Five youth center researchers from Palestine visited MIZY Center. They are Palestine youth experts on course of training of Korean youth centers with support from Youth Research Center of Soonchunhyang University, KOICA and more, whom are putting their effort in order to establish a regional school and youth center for Palestinian youth.

On April 18th, the researchers visited MIZY Center and were introduced MIZY and MIZY’s programs, while sharing various opinions on managing cultural exchange programs for youth. Since their arrival on the 8th, they are scheduled to visit more diverse youth centers in Korea such as National Youth Policy Institute, National Youth Center of Korea, Korea Youth Work Agency, Soonchunhyang University and etc. for 20 days, in attempt to seek detailed methods to support youth in Hebron, Palestine.


팔레스타인 청소년 관련기관 실무자 다섯 명이 미지센터를 찾았습니다. 이번에 미지센터를 방문한 실무자들은 순천향대학교 청소년연구센터의 지원으로 한국 청소년시설을 연수 중인 팔레스타인 청소년 전문가들로, KOICA 등 한국의 지원 하에 팔레스타인 청소년들을 위한 지역학교 및 청소년센터 건립을 위해 노력하고 있습니다.

4월 18일, 미지센터를 방문한 팔레스타인 실무자들은 미지센터와 미지센터의 프로그램을 소개받고 청소년 국제교류 프로그램 운영에 관한 다양한 의견을 나누었습니다. 지난 8일 한국 도착 후 약 20일에 이르는 한국 방문 일정을 진행 중인 팔레스타인 실무자들은 이 밖에도 한국청소년정책연구원, 국립중앙청소년수련원, 한국청소년활동진흥원, 순천향대학교 등 한국의 다양한 청소년 기관들을 방문, 팔레스타인 헤브론 지역 내 청소년들을 지원하기 위한 구체적인 방안을 모색할 예정입니다. 

Last year, Jamie Oliver, a young cook from Britain became the winner of TED2010, after giving an eighteen-minute talk on the the need to teach every child about food. The TED2010s theme was What the World Needs Now,and many people, along with Jamie Oliver hadgiven speeches on what they think is the most urgent matter for the world and suggested ideas to solve the problem.

All photographs provided by TedxSeoul

TED: Ideas Worth Spreading

TED, short for Technology Entertainment and Design, is a non-profit organization that has the goal of disseminating ideas worth spreading. It holds a set of conferences every year, putting forth a theme that covers a range of different ideas concerning culture, science, and humanity. TED, where many people with the same goal of bettering the humanitys lives, also encourages formation of relationships. This encouragement is based on TEDs belief that larger number can make come true something that one person can only hope for.

The spread does not stop here; TEDx events are furthering the spread even more. The x of TEDx means independently organized TED events. TED-like events are held by communities, organizations, or individuals in the hope of advancing TEDs mission of disseminating ides worth spreading.


 Interview with Evangelist Han-Seok Ryu of TEDxSeoul

There are numerous TEDx
s happening in South Korea, such as the TEDxSeoul, TEDx YongSan, TEDxat universities, and endless more. An E-mail interview with Han-Seok Ryu and In-Hyuk Song of TEDxSeoul was carried out for more detailed information of how ideas could be spread insie Korea. Evangelist Ryu and Song (evangelist meaning the person who spreads) are two of the organizers of TED. 

How did TEDxSeoul start?

I (Ryu) personally started as a translator of the TED videos. I watched one or two of them, and I thought that they were really worth spreading to people around me. The wish to spread TED led me to actually organize TEDx with others who had the same passion as me, finally culminating in the formation of TEDxSeoul. The team formed initially in June of 2009 and held the first event in the same year November. We held two more events last year, and during that time 60 more TEDxs formed around the nation. This level of enthusiasm had never been witnessed by the TED community until now, even at the global arena.

You two went to the original TED conference in California last year. What was it like and how did it inspire you?

Many famous people attended such as Bill Gates and Jason Mraz. But this really is not the important part. The real charm was the love for humanity that existed in the heart of everything and everyone. Obviously, the knowledge and ideas you can get from just watching the video, so it was attending the conference itself that could provide something that really mattered. The conference was special in the sense that you can communicate with these people and really share the idea. TED is a very expensive conference, and people sacrifice so much to meet and develop relationships with others who have the same zeal for humanity. One memorable comment by one of the attendees was, I feel relieved to find out through TED that leaders from around the world have such caring minds and hearts.

There are so many TEDx events happening around the world. We really cannot expect what we will end up with them, but one thing for sure is that it will be amazing.

There are also students and teenagers who have great interest in bettering the humanity. How do you think they could participate in TED activities?

