미지센터, 청소년국제교류실무자워크숍 개최’

-국제이해교육(EIU)을 접목한 청소년 프로그램 기획력 강화, 참여적 워크숍으로 진행 -



서울시가 주최하고 서울시립청소년문화교류센터(미지센터)가 주관하여, 청소년 국제교류 분야의 실무자들의 역량 강화를 목적으로 진행되는 ‘청소년 국제교류 실무자워크숍’이 오는 12월 13~14일, 미지센터에서 개최된다.


‘국제이해교육’을 주제로 한 이번 워크숍은 ‘문화다양성’과 ‘지속가능발전’을 워크숍 카테고리로 선정하여, 참가자들의 국제이해교육에 대한 이해를 높일 수 있는 참여적 워크숍과, 이를 청소년 프로그램에 접목할 수 있는 역량을 강화하기 위한 세션들로 구성되었다. 참가자들은 청소년 국제교류 실무자들과 대학생, 그밖에 청소년 국제교류 프로그램 기획에 관심 있는 일반인 30여 명으로 확정되었다.


첫째날 국제이해교육의 전반에 대한 내용과 문화다양성을 주제로 한 워크숍은 국제이해교육학회 강순원 회장이, 둘째날 지속가능발전을 주제로 한 워크숍은 유네스코 지속가능발전교육위원회 이선경 위원이 각각 진행할 예정. ‘국제이해교육’에 대한 인식 증진을 목적으로 하는 이번 워크숍에서 참가자들은 ‘국제이해교육’ 의 다섯가지 카테고리인 ‘문화다양성’, ‘인권’, ‘지속가능발전’, ‘평화’, ‘세계화’ 라는 주제를 접목하여 청소년 국제교류 프로그램을 기획하고 발표하는 기회를 갖는다.


참가자들은 이러한 기회를 통해 ‘주제’ 가 있는 청소년 국제교류 프로그램 개발의 중요성에 대한 인식을 제고할 뿐 아니라, 청소년 국제교류 프로그램 개발을 위한 아이디어를 공유할 수 있을 것으로 보인다. 또한 직접 계획한 프로그램을 발표하면서 프로그램의 내용과 실현가능성에 대한 서로의 의견을 나누고, 전문가들의 의견을 수렴하여, 직접 실현 가능한 프로그램으로 발전시킬 수 있다는 점에서 이번 워크숍이 가지는 의미가 크다.


프로그램 기획을 돕기 위하여 국제이해교육의 각 카테고리에 해당하는 미지센터 프로그램을 소개하는 시간도 마련되어 있어, 참가자들에게 실질적인 정보제공과 기획력 향상에 큰 도움이 될 것으로 예상된다. 국제교류 분야의 실무자들의 국제 업무 능력 향상에 대한 욕구를 충족하기 위하여 마련된 ‘영문서신작성법’ 은 현재 ‘아펙스(APEX) 전략경영 컨설팅’ 대표로 재직 중인 피터 천 씨가 진행할 예정이다.



참가자들이 실현가능한 프로그램 기획안을 직접 도안할 수 있도록 유도하고, 익숙하지 않은 ‘국제이해교육’ 에 대한 인식을 참여적 워크숍을 통해 쉽게 다가갈 수 있도록 기획된 이번 워크숍은 질 높은 청소년 국제교류 프로그램 증진과 보급에 기여할 것으로 예상된다.


한편, 서울시립청소년문화교류센터(미지센터, www.mizy.net)는 서울시가 설립하고 유네스코한국위원회가 운영하는 청소년 특화시설로, 이번 ‘청소년국제교류실무자워크숍’을 비롯하여 청소년을 위한 다양한 문화이해 프로그램과 국제교류프로그램을 제공하고 있다.

MIZY Homecomig Day _ 미지와의 두번째 만남에 여러분을 초대합니다.


오는 23일 서울 여성플라자에서 MIZY Homecomig Party 가 열립니다.

함께 하였던 추억을 돌아보며 다시 한 번 미지와 하나 되길 바라는 마음에 파티를 준비하였습니다.

미지센터가 여러분 마음 한 켠에 좋은 친구로 자리 잡고 있다면!

