It seems that the word “diplomat” is not just localized by the one person these days. VANK (Voluntary Agency Network of Korea) is truly helpful for those who want to become a diplomat. VANK selected a total of 724 university students as ‘Global Ambassadors of Korean Culture and Tourism.’ Over 860 students applied for the program, 474 students were selected as on-line representatives and 250 students were selected as off-line ambassadors.

The main host of the program, VANK, was founded in 1999, with the leader Ki-tae Park. The website VANK was mainly made in order to increase intimacy within Korea and to try to give accurate information about Korean culture and history. A vigorous youth, Mr. Park felt his heart glowing with patriotism when he was a university student. When he was doing his computer class’s assignment, he found that there were a lot of cartographic companies marked as Korea’s own island, Dokdo to Dakeshima or Liankrut Rock. By constantly sending written protests, the maps’ amendments could be made thanks to Mr. Park. As this method (sending protests) actually worked, Mr. Park thought that by expanding his idea, there would be a lot of progress in rectifying errors. With this said, VANK sends promotional kits (including leaflets, maps, stickers, etc.) to anyone who shows affection toward Korea. Also, in the website, there are sets of detailed information on how to deal with faulty information concerning Korean history and culture.

However, Mr. Park thought that just giving the kits that VANK had made and offering information by website was not enough. Rather, he believed that people should be educated in order to use the tools wisely. Because of the necessities, VANK made the program named ‘Global Ambassador of Korean Culture and Tourism’ and the course is heading to cultivate the 4th ambassadors.

The ‘Global Ambassador of Korean Culture and Tourism’ program is especially for these following students. Firstly, it is for the people who are planning to go abroad for different purposes such as but not limited to: traveling, study, and volunteer work. Secondly, it is for the people who would like to introduce Korea for foreigners in Korea currently or pen-pals.

On 28th December 2011, from 10am to 6pm, there were instructive lectures given by prominent figures in tourism and cultural circles for the future ambassadors. Unfortunately, the lectures were only given to the 250 off-line ambassadors considering place and time. As the Korean government authority selected 2010 to 2012 ‘Visit Korea Year’, the lectures were largely focused on tourism. The lecturers’ main role was to not only offer ways to introduce Korea effectively but also to find ways to increase the number of foreign tourists.



During the ‘introduction of precedents’ period, one of the 3rd Global Ambassadors of Korean Culture and Tourism, Miss. Sul Lee further elaborated on how she managed the whole activity. Miss Lee participated in a workcamp in England, and she wanted to have a bond with international students from all over the world. So, she chose her keyword as ‘communication through empathy’. Miss. Lee firstly showed English information leaflets about Korean culture and history to international students, then, she asked them to translate into their own languages. In order to increase intimacy and customize language preferences, she wanted to show the translated version (the ones that the international students made) when she comes across with foreigners from different countries. For more information, following is an interview with Miss Lee.


1. What is the main reason you applied to the 3rd ‘Global Ambassador of Korean Culture and Tourism’ mainly hosted by Voluntary Agency Network of Korea (VANK) and Visit Korea Committee last year?

                                                                                        ▲ Photos provided by Miss. Lee

Last summer, I was preparing for an England workcamp where people from various countries work, camp together, and experience each others' culture. Although I really like to meet new people, as the camping period was not short and the program was mixed up with diverse nationality, I had to know and be prepared for a lot of things. I believe prior knowledge and hands-on experiences can make smoother and richer conversations. Specially, I should have had subjects informing people about Korean culture, but making promotional packages by searching Internet one by one was not easy. At this point, VANK Global Ambassador was a very attractive project because the program offered me useful promotional kits and educational opportunities on how to introduce the Korean culture easily.


2. Why did you select ‘communication through empathy’ as your keyword while you were an ambassador?

                                                                                        ▲ Photos provided by Miss. Lee

As Koreans are passionate and patriotic, they have high pride introducing Korea and taking the lead in correcting some historical errors such as Dokdo. I started ask myself, “For foreigners, how this can be interpreted? Can this be the same meaning? Unilaterally giving information about Korea cannot interest them. The real purpose of informing Korea is to remind that: we are not different as we are living in the era of globalization. I think a brilliant speaker is not the one who speaks well, but listens carefully and sincerely. Therefore, my first step as an ambassador was understanding friends' culture with awareness and feeling empathy. Although I was the only Asian, it didn’t really matter. The only difference was their natural cultural habits, but I tried not to relate with culture shock and rather, tried to understand it. I always remembered how important empathy is, afterwards, they asked some questions about me and Korea. From then on, I realized the real meaning of 'communication'.

3. Where did you get the idea of making and sharing an information leaflet of Korean history and culture which was translated into several different languages?

There was one friend from Czechoslovakia to whom I gave a VANK world map. She told me that she wanted to get friends' signs by their mother tongue for her special memory. There, I got the idea. I continually thought that it would be nice if I make not only a collectable item, but one that could also have promotional meaning. The sign that Czech friend made just contained a personal sayings like guestbook, but I thought that when the contents included an introduction of Korea-related information and my profile, it could be very practical by taking both sides! Thus, as I was very impressed with excellent 2nd ambassadors' creative ideas and looked carefully around me, I also created an impressive idea by applying things that I saw.


4. Any difficulties or obstacles? If any, how did you overcome those difficulties?

Actually I do not have an excellent English skill yet, but I am not trying be obsessed with perfection. English is just a tool as a language. What asked for them is to translate Korean information into their own languages: my profile, and very simple things, not the ones like reports. In history part, they didn't have enough knowledge. In this situation, I used VANK’s data to answer their questions or misunderstandings. During Q&A period, there were great opportunities to know about the field I did not even care about. Here, one thing to remind is that you cannot just ask for them thoughtlessly. I also try to be a ‘friend’ to them, not an informer.

5. For the very last question, anything to say for those who are wishing to become a ‘Global Ambassador of Korean culture and Tourism’?

                                                      ▲ Mr. Park and Miss. Lee/   Photos provided by Miss. Lee

I really do care about ‘real communication’ that I mentioned before. Listen to partner's thoughts first and represent my opinion. That is my diplomacy philosophy. Everything has a goal and so do you. That makes you your job to be done effectively. You can have a pride in your 4
th Global Ambassador of Korean Culture and Tourism!


After the education programs were over, 5 missions were allotted to ambassadors which should be finished by 29th of February 2012 on their own blogs. Firstly, they should write an epilogue about the education program on. Secondly, they should use VANK’s kit and write about how it effected. Thirdly, ambassadors should state their own opinion toward Visit Korea Year. Fourthly, it should discuss how the ambassadors felt about introducing Korea. Lastly, they should pick one subject, and make a promotional material for foreigners. After the whole mission is over, students will be able to be selected as real ambassadors. I hope everyone does their mission well and as a participant I truly have great expectations about the performances of the ambassadors selected this year.

* For more information about Vank and Global ambassador of Korean Culture and Tourism, please visit




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