There are many ways students can participate. Since TED spreads ideas, we have a natural interest in education. We think much about how TEDx could affect education, and one of the projects that work on this part is the TED ED( Moreover, there are many TEDxYouth events being held around the globe, such as the TEDxYouth@Tokyo and TEDxYouth@Seoul. Usually, such youth events are carried out by students with assist from teachers.

We heard that there have been two or so events held in Korea until now. Learning by book and lectures is not enough now. Getting to realize who you are and what you are passionate about through experiencing diverse activities is the real learning. In this sense, organizing and participating in TEDxYouth events yourself will be worth it for sure.

What do you think is the TEDxSeoul’s ultimate goal in Korea?

TEDxSeoul’s mission is “Inspire. Share. Change.” This means to bring to surface the many hidden inspirations, and spread them to people around us, so that we can make even the smallest changes to this world. Change starts from the inside. When we decide “I need to do something,” this is when the change
starts. Like Mahatma Gandhi once said “be the change you want to see in the world.” We are just hoping that our small changes will aggregate into a bigger one.

I personally believe that TED is different from other conferences that are held to further improve the lives of the upper minorities. TEDs true interest is not about the technology, entertainment, and design. It is about enhancement in the overall quality of human life. TED exists to bring out the ideas buried in one persons mind, ideas that have the potential to make revolutionary changes when supported. Students can participate in TED through TEDx events, or just by watching the TED videos on TED website and participating in the ongoing debates and conversations about the ideas introduced. Whats the point of having ideas cramped up inside you? Share them!


If you wish to meet the ideas worth spreading, or want to spread yours, below are the links to TED homepage ,TEDxSeoul homepage, and TEDxYouth homepage:




To Ground Zero

It has been almost 10 years since the destruction of the twin World Trade Center Towers on September 11, 2001. However, Ground Zero (the site of the former WTC towers) is no more a tragic graveyard. Ground Zero, once a derelict strip of ruins, is now facing a revival as construction has started to build a single main World Trade Center, along with minor WTC office buildings, a memorial center, a train station, a shopping center, and a performing arts center. I wanted to see the progress of the construction first hand for those outside New York. I went to the WTC station via the Metro Transit Authority of New York.

The Construction

“We want the American people to be able to see the WTC as soon as possible” (Left to Right: Other WTC buildings, The main WTC buildin, the second WTC building)

          When I arrived at the site, the construction of the main World Trade Center (also called Freedom Tower) was continuing in full-scale. It was raining on April 16. Despite poor weather and dangerous slippery conditions workers were re-constructing the building. I asked one of the workers, Jared, on his opinion of the current construction work. “Yeah, it’s dangerous, I know,” said Jared, “but we want the American people to be able to see the new World Trade Center as soon as possible; I think it will mean a lot to them and the 9/11 victims.” “Besides,” he added, “we have a schedule to follow and I think the workers have adequate safety gear.”

From Left to Right (tallest buildings): Main WTC building, second WTC building, third WTC building
Pictures from (

          According to Jared (confirmed in Wikipedia), the main World Trade Center building is to be completed in 2013 and would be the tallest building in New York (standing 541m), as well as in the US. The lower exterior has almost been completed; its glass windows are already installed. All of the seven WTC buildings are to be environmentally friendly, in accordance with the rising movement to improve the environment and fuel efficiency. Apart from the main WTC building, the second WTC building has also shown progress. “With sluggish economy and the depression, I’m actually amazed at the fact that we’ve completed this far although we have a long way to go,” said Johnny, another construction worker.

High Expectations

          When I asked why the main WTC is called the Freedom Tower, Jared remarked “It’s called Freedom Tower because it stands tall and FREE in America.” Like Jared, all 20 interviewers on the WTC construction site replied the main World Trade Center was a symbol of rebirth for the US. They added that they have high expectations for the new World Trade Center buildings. “I’ve lived in New York for 15 years, and I was shocked when the terrorist attacked and destroyed one of the symbols of New York,” said Sam, one of the interviewees, “and I’m glad that the construction has kicked off.” When I asked the interviewers about the cost of the WTC buildings, all of them had stated that they would be ready to pay for the rebuilding of the WTC buildings. “We’re constructing more than a building,” said Sam. “We’re rebuilding America and New York.”

In Memoriam


  “I saw people jumping off the roof. I saw the building collapse. These events I can’t forget,”

          People still remember the tragedy of the twin WTC buildings. There is a mural set up to honor the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attack. The inscription reads “DEDICATED TO THOSE WHO FELL AND TO THOSE WHO CARRY ON – MAY WE NEVER FORGET.” Even in the rainy weather, many people who lost their family members in the attack and those who were passing by were paying their respects. “Although the construction of the new WTC buildings signal for a rebirth, the scars remain” said an anonymous mourner. A fire fighter recounted what happened on 9/11. “I thought the world was ending,” he said. “I saw people jumping off the roof. I saw the building collapse. These I can’t forget,” he added.