미지센터와 좋은 친구가 되고 싶은 바람을 갖고 있다면 주저 말고 함께 해 주세요^^


                              대      상: 나이, 국적, 성별을 불문하고 미지와의 인연이 있는 모든 이

                              일      시: 2011년 12월 23일 금요일 18:30-20:30

                                     장      소: 서울여성프라자 1층 국제회의장

                              신청방법: 참가신청인 이름/ 참여했던 연도와 프로그램 명을 적어

                                                      theodora@mizy.net 으로 보내주세요^^(신청이 완료되면 확인문자발송)

                                      신청기간: 2011년 12월 8일 ~16일 (선착순 200명)


문의: 대외협력사업팀 고윤하 02) 755-1024(내선119) theodora@mizy.net

미지센터 정기견학 '세터데이(세계배움터 데이)'

청소년 여러분들의 청소년 국제교류와 미지센터에 대한 관심이 높아짐으로써 미지센터 견학에 대한 요청이 많아지고 있습니다.
미지센터는 2011년 12월 10일 월례 정기 견학 행사인 '세터데이 (세계배움터 데이)'를 진행합니다.

 청소년 국제 문화교류에 대해 관심있는 여러분들을 초대합니다.

'세터데이' 는 월 1회  진행될 예정이며 정확한 날짜는 매 달 초 홈피에 공지될 것입니다.

1. 일시

12월 10일(토) 오전 10시부터 ~ 12시 30분

2. 행사명

(세계배움터 데이 - 국제교류에 대한 프로그램의 성격을 표현)

3. 활동내용

청소년 국제교류 개념과 이해, 미지센터 기관설명 - 미지센터 실무자
미지센터의 프로그램 설명 및 청소년 활동과 경험담 소개 - 청소년 운영위원회

4. 모집대상

중. 고등 학생 50명. 단체접수 가능

5. 모집방법

선착순 이메일 접수 : jjan825@mizy.net
이름, 학교 학년, 전화번호, 이메일, 주소 기재


확정메일 발송


참가활동확인서 교부


       Who said that donations are only done by money? The Hat Knitting Campaign defines another type of donation in the global world.


           When people think about the world ‘volunteer’ or ‘donation’ we often think about the red charity boxes that we put money into. Or often people relate volunteer work to cleaning up after messes or other physical activities. However, Save the Children’s Hat Knitting Campaign is defining a new type of volunteer for the people across the world. Since 2007, Save the Children, an international organization helping the world’s child poverty, has been pursuing the ‘Hat Knitting Campaign’. This campaign is meant to help infants dying due to diseases that can easily be treated. What makes this campaign special is the fact that instead of just simply donating money; participants knit hats with their own hands to ship to infants in developing countries. Now beyond just money, there are efforts sent along with the donations.

           The ‘Hat Knitting Campaign’ is growing steadily with lots of attentions. Now this campaign is celebrating its 5th year and stands with a goal to ship 15 thousand knitted hats to Zimbabwe and Bangladesh. To hear about the enormous spread of contribution-culture set by this campaign, I interviewed Park Young Ee from the Save the Children Communication Team.

The ‘Hat Knitting Campaign’ holds its significance for defining a new type of ‘volunteer’ and ‘donation’. Instead of just donation money, each time I knit I can think about the infants that will be wearing the hat in my hands after a couple months. The participants love, effort and care will be shipped across the Zimbabwe and Bangladesh. The positive energy this campaign is sending not only to the participants but also to the people across the world is making the world feel like a warmer place.

Photos are credited to Save the Children


Q. What is the starting background of the ‘Save the Children Hat Knitting Campaign’?


A. Annually Save the Children publishes ‘State of the World’s Mothers’. In this, there was a rank for ‘good countries to be a mother at’. According to this ranking, in the whole world, every year about 7 million infants under 5 have their breath taken away. Out of these infants 2 million babies die on their day of birth, and 4 million lose their precious lives within a month.


The deaths of these infants are due to easily cured diseases such as pneumonia, diarrhea and malaria. There are easy and quick ways to save the infants from losing their lives such as malaria prevention mosquito net, antibiotic, moisture supplement and etc. To provide easy ways for people to help these infants, we have started this campaign.


Save the Children has started the ‘Hat Knitting Campaign’ in South Korea 2007 and is continuing the 5th season this year with United States, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, Australia and Hong Kong.


Q. When most people think about ‘volunteer’, people think about doing chores for the neglected class of people or doing their works for them. However, the ‘Hat Knitting Campaign’ is a unique type of volunteer. You knit the hats at home and send them on a plane to be shipped across to countries such as Africa. What do you believe is the unique way of volunteering that this only this campaign offers?


