제20회 국제화상회의 - 2차모임, 대만 특강
일시: 2011년 4월 4일
장소: 미지센터 공존방
내용: 노해랑 선생님의 '타이완, 그리고 타이완에서의 한류문화' 경청중이랍니다 :)

제20회 국제화상회의 - 1차모임, 오리엔테이션
일시: 2011년 4월 1일
장소: 미지센터 공존방
내용: 아직은 어색어색, 얼음을 깨고 있는 중이라죠 :)

제20회 국제화상회의 - 1차모임, 오리엔테이션
일시: 2011년 4월 1일
장소: 미지센터 공존방
내용: 아직은 어색어색, 얼음을 깨고 있는 중이라죠 :)

제20회 국제화상회의 - 1차모임, 오리엔테이션
일시: 2011년 4월 1일
장소: 미지센터 공존방
내용: 아직은 어색어색, 얼음을 깨고 있는 중이라죠 :)

제20회 국제화상회의 - 1차모임, 오리엔테이션
일시: 2011년 4월 1일
장소: 미지센터 공존방
내용: 아직은 어색어색, 얼음을 깨고 있는 중이라죠 :)

[세계문화유산 통합이해교육/IEWCH]
2011년 4월 2일 수유초등학교 수업
2nd April 2011 The class in Suyu Elementary School

중국/China (진시황릉/Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor) - 땅따먹기 놀이를 통해 진시황의 업적과 진시황릉의 소중함에 대해 알아보자

독일/German (바우하우스/Bauhaus)  - 바우하우스를 위한 포스터를 만들어 봅시다

에티오피아/Ethiopia (랄리벨라 암굴교회군) - 랄리벨라 입체 카드 만들기

인도/India (타지마할/Taj-Mahal) - 타지마할을 우리가 다시 만들어보자!

일본/Japan (갓쇼즈쿠리 마을) - 우리만의 갓쇼즈쿠리 마을을 만들어 봅시다

필리핀(투바타하 산호해양공원) - 투바타하에서 다이빙을 해보자

[세계문화유산 통합이해교육/IEWCH]

2011년 4월 2일 화계초등학교 수업

2nd April 2011 The class in Hwa Gye Elementary School

멕시코/Mexico (치첸이트사 유적/Chichen Itza) - 우리들만의 치첸이트사 쿠쿨칸 피라미드를 만들어 보아요

에티오피아/Ethiopia (랄리벨라 암굴교회군/Rock-Hewn Churches, Lalibela) - 랄리벨라 입체 카드 만들기

영국/United Kingdom (스톤헨지/Stonehenge) - 스톤헨지의 여러가지 미스테리 중 하나인 해시계를 만들어 봅시다!

이탈리아/Italy (폼페이/Pompei) - 모자이크를 통해 폼페이 문화를 이해하자

인도네시아/Indonesia (보로부두르 사원/Borobudur Temple) - 세계에서 제일 큰 불교사원인 인도네시아의 보로부두르의 스투파를 함께 만들어봅니다

일본/Japan (갓쇼즈쿠리 마을/Historic Villages of Shirakawa-go and Gokayama) - 우리만의 갓쇼즈쿠리 마을을 만들어 봅시다

필리핀/Philippines (투바타하 산호해양공원/Tubbatha Reefs Natural Park) - 투바타하에서 다이빙을 해보자

Mizy Center offers Danish culture classes
May 10, 2011

A local nonprofit will work with the Danish Embassy in Seoul to offer classes on Danish culture to local elementary school students.

The classes are part of a series of programs offered by Mizy Center, which is operated by the Korean National Commission for Unesco. The center has been running the programs since 2007 to teach students about other countries.

The Danish culture classes begin tomorrow and continue on Tuesdays and Wednesdays until June 1. 

“Since 2007, we have collaborated with embassies in Seoul to offer programs about various countries, especially those in Asia and Europe, for Korean students,” Lim Won-jin, a Mizy Center official, said. “The main audience for our program is elementary school students, who generally have fewer chances to travel abroad or learn foreign languages.”

According to the center, the classes will be taught by Danish Embassy staff and will include cooking lessons and other cultural experiences. One class taught by Danish Embassy official Lasse Qvist will introduce books by the Danish author Hans Christian Andersen. Children will be invited to draw pictures of Andersen and the stories in the books.

The center offers similar programs for middle and high school students.

“About 100 middle and high school students and 200 elementary school students have applied for our programs,” Lim said. 

Programs will be conducted in English, but an interpreter will be present. Classes are two hours long and cost 5,000 won ($4.62) each. To apply, visit www.mizy.net.

By Kim Hee-jin [heejin@joongang.co.kr]



청소년 여러분들의 청소년 국제교류와 미지센터에 대한 관심이 높아짐으로써 미지센터 견학에 대한 요청이 많아지고 있습니다.
미지센터는 2011년 5월 29일 월례 정기 견학 행사인 '세터데이 (세계배움터 데이)'를 기획하여 청소년 국제 문화교류에 대해 관심있는 여러분들을 초대합니다.