“He [the statue] represents all the victims, who were ordinary and who were uninvolved.”

          Near the construction site is a statue of a man in a suit sitting on a bench, rummaging through his suitcase. The statue has no inscription that describes it. I asked 10 random people on their thoughts on the statue.  “I think it represents an unnamed victim of 9/11,” said one interviewee. “It must represent an ordinary day for an ordinary person, minding his own business, before 9/11,” stated another. “He [the statue] represents all the victims, who were ordinary and who were uninvolved.”

Leaving Ground Zero

          Many people hold high hopes for the new WTC buildings; they believe that it will rejuvenate a torture caused by the recession. The buildings, which will incorporate safety features that exceed New York standards, are to be beacons of hope and freedom for Americans. The people who admire the buildings, however, have not forgotten the victims of 9/11. The buildings will not only serve as a beacon of hope, but a reminder of those who perished in 9/11. 


Invitation to ‘Danish Month’ for youth
*MIZY-Embassy Program May, 2011

MIZY Center (Seoul Youth Center for Cultural Exchange) invites you to the exclusive chance of sharing Danish culture to Korean students.

There will be a lecture from Peter Lysholt Hansen, the Ambassador of Embassy of Denmark in Korea, talking about Danish culture, cultural heritage and popular travel spots and Danish education. All participants will have a chance to make and have Denmark’s favorite food, open-faced sandwich (smørrebrød), while talking about Danish culture together. This event will be a great opportunity for you to introduce Denmark to Korean students, meanwhile a chance to meet fellow Danish in Korea!

Date: May 21st, 2011, Saturday 15:00-17:00
Venue: MIZY Center (International Seoul Youth Hostel 2nd floor)
Host: MIZY Center (Seoul Youth Center for Cultural Exchange) and Embassy of Denmark in Korea
Who: All Danish in Korea is welcomed! (no age limit)
         Anybody from Denmark’s neighbor such as Sweden or Norway can also come if you want to taste open-faced sandwich :)
Fee: Free of charge
- Lecture from Peter Lysholt Hansen, Ambassador of Embassy of Denmark in Korea,
- Casual talk about Danish culture with open-faced sandwich (smørrebrød)
*This program will be in English

If you would like to attend, please RSVP to or by phone (02-755-1024 Ext. 114).

(Please RSVP with your name, school, phone number and number of participants)

Inquiry: Christine Baik 02-755-1024(Ext. 114)

*MIZY-Embassy program is a multicultural education program in MIZY Center (Seoul Youth Center for Cultural Exchange), conducted with cooperation of various embassies in Korea that do not have cultural centers or wish to promote their own cultures to Korean youth.


(Photo provided by Medipeace)

 Tens and hundreds of high school students gathered in Korea University, to hear an assistant professor Yong Jin Kwon, MD., MPH, Office of Healthcare Policy, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, share his hard-earned experiences in March 26th, 2011. This lecture was the first to open the Chung-chul-au-ram(청출어람) project, conducted by Medipeace, a medical NGO to provide medical aids to foreign countries. The project is consisted of 6 speakers, all of them who are thought to contribute to the international society. Its purpose lies on educating students who wishes to be raised in a global scale. Six speakers are scheduled to give presentation for six months, one speaker per month. 

 Professor Kown's lecture started with a comment on Koreans as global citizens. “Koreans have very strong sense of nationality. However, many of us fail to see that we are Koreans among citizens of the Universe.”  He continued his lecture with what kind of attitude a global minded doctor should have. He believes life is considered worthwhile when people find in need of themselves.


(Photo provided by Medipeace)
 In order to fulfill his self-given obligation as a global doctor, he tried to share his technology in and out of his home country. When he first went overseas as medical volunteer personnel, he felt nothing but frustration. It was like pouring water to a bottomless pit. Temporary medical aid could not prevent the vicious circle. Ever since then, he has been continuously and frequently visiting abandoned regions to help them live a healthier life.

 On the other hand, visiting less developed nations to provide medical support gave him courage as a doctor. For example, in Uzbekistan, medical systems and equipments were fragile. When he was going through a heart surgery, the air conditioner stopped and the heart temperature began to rise, which is highly dangerous. He ordered nurses to grind ice and lay them occasionally on the patient’s heart. The surgery ended sucessfully and the patient was able to save his life.

 He told that such method was also practiced only two decades ago in Korea. He added, “If doctors from the U.S. or Japan came here to proceed the same surgery in the same condition, they would have refused to finish, because they believe it is unethical to handle the heart any other ways.” Korea is positioned in a more understanding situation in that of developing nations’. “True doctors are the ones throwing themselves away in the front line. Doctor themselves should be there to look after 10 million people. Doctors should always be near people who are suffering. ”

 Lastly, he emphasized the meaning of volunteering. “Volunteering is only meaningful when the recipient of the benefit feels they have received help and are grateful.”