A. The ‘Hat Knitting Campaign’ is not only a donation type of giving. Instead it holds great significance for settling a new type of contribution culture-giving by making by the hand. Also in the hat knitting kit cost, along with the cost for the kit, there is also a donation included to sponsor foreign nutrition business. When you buy the kit, you can donate and knit the hat and contribute it. Since in this campaign, you can contribute twice, the fact that the happiness will be twice is something that makes ‘Hat Knitting Campaign’ different with other volunteers.


Q. The campaign could’ve been called ‘Sock Knitting Campaign’ or ‘Scarf Knitting Campaign’. Out of so many products, why did Save the Children specifically choose ‘hats’? Was there a special situation related with hats?


A. Wool hats are known to keep the baby’s body heat and act as an incubator like a kangaroo care. Through this way, the percentage of the death of infants can be lowered to about 70 percent- the reason why Save the Children started the ‘Hat Knitting Campaign’. 


Q. This campaign started in 2007 and is already continuing its 5th season. What is the special key to maintain a campaign for continuous times?


A. Since the campaign started in 2007, as the years pass the number of participants in the campaign and the number of hats have been increasing steadily. Especially last year, in the season 4, with 61,488 participants and 141,574 hats have been gathered from all over the country, allowing it a byname of ‘national campaign’. The reason that this campaign can be continued is due to the participants. Even though the knitting process is hard, many participants are willing to challenge themselves to knit to contribute. The participants who have been calling for the kits even before the season started, participants participating in every season, participants knitting all winter long and sending a whole basket and etc. are the people who has made this campaign and raised this campaign.


Q. Is there an ultimate goal for the ‘Hat Knitting Campaign?


A. The ‘Hat Knitting Campaign’ progressed as the save the infants under 5, as a part of the EVERY ONE Campaign. (EVERY ONE Campaign is a campaign to save help children grow healthily until the age of 5. The reason why we help children until they are 5 is because if they are healthy until 5 years old they grow a level of immunity that allows them to age until their 70s.) This campaign is a global campaign that started in 2009 to protect children’s dying from diseases that can be easily cured, in about 50 countries across the world. Every year about 8.1 million infants are dying due to easily cured diseases. Save the Children is working in countries with high infant mortality rates such as Mali, Nigeria and etc. They are supplying medicines and medical supplies and training region medical treatment human resources to protect babies against unnecessary deaths.


The ultimate goal of EVERY ONE Campaign is the 4th and the 5th goal in the MDGs, reduce child mortality and improve maternal health. United Nation’s MDG(Millennium Development Goals) is an agenda adopted by the agreement of 191 participating countries in 2000. The MDG is 8 international promises to make poverty in half by the year of 2015.


* Goal 4(Reduce child mortality): By the year of 2015, according to the standard measured in 1990, reduce the child mortality in to 2/3rd.

*Goal 5(Improve maternal health): Between the years of 1990~2015 reduce the death of mothers with babies to 3/4th.


Do you wish to participate in Save the Children ‘Hat Knitting Campaign’?

1. Type ‘save the children’ at gsshop.com

2. Buy the ‘Hat Knitting Campaign’ Kit

3. Learn how to knit on http://moja.sc.or.kr/moja_season/moja_5/menu2/way_tab1_1.php

4. Knit!

5. Send it to ‘Save the Children’ by February 29th of 2012.

In September, the film ‘Silenced('Dogani' in Korean)’ released and sent shock waves through the nation.

  This movie has been reconstituted based on a true story of   hearing impaired, young students at Gwangju Inhwa School
who were raped by the principal in 2005. They were not only sexually abused but also physically. They were beaten, died of malnutrition, and involved in a forced labor.
However, the principle and other officials denied their charges and tried to cover their sins up by using their wealth and high social status, making judges and even victims be silenced.
So, the principle only paid the penalty and other teachers who also raped their students were sentenced to 1~2 years in prison. They all returned to the school as if nothing has happened to them and still teach students.

The film brought about a public rage and people started several campaigns and petition in an effort to urge the police to reinvestigate the case. 

Several weeks after the movie was released, the police booked 14 people who were involved in the case in 2005 and a new law ‘Dogani’ was enacted which was named after the movie in order to strengthen the punishment of crimes against disabled people especially young children.

