prepared for the contest.

What is the meaning of this contest to you?

: This is my first time participating in the IA. So, this contest is especially meaningful to me. I could be more confident about myself and it gives me a kind of hope in which I can dream what people without disabilities dream of becoming.


I was also happy to meet people with disabilities from many different countries.


He seemed very satisfied with the contest in Korea and I was so glad to hear that Korean volunteers were friendly. Not only the contestants but also volunteers learned valuable things from the showcased event.


Lee JooSil who volunteered as an interpreter said “The contest gives the message that contestants have infinite possibilities by offering many different job experiences. I was also impressed by the contestants’ talents. It a beautiful experience to witness. IA contestants faced challenges and developed special skills, even though they are physically disabled.


There is one thing I learned from them as I worked as a volunteer in the contest. We tend to misjudge and have prejudice towards people with disabilities, who seem to be inferior to those who are not physically or mentally disabled. We encourage disabled people when they try to do things that normal can people do. But the thing is, they can outshine people without disabilities in many aspects, only if they’re given enough opportunities in our society, like the International Abilympics.

On October 27th Korean adoptees from Norway visited Korea to learn and understand about Korean cultural heritage. They were invited Korea by MIZY Center in cooperation with the Korean Embassy in Norway and the Norwegian Embassy in Korea. There were eight students from Norway and nine from Korea. This project has its purpose in “enhancing mutual understanding and raising awareness of multiculturalism”, according to the Norwegian Embassy in Korea website(http://www.norway.or.kr/News_and_events/Culture/Norwegian-adoptees-visit-Korea/).


On October 30th, MIZY selected a handful of students for volunteering positions. Chosen participants gave a tour around Seoul for adopted Norwegian Korean students. Each Norwegian student was paired up with a Korean student and got acquainted with one another, visited popular sights, and received pocket money for a meal, entrance fees and refreshments. This was an exciting opportunity to share similarities and to understand cultural differences.


After being paired up with our partner, Korean and Norwegian students participated in a campaign entitled the “Shoes of Hope” Sponsored by High 1 resort, a Korean company, the goal of this intriguing event was to color and draw on shoes; ultimately being will be sent to Ethiopia and given to underprivileged children. Although there was some awkwardness—we didn’t know what to say at first but after being so immersed in the activities showcased, gradually we found friendship and bonded well.


Nevertheless, there was still uneasiness so I desperately wanted to break the ice.

I decided to combine paired groups so that we could induce more productiveness. We all went to COEX, although this wasn’t a planned cultural experience, the Norwegian students got to buy things that were expensive and hard to get back in Norway. Afterwards, we visited Olympic Park and got to see a Baekjae culture experience exposition.



                  From 27 October to 2 November, the youths from Norway enjoyed a hectic program. They attended tea ceremony in a Buddhist temple, visited a kimchi factory and had a trip to the DMZ, the border between South and North Korea. They also stopped by the Norwegian Embassy for an insight in the daily life at an embassy, and to hear more about the relationship between Norway and Korea.


             At the very last day of the stay in Korea, we gathered up in MIZY and said goodbyes. We brought our own musical instruments and performed little pieces of music to others. One of my favorite: a Korean participant played Arirang in Korean fiddle. It was a meaningful gathering once again, and we all exchanged our contact numbers and hoped to see together again somewhere in the future.


             As one of the Korean participants, Korean students tried to show good sides of Korea to give them fresh, likable first impression. We hope they have had a productive yet meaningful week that they would cherish for the rest of their lives.


9월 몽골에 이어서 10월에는 미지센터에서 브라질을 만나 보았습니다.

 브라질, 다양성이 살아 숨쉬는 곳 이라는 주제로 한 이번 프로그램에서는 브라질의 색다른 매력을 살펴보았습니다.

이번 브라질의 달행사에서는 브라질의 다양한 인종과 자연, 건축물 등 브라질의 아름다움을 사진으로 표현하고 있는 사진작가 주아웅 빠울루 바르보자 씨의 사진을 만나볼 수 있었습니다.

하반기 미지-대사관 협력사업의 첫 프로그램이기도 했던 9일 대학생 프로그램은 문화담당관 파울로 씨 등 대사관 관계자들이 참석한 가운데 브라질 대사의 개회사로 시작되었습니다. 이어서 바르보자 씨가 아름다운 브라질의 모습을 사진으로 보여주면서 브라질의 다양한 매력과, 사진가로서의 삶에 대해 이야기를 들려주었습니다.

12일에 진행된 첫 번째 초등학생 프로그램에서는 브라질 이야기를 들어보았습니다. ‘파울로씨가 브라질 문학의 역사를 간략하게 설명한 데 이어 미첼리티씨가 브라질에서 가장 유명한 동화인물 중 하나인 싸씨를 소개했습니다. 마지막으로 참가 학생들은 직접 싸씨 이야기의 결론 부분을 창작해보고 발표하는 시간이 있었습니다.

15일 폭우가 쏟아지는 날에 진행된 두 번째 행사에서는 브라질의 무술 카포에라를 만날 수 있었습니다. 어릴 때부터 카포에라를 배우기 시작해 지금은 한국에서 카포에라를 가르치고 있는 심슨씨는 카포에라의 배경 음악에 대한 설명과 연주를 선보였습니다. 참가자들은 심슨 씨의 동작 시범을 본 후, 직접 간단한 동작을 배우고 친구들과 짝을 이뤄 경기를 해보았습니다.

19일에 진행된 세 번째 프로그램은 브라질 음악에 대한 것이었습니다. 참가자들은 파울로씨에게 브라질 음악에 대한 강의를 들은 후, 삼바를 비롯한 다양한 브라질의 음악을 감상하고, 대사 부인 후지타 여사와 함께 경쾌한 음악에 맞춰 춤을 추기도 했습니다.

24일에 진행된 마지막 프로그램은 브라질의 음식을 주제로 한 시간으로, 한국에서 거주 중인 브라질 사람들과 함께 했습니다. 대사 부인 후지타 여사의 강연을 통해 참가자들은 브라질 음식의 다양성에 대해서 배울 수 있었습니다. 또한 빠스텔, 치즈볼, 초코쿠키, 치킨 고로케 등 다양한 브라질 음식을 직접 맛보았습니다.

9월의 몽골, 10월의 브라질에 이어 12월에는 모로코 대사관과 협력하여 사하라와 지중해의 낭만을 접할 수 있는 모로코의 달을 개최할 예정입니다.

11월01일(월) 하늘공원, 주한 노르웨이 대사관 미팅, 피드백&송별회



10월31일(월) 압구정고등학교 수업, 연세대학교 특강


10월30일(일) 희망의운동화

10월29일(토) DMZ 체험, 김치만들기


10월28일(목) 봉은사 템플라이프 체험

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