 With his heart-warming lessons, students gave him a round of applause, because most Korean students were only busy trying to use their volunteer hours for college applications.


(Photo provided by Medipeace)
 When the lecture was over, students were formed into different groups, and were given half an hour to debate about the two following questions: ‘How would the world look like after twenty years? What should the students do as a doctor, supposing I have already become one?’

 Students anticipated that natural disasters will occur more frequently, population will duplicate in a fast rate, which will lead to other problems - social instability and overwhelming concentration. Hopefully nations will agree on a consensus of taking responsibility upon the damages done to the environment, but the possibility seemed feeble to the students.


 Lee Yeh Sol(19), a participant from Haeseong Girl’s High School, told that her dream is to become a CEO. She believes when running a company, it is necessary to own flexible eyes towards the contemporary issues, which is one of the virtues of entrepreneurialism. After hearing the lecture, she said she became more aware of the issues that seemed not at all related to her before.

 “I truly feel like I am not only a citizen of South Korea, but also a contributing member of the universe. I would like to encourage all students participate in this program. Students could indirectly experience the world not so familiar, and further broaden insights on the issues as students share their thoughts through discussions and debates."

 Professor Kwon's inspiring lecture is only a start of Medipeace's project, Chung-chul-au-ram. There will be more chances for youth who are interested in broadening their thoughts over bettering the world. Five more lectures will be presented, and the scheduled lecture and lecturers will be the following:

  • 4/30 "What is Global Leadership?" by Kim Jeong Tae, Communications Officer for the UN Governance Center
  • 5/29 "The Life of Immigrants, and Documentary" by Mahbub Alam Pollob, Movie Director
  • 6/25 "History of Korea for Youth" by Han Hong-gu, Sungkonghoe University 
  • 7/30 "Haiti Emergency Aid" by Lee Sung-gil, Future Forest
  • 8/20 "Special Lecture on Environment, the Lake of Korea" by Nam Jun Ki, Reporter of the Naeil News
 Chung-Chul-au-ram is a project held by Medipeace, which has is object to broaden the Korean youth's perspectives towards the world and nurture them as global leaders with humanistic knowledge through series of lectures.
 Medipeace is Korea's first non-religional medical organization to provide medical aids to foreign countries. Medi peace became independent from Peace Asia in 2009. Ever since, it has fulfilled its role as Korea’s only medical NGO in the cases of emergencies and foreign medical aids. It lays its vision on contributing making a peaceful world thorough providing medical aids to those suffering and torn apart by disasters.
 It does not yet provide opportunities for students (highschool students or under) to devote themselves to medical aids, but is holding hearings from influential doctors or contributers to world peace and extermination of illnesses.

미지-대사관 협력사업
5월 덴마크의 달, 대학생 행사


자전거와 바람의 나라, 가장 행복한 사람들의 나라 덴마크가 5월 21일, 미지센터로 찾아옵니다.

주한 덴마크 대사관 Peter Lysholt Hansen 대사를 통해 우리에게 조금 생소한 북유럽 국가인 덴마크의 문화, 덴마크 문화유산과 유명장소들, 경쟁이 아닌 협동을 중요시하는 덴마크 교육을 접하고 이야기를 나눌 수 있는 시간이 마련돼있습니다. 또한 덴마크 학생들과 함께 덴마크의 대표적인 점심 메뉴인 smørrebrød (오픈 샌드위치)를 즐기며 서로의 문화를 나누는 교류의 장이 펼쳐질 예정입니다.

이번 대학생 프로그램에는 중고등학생들도 참여할 수 있는 기회를 드립니다.

일시: 2011년 5월 21일 (토) 15:00-17:00
장소: 미지센터 나눔방 (서울유스호스텔 2층)
참가대상: 중, 고, 대학생 연령대의 청소년 및 학부모
-주한 덴마크 대사의 덴마크 문화, 여행, 교육 이야기
-덴마크 학생과 함께 만들어먹는 덴마크 음식, 오픈 샌드위치! (smørrebrød)
 *본 프로그램은 통역 없이 영어로 진행됩니다.

참가비: 1인당 5천원 (간식비 포함, 행사당일 현장 지불)


참가를 원하시는 분은 첨부된 참가신청서 파일을 다운 받아 이메일(로 보내주시기 바랍니다.

* 선착순 마감입니다. 5명 이상 단체 참가자의 경우 전화로 먼저 참가 가능 여부를 문의하시기 바랍니다.

* 여러 명이 참가하는 경우 참가신청서는 대표자 명의로 1장만 내면 됩니다. 단, 모든 참가자의 이름과 소속, 학과, 학년을 신청서에 적어주셔야 합니다. 
* 참가신청 후 무단 불참하여 다른 분들에게 피해를 주는 경우 차후 프로그램 참가신청이 제한될 수 있습니다.