However, what the movie showed is only part of the whole picture. It only showed a part of an abuse of human rights of people with disabilities in South Korea. Since July of 2008, in Kong-ju city, Chungcheong nam-do, a 14 year-old girl with intellectual disability has been sexually assaulted by neighbors for more than 2 years and the criminals were arrested in 2010. Other than this, there have been a lot of sexual crimes against disabled people who need protection from society.

The main reason why so many disabled people become the victims of crimes is due to the society’s negligence and a biased perspective people hold. People normally consider them to be weak and incompetent. This has led some people to commit crimes against people with disabilities.

There are a wide range of social organizations which have been established to protect their rights and uncover any crimes against them.
However, still, many disabled people are assaulted by others. Since July of 2008, in Kong-ju city, Chungcheong nam-do, a 14 year-old girl with intellectual disability has been sexually assaulted by neighbors for more than 2 years and the criminals were arrested in 2010.

Other than this, there have been a lot of sexual crimes against disabled people who need protection from society.

The film ’Silenced’ should be a starting point for people to continuously pay attention to any injustice towards people with disabilities.




2011.11.27 PM3:00 미지촌에 참가하는 참가자들이 서둘러서 미지센터로 들어옵니다. 그들은 모두 희망누리 체험단 참가자들입니다. 기참가자들과 올해 참가한 5기 참가자들입니다. 미지촌에 입소하면서 그들은 서로를 '미지0호'라 부릅니다.

자기소개로 자신들을 어필한 미지인들은 선택의 시간을 가졌습니다. 그렇게 완성된 팀으로 팀 게임을 진행하였습니다. “몸으로 말해요게임을 하면서 하는 사람도, 관람하는 사람도 모두 즐거운 시간을 가졌습니다.

게임이 끝난 후 저녁식사선택의 시간을 가졌습니다. 식사는 2 1조로 이루어집니다. 모든 미지인들은 신중하게 함께 대화할 미지인 친구를 찾았습니다.


저녁식사 후 어느덧 날이 저문 미지촌 안에서 미지인들은 희망누리체험단이 함께 할 수 있는 프로그램을 구성해보고, 희망누리체험단이 어떻게 운영되었으면 하는지 얘기를 나누었습니다. 아이디어가 계속 떠올라 미지인들은 시간이 가는 줄 모르고 집중하였습니다.

팀별 아이디어 발표가 있은 후 심사위원 미지14, 미지15, 미지16호의 날카로운 심사평이 있었습니다.

이 후에 앞으로 있을 희망누리체험단의 만남을 이끌어 갈 단장을 선출하였습니다. 적극적이고 책임감 강해 보이는 4기 김진현 미지13호가 단장으로 선출되었습니다.

앞으로 미지촌은 희망누리체험단 참가자들 주도로 네트워크를 이어갑니다. 그리고 희망누리체험단 참가자로서 책임감을 가지고 자신들이 누린 혜택을 돌려주기 위한 활동을 한다고 합니다. 참가자의 참가자에 의한 참가자를 위한 미지촌의 발전이 기대 됩니다.

첫만남은 늘 그렇듯 어색한 침묵으로 시작했습니다. 하지만 미지인들은 공통된 관심사와 적극적인 성격으로 프로그램이 진행될 때마다 더욱 가까워졌습니다.

오프닝으로 미지촌의 목적과 행동강령 소개로 시작되었습니다. 여기서 잠깐!! 그럼 미지촌이란 무엇일까요?

미지촌은 희망누리 체험단의 네트워크를 유지하기 위해서 참가자들이 참가자의 참가자에 의한 참가자를 위한 프로그램을 기획하고 네트워크 유지를 위한 방안을 제시하기 위해서 만들어진 마을입니다.

미지촌 프로그램의 진행에 따라서 자기소개시간과 팀 메이킹 시간이 있었습니다. 자기소개는 다녀온나라, , 좋아하는 것, 그리고 자신을 표현하는 한가지 단어를 말하였습니다.

Attractive mixture of Sahara and Mediterranean

- The Seoul Youth Center for Cultural Exchange (MIZY Center) hosted by the Seoul Metropolitan Government will have the 'month of Morocco' in December with the cooperation of the Embassy of Morocco from Dec. 2 to the 16th

- With the topic of Moroccan food, traditional costumes, and world heritage.

Located at the western edge of North Africa where both African and Islamic culture are co-existed, Morocco is known as “Africa’s small Arab.” As the last event of 'Mizy - Embassy Program' in 2011, Morocco month would be introduced from Dec. 2nd to the 16th.