'세터데이' 는 매 달 진행될 예정이며 정확한 날짜는 매 달 초에 홈피에 공지될 것입니다.
(6월 예정 - 11일 추후 공지 예정)

1. 일시
5월 29일 일요일 오전 10시부터 ~ 12시 30분

2. 행사명
(세계배움터 데이 - 국제교류에 대한 프로그램의 성격을 표현)

3. 활동내용
청소년 국제교류 개념과 이해, 미지센터 기관설명 - 미지센터 실무자
미지센터의 프로그램 설명 및 청소년 활동과 경험담 소개 - 청소년 운영위원회

4. 모집대상
중. 고등 학생 50명. 단체접수 가능

5. 모집방법
선착순 이메일 접수 : joyfuljuicy@mizy.net

6. 참가자들에게는 참가활동인증서 교부 예정.

MIZY & Embassy Project 'Danish Month' Held from May 11st to June 1st at MIZY Center


What comes to your mind when you hear the word 'Denmark'?
To most Korean youth, Denmark is an unfamiliar country where they only can relate to 'Denmark diet' and or yogurt. This May, Denmark meets Korean youth, starting from the 11th to June 1st, in a cultural exchange program held at Seoul Youth Center for Cultural Exchange (MIZY Center). Denmark, a far away Northern European country but in fact very near.


Meet LEGO in 'Danish Month'!

For May is a month for family, the theme for 'Danish Month' is Lego, Denmark's worldwide children's toy. 'Danish Month' is part of MIZY & Embassy program held by MIZY Center and Embassy of Denmark in Republic of Korea. It will open with 'Lego day' on May 11st and visitors can experience Lego throughout the whole month in the exhibition at the center. Especially on 'Lego day', children will have a chance to use their creativity and imagination through Lego competition. The winners of the competition will be given small boxes of Lego provided by Lego Korea.


Various Denmark Attractions

This month's MIZY & Embassy program will hold an event especially for under priviledged children, the children will have an opportunity to bake Danish sweet bun 'fastelavnsboller' with embassy staff, free of charge. Also on 17th 'Meatball day', participants can cook Danish meatball 'frikadeller', and on 24th 'Andersen Day', there will be Andersen storytelling, drawing favorite Andersen characters and other various activities ready. Meanwhile, the exhibition of Danish ceramics 'Royal Copenhagen' and Danish children's books will be set, in addition of photo zone, where children can be the Queen of Denmark and marching Tivoli soldiers.


Cultural Exchange Opportunity with Danish Students

In addition, on 21st of May, an event for upper grade students from middle school to university will be held, where students can have casual talk with Danish students about each other's culture. The participants will be provided Denmark's favorite food, open sandwich 'smørrebrød'. Especially, Peter Lysholt Hansen, Ambassador of the Embassy of Denmark in Republic of Korea, will visit MIZY center this day to share words about Danish culture and education for Korean students who are interested in Denmark.


Those would like to participate can register by downloading the application from MIZY Center website(www.mizy.net) The fee is 5,000 won. (Under priviledged children program excluded) RSVPs are on a first-come first-served basis. The MIZY Center is a specialized place for a diversity of cultures, currently operated by the Korean National Commission for UNESCO under the auspices of the Seoul Metropolitan Government, which have been hosting MIZY-Embassy program as multicultural education program since 2007.


MIZY-Embassy 'Danish Month' Outline


1. Theme : LET'S GO, DENMARK!

2. Programs

A. Program Outline

 1) Participants : Elementary, junior high, high school and university students

 2) Date : May 11th - June 1st

 3) Venue: MIZY Center

 4) Fee : 5,000 won (Free of charge for under privileged children)

B. Program Detail

   1) Elementary School Program




May 11th (Wed)

Lego Day-Presentation on Denmark from Thierry Hoppe, Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of Denmark, Lego competition

16:00 ~ 18:00

May 17th (Tue)

Meatball Day-Presentation on Denmark and Danish family culture from Lasse Qvist of the Embassy of Denmark, cooking Danish meatball 'Frikadeller'

16:00 ~ 18:00

May 24th (Tue)

Andersen Day-Presentation on Denmark and Andersen from Lasse Qvist of the Embassy of Denmark, Andersen storytelling and drawing Andersen characters

16:00 ~ 18:00

June 1st (Wed)

Bun Day(Under priviledged children program)-Presentation on Denmark and Danish cuisine from Lasse Qvist of the Embassy of Denmark, baking Danish sweet bun 'Fastelavnsboller'

16:00 ~ 18:00

  2) University Student Program(Junior high and high school students allowed)





May 21st (Sat)

Lecture from Peter Lysholt Hansen, Ambassador of the Embassy of Denmark

15:00 ~ 16:00


Casual talk with Danish students with Danish open sandwich, 'smørrebrød'

16:00 ~ 17:00

  3) Exhibition (5.11~6.1)
     -Danish ceramics, books, photo zone, banner, pictures and etc.



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