문의: 02-755-1024(내선 114) 담당자 백은실

The Washington Post Book World, The Christian Science Monitor and Business Week evaluated a book “one of the best books of the year,” and Times even named it “one of the top ten books of the year.” This highly evaluated and appreciated book’s title is Factory Girls. (Times: PATRICK RADDEN KEEFE’s review:

Cover Page of Factory Girls
What is Factory Girls?

   Factory Girls is a honest review and confession that the author, Leslie T. Chang, has witnessed in China. In her book, Chang mainly discusses the struggle that Chinese migrant workers are facing in an industrial area called Dong Guan; she provides specific and direct accounts of individuals who are actually involved in the blue-collar industry. The book is fresh and new since it is not merely asserting for the betterment of environment of Chinese migrant workers’ working places, bur also it pays attention to the migrant workers’ personal backgrounds and daily lives. Furthermore, in her book, Chang attempts to reclaim her identity as a Chinese American. Her book develops the story in unique style of talking back and forth about her family history in China and migrant workers’ struggle in Dong Guan.

Great Opportunity to Read and Learn

   It is rare opportunity to explore what the migrant workers are really into and what they do for their free times. Factory Girls provide great guide for its readers to travel in industrial Dong Guan and see what it is like in China. The book is the very first book of Leslie T. Chung and information regarding her on Internet databse is very limited. I believe this introduction will be a great opportunity for readers, who have deep interest in contemporary China and its rapidly shifting economy, to explore the world of industrial China represented by migrant workers in Dong Guan.

Her Visit to Concordia International School Shanghai

   Lesile T. Chang, who has written such fabulous story, had visited Concordia International School Shanghai, an American-Curricula based school located in Shanghai, China, to meet her fans and readers. The book review was held on March 18 for two hours. The author meeting session was first started with Chang introducing her book and explaining what motives made her to start writing the book. After that, participants could have opportunity to ask questions to Chang. During the session, Chang had introduced interesting facts and opinions, and followings are responses made by Chang to few questions.

A Conversation With Leslie T. Chang

*Questions, Q, from Participants and Answer, A, from Leslie T. Chang

Q: There are so many stories to write about in China. Why focus on migrants?

A: As I mention in the book, the project began with a bit of an agenda: The foreign press, including Wall Street Journal, where I worked, had already published stories about the terrible conditions in the factories. They tended to portray about the terrible conditions in the factories. They tended to portray migration as a desperate act without much of a payoff for people. I had a suspicion that there must be more to this, that perhaps things were not so black and white. Even though migrant workers inhabit the specific world of the factory, their stories are also the story of contemporary China writ large. Migrants’ stories are not merely their story but that of contemporary China.

Q: A lot of what we’re accustomed to reading about China, like political dissidents, protests, pollution, is absent from your book. Did you make a conscious decision to stay away from these issues?

A: No, I was just responding to what the migrants wanted to talk about, and those issues almost never came up.

Q: You write that you began to research your family history around the time you started work on the book. At what point did you decide that these two stories belonged together?

A: The initial impetus to look into my family history was logistical. I had just spent two weeks in Min’s family village over the lunar new year before I started book leave from The Wall Street Journal; with more free time on my hands, I decided to visit my own ancestral villages. After I returned, I started thinking about my family village and Min’s village, my grandfather’s story and the migrants’ story, and I realized there were parallels between these two moments in Chinese history.

       Even though Leslie T. Chang’s visit to Concordia was only brief, it was a great opportunity for readers to share and discuss their thoughts with Chang. Furthermore, I firmly believe Chang has successfully provided motives for people to see and understand the dichotomy of rural and urban, poor and rich, and underdevelopment and cutting-edge technology within rapidly emerging China.


유니세프의 아우인형은 각종 매스컴을 통해 한 번쯤 접해봤을 이름이다. 하지만, 다양한 피부색과 생김새를 가진 이 개성 넘치는 인형들이 여러 후원자들이 직접 만든 것이라는 것을 알고 있는가? 아우인형에는 그 생김새만큼 따뜻한 이야기들이 담겨있다. 아우인형의 이야기를 들어보기 위해 유니세프 송신혜 세계교육부 팀장을 만나보았다.


                                           ↑유니세프 송신혜 팀장과 아우인형들

아우인형에 대해서 간단히 설명해 주세요

인형을 만들어서 다른 사람들을 도와줌으로써 나눔 활동에 참여를 하게 되는 프로젝트입니다. 아우라는 이름은, 동생, 아름다운 우리, 아우르다 라는 뜻을 가지고 있고, 생명을 상징하는 헝겊인형입니다. 참여하는 방법은 몸통꾸러미를 구입하거나 유니세프 홈페이지에서 도안을 받아 직접 만들어서 유니세프에 보내시는 겁니다. 이렇게 보내진 인형은 다른 사람이 입양을 하게 됩니다. 여기서 발생하는 모든 기금이 아이들을 돕게 됩니다.