With the cooperation of the Embassy of Morocco, students get a chance to leaern about Moroccan culinary culture, traditional clothes and World heritages in Morocco. Having elementary students as participants, all the programs are going to have fun activities and Said Dahabi, the First Secretary of Morocco Embassy, will introduce Moroco culture with the help of other Moroccans currently living in South Korea.

On Dec 3, the first program will be opened on the subject of 'food'. Students are expected to learn about the culinary culture and actually make Moroccan food 'bageurireu (Baghrir)' which is to be conducted over two hours. On Wednesday Dec 7 at 4:00 p.m. to 6:00, students will investigate about traditional Moroccan-themed clothing ( appeared as boasting brilliant colors of unique patterns). After then, they get to play some of Moroccan traditional games. At the last program, which will be on 10th December, 'Fez' and 'Marrakesh (Marrakeck)' known as the most popular World Heritage sites in Morocco will be examined.

During the period of events, December 2nd to the 16th, abundant exhibition materials are being displayed starting with the tradition of Moroccan salon and exhibits included with a recreational examination of the Sahara Desert. Moroccan flavors of traditional costumes and crafts will also be disclosed. This is where pretty much anyone could observe the spectacles of Moroccan culture.

Prospective participants who are interested about this event can visit the website (www.mizy.net) and download the application form which should be completed and submitted.

Entrance Fee is 5,000 won per person. This is a first-come-first-served basis.

Please Contact: 02-755-1024 (ext 114)

12.03 (Sat) 2:00PM-4:00PM

Elementary students/parents

Moroccan food culture

12.07 (Wed) 4:00PM~6:00PM

Elementary students/parents

Moroccan traditional clothing

12.10 (Sat) 4:00PM~6:00PM

Elementary students/parents

Morocco World Heritage (UNESCO).



Exhibition and photo zone


 캐나다 밴쿠버 시내 한복판에 슈퍼맨이 서류가방을 들고 출근을 하고 마녀가 가게에서 주문을 받는 날. 바로 10월 31일 할로윈 데이(Halloween Day)이다. 매년 10월 31일은 할로윈 데이로 캐나다를 비롯해 많은 서양 국가에서는 이 날을 기념하기 위해 남녀노소 모두가 만화 캐릭터, 마녀 등 평소에 하지 않는 특이한 분장을 하고, 아이들은 ‘Trick or Treat’을 외치며 이웃들의 집을 방문한다. 우리나라에서는 볼 수 없는 이색적인 광경이기에 한국 유학생들 및 관광객들도 모두 들떠 있는 모습을 쉽게 발견할 수 있었다. 


우리나라에서는 경험할 수 없는 흥미로운 할로윈

 우리나라에서는 할로윈이 사실상 없다. 외국어 학원이나 놀이공원에서 할로윈 기념행사를 개최하긴 하지만 서양에서 즐기는 할로윈과는 사뭇 다르다. 항상 외국 영화나 드라마에서만 보던 할로윈을 캐나다에서는 직접 경험해 볼 수 있었다. 아이들을 키우는 집과 노부부가 사는 집에서는 특히 할로윈을 위해 1-2주 전부터 집 마당을 장식하고, 동네 아이들을 위해 초콜릿과 사탕을 사놓았다. 할로윈 당일, 시내에서는 주로 젊은이들이 원더우먼, 슈퍼맨, 마녀 등의 개성 있는 분장을 하고 사람들과 어울리는 모습을 발견할 수 있었다. 반면 주택가에서는 대부분 가족 단위로 할로윈 분장을 하고 있었다. 


할로윈 당일에 해가 질 무렵, 사람들은 집 마당에 놓은 ‘Jack-o'-lantern’(할로윈을 기념해 호박 속을 파 표면을 개성 있게 장식해 놓은 호박 등불) 안의 초에 불을 붙여 놓는다. 불이 켜져 있는 집은 아이들의 ‘Trick or Treat’ 방문을 환영한다는 의미이다. 만약 ‘Jack-o'-lantern'의 불이 꺼져있거나 집에 불이 꺼져있다면 방문을 하지 않는 것이 예의이다.


Trick or Treat!