아우인형을 판매라고 하지 않고 입양이라고 하던데, 그 이유는 무엇인가요?

아우인형이 생명을 상징하기 때문이죠. 아우인형을 입양하는 기금이 어린이 예방접종 사업, 말라리아 모기장 사업에 쓰이게 됨으로써 어린이의 생명을 구하는 겁니다. , 인형을 보냄으로써 생명을 구하는 프로젝트라고 할 수 있죠. 하지만 가끔 인형을 어떻게 분양하는 거냐고 물으시는 경우가 있기도 한답니다(웃음)

아우인형은 어떻게 탄생하였나요?

1992년에 이탈리아 위원회의 자원봉사자가 고안해 내서 시작되었습니다. 기금을 마련하는 것이지만 사람들이 직접 참여를 함으로써 배우는 것들이 있는 활동이라서 의미가 깊었죠. 지금은 이탈리아뿐 아니라 프랑스, 체코, 핀란드, 2007년도부터는 우리나라에서도 활발히 진행되고 있습니다. 인형의 이름은 각 나라마다 다른데요, 이태리는 피고타 인형, 프랑스는 프리모스 , 체코는 파넨쿠, 핀란드는 안나와 토비보 라고 불리어지고 있어요.

아우인형은 얼마나 입양되고 있나요?

처음 시작한 이래 해마다 약 20만 개의 인형이 입양되고 있습니다.


그럼 많은 아우인형들을 보아 오셨을 텐데, 기억에 남으시거나 독특한 아우인형은 없나요?

각 나라의 문화를 상징하는 인형들이 많은데요, 그 중에서 '아마존의 눈물'에 나왔던 조에족을 본떠 만든 인형이 기억에 남습니다. 또 김연아 선수가 한창 활동할 때 김연아 선수 인형도 많이 보내주셨습니다.


아우인형 프로젝트에 참여했던 사람들이나 단체 중에서 특별히 기억에 남거나 감동적이었던 사례가 있다면?

어떤 할머니께서 혼자 인형 100개를 만들어서 보내드린 적이 있었어요. 유니세프에서 할머니의 이야기를 소식지에 싣고 싶어서 인터뷰를 요청했는데, 100개를 만들 때 까지는 안 된다고 하시더라구요. 결국, 100개를 모두 만들어서 유니세프에 보내주셨답니다. 또 다문화가정, 탈북 청소년 대상으로 아우인형 만들기를 진행한 적이 있는데요, 그 아이들에게 인형을 만들기 어려운 상황에 있는 빈민국 아이들의 영상을 보여줬었어요. 솔직히 아이들의 반응이 어떨지 걱정을 했었는데, 나보다 어려운 사람이 있구나 하는 걸 느끼고 인형을 만듦으로써 그들을 도울 수 있다는 깨달음에 굉장히 뿌듯해 하였습니다.


와 그럼 정말 다양한 계층에서 참여고 있는 거네요! 그럼 가장 많이 참여하는 연령대 어떻게되나요?

보통 단체로 참여하기 때문에 머릿수로 따지면 학생들이 가장 많이 참여해요. 하지만 학교, 개인, 유치원, 어른들, 기업체, 학생들뿐만 아니라 사법연수원에서 단체로 참여한 경우도 있을 만큼 참여하는 계층과 연령대는 정말 다양합니다.


그럼 아우인형 만들기에 참여한 사람들의 반응은 어떤가요?

내가 다른 누군가를 도울 수 있다는 사실에 뿌듯함을 느낀다고 합니다. 또 나눔활동 참여에서 보람을 느낀다는 말도 많이 들었습니다. 생각해보니, 자신이 직접 만드는 인형이기에 내가 한 노력이 구체적인 결과물로 나오는 것에 대한 뿌듯함과 보람이 있는 것 같습니다. 또 인형이기에 갖는 정서적인 부분도 있을 것 같네요.

아우인형으로 인한 홍보 효과는 어떤가요?

유니세프는 워낙 여러 가지 일을 하다 보니 사람들이 유니세프가 무엇을 하는 기관인지 잘 알지 못하는 경우가 많아요. 하지만 아우인형을 통해 사람들이 유니세프의 역할에 대한 이해도가 높아졌습니다. 또 유니세프를 통해서 기금을 보내는 것만이 아니라, 내가 직접 참여해 아이들을 도울 수 있다는 유니세프의 또 다른 역할에 대해서 이해를 하도록 돕는 프로젝트 인 것 같습니다.