 저녁 6시가 넘자 귀엽게 변장을 한 아이들이 한 손에는 바구니를 든 채 부모님과 동네를 돌기 시작했다. 아이들은 이웃집 문을 두드리며 ‘Trick or Treat’을 외치는데, 이는 “과자나 사탕을 주면 장난치지 않을게요.”라는 뜻이다. ‘Trick or Treat’은 3살의 어린 아이부터 초등학생 정도의 어린이들이 이웃집들을 방문해 사탕이나 초콜릿을 받는 할로윈의 대표적인 풍습이다. 내가 살고 있는 캐나다 BC주의 주택가에서도 어김없이 아이들이 다양한 의상을 한 채 사탕, 초콜릿을 바구니에 한가득 담고 돌아다니는 모습을 쉽게 볼 수 있었다. 모든 가정에서 수시로 집 대문을 두드리는 아이들을 살갑게 대해주었으며, 특히 노부부들은 아이들의 방문을 더욱 반기는 분위기였다.


익살스러운 장난이 허용되는 할로윈 데이

 할로윈 데이에는 평소에는 할 수 없던 장난들을 마음껏 할 수 있다. 올해 할로윈에도 역시  개성있는 할로윈 장난들을 볼 수 있었다. 집 마당을 공동묘지로 꾸미는 것은 예삿일이었고, 지붕과 차 위에 거대한 거미를 올려놓거나 좀비와 해골, 귀신을 집 앞에 설치해 놓기도 했다. 할로윈을 맞이해 집을 잘 장식하거나 톡톡 튀는 장난을 많이 준비한 집이 단연 인기가 많았다. 내가 거주하는 동네에서 가장 사람이 몰려 있는 곳은 공동묘지로 마당을 꾸며 놓고 붉은 조명, 뿌연 연기와 함께 소름끼치는 음악을 틀어놓은 집이었다. 주민들은 평범한 일상 속에서 지내다가 익살스러운 장난들에 매우 즐거워하는 듯 보였다. 


 할로윈 데이는 귀신을 쫓기 위한 켈트족의 풍습에서 비롯되었으며 지금은 모두가 함께 즐길 수 있는 기념일로 자리 잡았다. 일상에서 할 수 없는 독특한 분장과 장난을 하며 특별한 추억을 쌓을 수도 있고 ‘Trick or Treat’과 같은 풍습으로 이웃들과의 관계를 더욱 돈독히 할 수도 있는 좋은 기회이기도 하다. 진정한 할로윈을 경험해보고 싶다면 캐나다 등 할로윈 데이를 즐기는 국가에서 보내보는 것도 좋을 듯하다. 

특별한 할로윈을 보내는 방법!

외국에서 할로윈을 보내게 된다면, 한번쯤은 시내가 아닌 주택가에서 보내는 것을 추천!

 캐나다 밴쿠버의 경우, 할로윈 당일 저녁시간 쯤 많은 사람들이 독특한 할로윈 복장을 한 채 축제를 벌인다. 또한 곳곳에서 열리는 할로윈 기념 파티에 참석해 할로윈을 보내기도 한다. 물론 축제와 파티도 참석하면 재밌는 시간을 보낼 수 있지만, 주택가에서는 우리나라에서는 볼 수 없는 할로윈을 경험할 수 있다. 한번쯤은 익살스러운 할로윈 장식들과 함께 실제 동네 아이들이 집집마다 돌아다니며 하는 ‘Trick or Treat’ 등을 보며 가족과 이웃 중심의 할로윈을 보내는 것도 소중한 추억이 될 수 있을 것이다.

2. 할로윈 의상 입어보기!

 캐나다에서 할로윈 데이를 보내게 된다면 꼭 할로윈 의상을 입어보길 권장한다. 한국인들에겐 할로윈이 낯선 문화이기 때문에 할로윈 의상을 입지 않는 사람들이 많이 있다. 하지만  할로윈 의상을 입는다면 할로윈의 즐거움이 배가된다고 확신한다. 할로윈 시즌 전에는 많은 가게에서 할로윈 의상을 판매하므로 직접 친구, 가족들과 함께 할로윈 의상 쇼핑을 해보는 것도 색다른 경험이 될 것이다.  


3. Pumpkin Patch에 가보기!

 'Pumpkin Patch'란 할로윈 데이 장식을 위한 호박을 파는 곳이다. 'Pumpkin Patch'에 가면 깜짝 놀랄 정도의 넓은 호박 밭이 눈앞에 펼쳐질 것이다. 이곳에는 호박을 비롯해 다양한 호박 장식품, 할로윈을 기념하는 행사들이 마련되어 있다. 할로윈을 위한 호박은 'Pumpkin Patch'에서 구입해보는 것도 할로윈을 즐기는 방법 중 하나이다. 