마지막으로, 아우인형을 통해서 기대하는 점을 말해주세요 

아우인형을 통해서 누구나 작은 것으로 다른 사람들과 함께 나눌 수 있다는 것, 또 나눔은 기쁘고 즐거운 것이라는 것을 느꼈으면 좋겠습니다남녀노소, 빈부에 상관 없이 나눔의 기쁨을 알게 되기를 바랍니다.



유니세프는 세계 190여 개 나라에서 어린이를 위해 일하는 유엔기구로 인종과 국적, 이념, 성별의 벽을 넘어 모든어린이에게 도움의 손길을 전한다. 1946년 설립되어 오늘에 이르기까지 전세게 개발도상국에서 영양과 보건, 식수공급과 위생, 기초교육 지원 등의 사업을 펼치고 있다.


UNICEF 한국위원회
한국은 1950년부터 참가하여 1988년 36개 집행이사국 중 한 나라가 되었다. 유니세프의 한국에서의 공식적인 활동은 6·25전쟁 이후 어린이들에게 우유, 간유, 담요, 의류 등 구호물자를 대량 공급하면서부터이다. 그후 40여 년 동안 한국에 대표사무소를 상주시켜
영양 개선, 예방접종, 의료요원 훈련, 교육사업 등을 펼쳐왔다.

1994년 1월 한국의 UNICEF 대표사무소가 UNICEF 한국위원회로 탈바꿈하여 본부의 지원을 받았던 국가에서 가난한 다른 나라를 지원하는 선진국 위치로 뛰어오르게 되었다. 한국위원회는 세계 180여 개국이 비준한 어린이의 생존, 보호, 발달, 참여의 권리를 다룬 '아동의 권리에 관한 국제협약'의 내용을 널리 홍보하여 이의 이행 독려활동을 하며, 전쟁과 자연의 재해로 고통받는 지역에 기금 및 물품을 지원한다. 

아우인형 만들기에 직접 참여하고싶다면 에 들어가보자.

                                        ↑아우인형 홈페이지

아우인형 캠페인에 참여할 수 있는 방법이 상세히 설명되있을 뿐만 아니라 아우인형에 관련 다양한 소식들과 입양 중인 아우인형들을 볼 수 있다.





미지센터는 2011년 국제교류 프로그램 진행에 참여할 인턴을 선발합니다.


서울시가 설립하고 유네스코한국위원회가 운영하는 서울시립청소년문화교류센터 ‘미지’ (이하 미지센터)에서 참신함과 성실함 그리고 뜨거운 열정으로 함께할 인턴을 모집합니다. 미지 인턴은 미지가 기획하는 사업의 준비 단계부터 실행까지 미지 실무자와 함께 한 팀이 되어 적극적으로 참여하게 됩니다. 청소년 국제교류, 문화교류, 예술교육프로그램, 국제이해교육 분야에 관심 있고 업무를 통해 자신의 비전을 세우고 성장하고자 하는 역량 있는 많은 분들의 지원 바랍니다.


1. 모집인원 : 대외협력사업팀 인턴 3명, 교육문화사업팀 인턴 2명, 총 5명


2. 모집분야별 지원자격 및 활동 업무

1) 공통사항 :

- 만 20세 이상(대학교 2학년 이상 휴학생, 졸업생, 대학원생 지원가능)

- 성실함과 책임감을 가지고 열정적으로 활동할 자

- 청소년 문화교류, 국제협력, 예술교육 프로그램 기획 및 진행을 경험하고 배우고 싶은 자

- 컴퓨터 활용 능력(포토샵, 일러스트, 파워포인트) 우수자 우대

- 영어 의사소통 능력 우수자 우대

- 주 5일 이상 근무 가능한자(주 40시간)

- 필요 시 주말근무 가능자(주말 근무 시 주중 휴무 실시)

2) 모집분야별 :




사업소개 및 담당업무





국제화상회의- 화상회의 시스템을 통해 여러 나라 청소년들이 같은 주제를 가지고 토론하는 프로그램

판게아프로젝트- 그림 그리기를 통해 언어의 장벽을 뛰어 넘어 타문화와 교류하는 프로그램


1) 청소년 국제교류 프로그램 자료 조사 및 기획 참여

2) 프로그램 관련 행정 업무 지원 및 대외 홍보

3) 프로그램 준비, 진행 및 평가

※ 문의 : 02-755-1024(내선 105)

2011년 4월 28일(목) ~ 8월 26일(금),4개월

서울 희망누리 체험단


- 서울시내 재학 중인 중, 고등학생 해외탐방 프로그램

- 청소년 스스로 글로벌이슈에 대한 자료조사, 기관탐방, 관계자 인터뷰, 체험활동 등 실시


1) 프로그램 자료 조사 및 기획

2) 인솔자/ 참가자 관리 및 교육 진행

3) 프로그램 행사 기획 및 진행

4) 프로그램 대외 홍보

※ 문의 : 02-755-1024(내선 119)