4. Trick or Treat for UNICEF!

 할로윈이 어린이 자신들이 세상에 얼마나 큰 영향력을 끼칠 수 있는지도 보여줄 수 있는 날이 될 수도 있다. 바로 ‘Trick or Treat for UNICEF’를 통해 아이들과 학생들은 자신만의 특별한 모금 활동을 해볼 수 있다. 캐나다 어린이들에게는 ‘Trick or Treat for UNICEF’이 오래된 할로윈 전통 중 하나이다. 할로윈 밤에 이웃집을 돌아다니면서 캔디와 함께 전 세계 어린이들을 위한 모금을 해보는 활동인데, 이웃들의 인정을 마음껏 느낄 수 있는 할로윈에 소중한 봉사를 통해 나눔을 실천해보는 것도 좋은 경험이 될 수 있을 것이다. 아래 ‘Trick or Treat for UNICEF’ 사이트에 들어가면, 온라인 및 오프라인 할로윈 모금활동을 하는 방법이 상세히 나와 있다.

*사이트: http://youth.unicefusa.org/trickortreat/participate/

“Occupy Wall Street!”

          Since mid September, protestors have been continuing their Occupy Wall Street protests in the Financial District of New York City, colloquially known as (but not limited to the actual location) Wall Street. Jobs for the younger generation, high unemployment, and the large number of young protesters have led me to cover this protest. Because I live near New York City, I wanted to see a piece of a larger worldwide protest against fiscal austerity and corporate irresponsibility.

        The protests are aimed against the banks and major financial institutions (many of them concentrated near Wall Street of Manhattan), hence the name of the protest: ‘Occupy Wall Street.’ The protesters call themselves the 99%, because in their opinion they represent the majority of Americans throughout the United States. They protest against the government and the wealthy of the United States, or the 1%. From Occupy Yoido in Seoul to the Indignados in Madrid, many protest against the so-called 1%.

         As I neared the park, the beating of drums and the shouting of slogans began to overwhelm the usual cacophony of street traffic. Over 300 people were inside the park or near the streets surrounding the park, holding banners or placards with protest slogans. The wall of police officers, protestors, slogans, news vans, Guy Fawkes masks, police batons and blockades blotted out what used to be recreational space for New York residents.

The Demographics

          Despite blockades and police patrols, I was able to interview 30 protesters, each of them having their own reasons for camping in the park and protesting. My questions included their motives for protesting, their goals, their current state of employment, their age, and reasons for protesting at this specific spot instead of other locations (like Wall Street). In exchange for their information and opinions, I have promised the individuals to keep their personal information confidential. Throughout my reports, all of the police officers I have tried to interview declined comment.

         According to my interviews, I found that 17 people were from the Millennial Generation (born after 1982) and 10 people from Generation X (late 1960s~ 1982). Only 3 people were born before the late 1960s, which indicated that this protest was mainly a movement by America’s youth. This seemed to me that this protest was mainly focused on issues relating to the employment and social welfare of youths, as well as their dissatisfaction with the bailout package given to major commercial banks.

            However, unlike the protesters’ age, the employment situations of the protesters were varied. Out of the 30 people questioned, 5 people had full time jobs in both private and public sectors, 4 people were part-time workers, 7 people were students, and 14 were unemployed. Out of the 14 people who were unemployed, 10 of them have a bachelor’s degree while the other 4 declined to comment about their education. 

…or Occupy Zucotti Park?

I asked the protestors about their reasons for camping out at Zucotti Park, a public space for residents of Manhattan. Many of the citizens I have interviewed (albeit the 30 protestors) complained about the noise made at night as well as sanitation problems created by the protestors. Many citizens were wondering why they weren’t protesting on Wall Street, which contains the NYSE as well as major financial buildings.

          Wall Street itself was deprived of any protesters. When I drew near the NYSE, I was confronted by the police and was refused access into the street. The entire area was sealed off by blockades and mounted policemen, and only NYSE employees and corporate bigwigs were allowed into Wall Street. Many New Yorkers, who usually crossed Wall Street as shortcuts, complained about the cut in traffic. Despite the blockade being a precaution against the protesters, the majority of New Yorkers blamed the police. "The protesters are protesting peacefully, and if the police is going to punish them, don't make us pissed off," said a disgruntled office worker who frequently used the street.

When I asked this particular question to the 30 protestors, 7 people joked that this park was the only viable campsite near Wall Street. 2 people stated that the occupation of public space was symbolic for the protest movement. However, 21 people stated that they did not know why they were camping out in Zucotti Park. “I’ve asked the same question myself,” said one of the protestors, “but I wasn’t able to get a satisfying answer from other people – they don’t know why themselves.”

We are the 99%?

I continued to ask the 30 protesters questions, this time about their motives and their goals. For the majority of protestors (22 people), their motives were similar: protesting against the bailout of major banks while they have to suffer for it. One of the protestors, a social worker, stated that funding for her department was slashed because of austerity measures taken by the U.S government. “We, as well as the downtrodden, should not suffer for those who drink champagne every other party,” was her statement. Many other government workers, whose salaries were cut as well as their department’s budget, nodded in assent.

The other 8 people had different motives, particularly those who were not involved in the public sector. Some complained about the unemployment rate, as well as President Obama’s policies on economic issues. Some wanted justice against Jerry Sandusky, the football coach of Penn State University who was accused of sexual abuse against children. One particular protestor was a self-declared anarchist, and was protesting against order and authority itself.

As for the goals of the protestors, there was a painful gap in unity. There were so many different suggestions that I wasn’t able to tie their suggestions to a particular group. One of the protestors wanted the consolidation of an efficient universal health care system. Another wanted to increase taxes for wealthy citizens, or the ‘1%.’ Goals for the protest movement included government reforms, enact the Dream Act (a bill that will allow the children of illegal immigrants to study in the US), create a socialist society in the United States, improve wages for public sector workers, destruction of Israel, and countless other opinions.

Boiling Point

(photo from http://articles.cnn.com/2011-11-17/us/us_new-york-occupy_1_police-clash-riot-police-occupy-protesters?_s=PM:US)

 As police began to clash with the protestors, I was able to finish my interviews and photograph the protestors. As I began to leave Zucotti Park, I witnessed many activists getting arrested for their actions. Some of the protestors aggravated the police officers, while others were arrested for ambiguous reasons. To avoid from being absorbed the crowd of police and activists, I distanced myself on the opposite street of Zucotti Park.

             Before the police rushed in to disperse the protesters, I saw and heard many diverse and conflicting ideals. However, when the police charged, the protesters banded together. Despite actions by the police, the protestors didn’t stop their protests. Even from 2 blocks away from the park, I could still hear drums beat and activists chant. The protesters had different opinions and differing goals in some aspects, but for them. Some of them didn't know why they were in Zucotti park, but for the protesters that didn't matter. The desire to create a better future for the United States and themselves linked them together, no matter the amount of police suppression or internal conflict.


From Oct. 5th to 9th, a special film festival took place. Every year, Fiwom presents a wide variety of movies that reveal womens rights issues around the world. It was initially held by Korea Womens Hotline in 2006 and its primary goal is to inform people of the severity of violation of womens rights and encourage them to pay more attention to women who are suffering from the abuse of human rights in daily life.

There are a number of film festivals for womens rights other than Fiwom such as the International Womens Film Festival, Womens film festival in Incheon, and the Network of Asian Womens Film Festivals (NAWFF), and Samsung International Womens Film Festival. However, what is special about Fiwom Festival was that it offered the audience a great opportunity to communicate with directors and talk about a lot of issues related womens rights.

Although the scale of Fiwom is not that magnificent, its a great event for people who have a deep interest in womens rights. Whats more, even high school students were allowed to make an attempt to submit a movie about the themes the festival assigned and participate as a director. For instance, a young director named Ji-whe Moon who is currently attending Korean Animation High School was one of the directors of the film festival.

In addition, 2011 Fiwom had more various international films than previous ones. More directors from different countries participated in and from honor killing in Iran to sexual harassment in the workplace, a broader range of women
s rights issues were included in films.

Several films were based on true stories and social issues.

Let me introduce one of them. The film called
Paradise is about an orphan girl who enters into prostitution in order to make a living and raise her younger brother. This young girl represents a lot of todays orphans and neglected children who do immoral things for money and get no protection from the society they live in. The fantasy and paradoxical symbols the director used are to remind the audience of hellish reality of orphans. This movie is a must-see since many teenagers do not pay much attention to them but mostly care much more about their grades or academic career.  This film and also other films about various social issues about youth probably motivate a lot of teenagers to pay more attention to those who are in need.

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