2011년 5월 2일(월) ~ 8월 31일(수),4개월

현대예술워크샵 - 프로젝트대기중ㅇㅇㅇ


- 5인의 국.내외 신진 예술가들과 50여명의 청소년들이 조를

이루어 워크샵을 통해 예술 작품 완성

- 완성된 예술작품을 갤러리에 전시


1) 현대예술워크샵-프로젝트대기중 000

(국제예술교류 프로그램) 참가자 모집

2) 국・내외 작가들과 프로그램 참가자 예술 워크샵 진행 지원

3) 전시 오프닝 준비

4) 상기 프로그램 전시도록 제작 업부 지원 (국, 영문)

※ 문의 : 02-755-1024(내선 111)

2011년 5월 16일(월)

~ 9월 15일(목),4개월

희망의 운동화 나눔 축제


- 운동화에 희망과 평화의 메시지를 그려 넣어 해외 빈곤국가 청소년들에게 전달하는 창의 예술적 나눔 운동

- 2007년부터 2010년까지 우간다, 방글라데시, 캄보디아, 네팔의 청소년들에게 약 28,000켤레의 희망의 운동화 전달


1) 자료 조사 및 사업 기획 참여

2) 대외 협력 활동, 기관 컨택

3) 프로그램 기획단 운영

4) 온라인/오프라인 홍보 진행

5) 프로그램 진행 보조

※ 문의 : 02-755-1024(내선 108)

2011년 5월 16일(월) ~ 12월 15일(목),7개월


* 근무기간 : 추후 협의 후 근무기간 연장 가능

* 기타 활동내용은 미지홈페이지 내 [자료실]-[사진자료] 참고



3. 선발방법 :

1차 - 서류전형

2차 - 개별 또는 그룹 면접(영어면접 포함)


4. 모집 인원 및 선발일정







서류심사 발표

2차 면접




4월 24일(일) 자정까지

joyfuljuicy@mizy.net으로 이메일 지원

4월 25일(월)

15:00 이후

4월 26일(화)

4월 27일(수) 15:00

합격자 개별연락

4월 28일(목) 9:00



4월 24일(일) 자정까지 theodora@mizy.net으로 이메일 지원

4월 26일(화)

17:00 이후

4월 28일(목)

4월 29일(금) 홈페이지 게시 또는 합격자 개별연락

5월 2일(월)

9:00 미지센터


5월 3일(화) 자정까지 으로 이메일 지원

5월 6일(금)

15:00 이후

5월 11일(수)

5월 12일(목) 홈페이지 게시 또는 합격자 개별연락

5월 16일(월)

9:00 미지센터


5월 3일(화) 자정까지

으로 이메일 지원

5월 6일(금)

15:00 이후

5월 11일(수)

5월 12일(목)

홈페이지 게시 또는 합격자 개별연락

5월 16일(월)

9:00 미지센터

* 1차 서류심사 발표는 미지센터 홈페이지 게시 또는 합격자에 한해 개별연락 드립니다.

* 2차 면접은 서류전형 합격자에 한해 미지센터에서 진행합니다.


5. 근무조건 및 혜택

- 주 5일, 40시간 근무

- 활동비 월 70만원(식대 및 교통비 포함)

- 인턴 활동증명서(국/영문, 1회에 한함)


6. 지원서류

1. 국문이력서(자유형식) - 휴대전화 번호 기재 필수

2. 국문/영문 자기소개서 각 1부(자유형식)

3. 공인어학능력 증명서 스캔 첨부(제출 가능한 자)

  지원 시 모집분야(가, 나, 다, 라)군을 구분하여 제출하여야 함

  ※ 국문이력서와 국, 영문 자기소개서를 하나의 파일로 통합하여 파일명을 ‘미지인턴(모집분야)_지원자이름’으로 제출

       (예, 지원자 ‘홍길동’이 ‘가’유형에 지원할 경우 파일명을 ‘미지인턴(가)_홍길동’으로 제출)

   ※ 면접 시 영어 성적표(토익, 토플, 텝스) 사본 제출


7. 참고자료

- 미지센터 홈페이지(

- 서울 희망누리체험단(

- 현대예술워크샵 - 프로젝트대기중 ㅇㅇㅇ(

- 희망의 운동화 나눔 축제 (


8. 문의

가) 국제화상회의/판게아프로젝트 : 교육문화사업팀 박주희


나) 서울희망누리체험단 : 대외협력사업팀 고윤하


다) 현대예술워크샵 - 프로젝트 대기중 ㅇㅇㅇ: 교육문화사업팀 조진귀


라) 희망의 운동화 나눔 축제 : 대외협력사업팀 최영란

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