Girl’s Dream



Alternatives to sanitary pads exercise




           Problems concerning sanitary pads have become a big issue in today’s society. With manufacturing companies trying to win the competition through the use of more chemical ingredients, the respect for safety and women’s bodies has drastically decreased.


Sanitary pads manufacturing companies try to satisfy their buyers by emphasizing on their products’ comfort and lightweight. However, this forces companies to use more chemical components, which cause skin diseases and serious menstrual pains. For this reason, national feminist groups like Korea Women Link(한국여성민우회) and Blood Sister Regiment(피자매연대) have started to take actions from 2000(statistical data: Google) in order to save the planet from pollution of chemical sanitary pads and to prevent women’s bodies from the danger of toxic materials.



What is ‘Girl’s Dream’?

In Korea, there are not many organizations which promote the making of alternatives to sanitary pads. However, there are many small groups in public institutions like youth centers which make sanitary pads out of natural material. To learn the process of making pure cotton pads and to find out more about the sanitary pad problem, I personally visited a feminist activity group called ‘Girl’s Dream’. ‘Girl’s Dream’ is a group from Gangnam Youth Center which makes pure cotton pads for young girls suffering from poverty and war in the 3rd world countries.


Girls in poor countries fail to buy normal sanitary pads and they are in a terrible situation where AIDS is spreading vastly. Also, they cannot go to school and continue their daily routines during their menstrual cycle period. In order to solve this problem, members of ‘Girl’s Dream’ make pads of 100% natural cotton and donate them to girls in need.



The process of making the cotton sanitary pads is not complicated. There are two separate cotton sheets and members are required to sew them together and add buttons on each side. Making one sanitary pad can be done in less than 40 minutes. Each member makes two sanitary pads in every group meetings which are held on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month. A member of ‘Girl’s Dream’ mentioned that she felt rewarded to participate in a meaningful activity in an easy and enjoyable way.




Moreover, ‘Girl’s Dream’ contacts with other organizations to send the cotton pads with different materials like dolls, stationary, etc. ‘Girl’s Dream’ fills a box with the handmade cotton pads and makes sure that it is delivered to the poor villages. While cotton pads have no harm to the user, they also have no negative effects to the environment. Members of ‘Girl’s Dream’ try to lessen the harm of sanitary pad problems and the rate of pollution by making cotton pads with great care.



To hear more about ‘Girl’s Dream’ I had the chance to reach Yang, Jin Hwa, an assistant administrator of the Gangnam Youth Center.


How could you briefly explain ‘Girl’s Dream’?

Girl’s Dream(小女之夢) began with the purpose of giving hope to poor girls suffering from war and poverty. We are currently donating sanitary pads that we have made to the girls in Thailand, Burma and in Uganda. This year, we have sent 100 pads to our friends in Thailand and Burma and 350 pads to the orphan girls who are suffering from AIDS in Uganda. Last year, we donated sanitary pads with stationery materials and warmers that we collected from our youth center’s CLUB DAY festival.


How do people participate in this activity?

‘Girl’s Dream’ functions in a form of a regular club. On January and February, interviews are held for girls wishing to participate in “Girl’s Dream” for the whole year. By taking part in the interviews by themselves, girls feel responsible and the ones who are selected feel proud and participate actively.


What could be the purpose or meaning of ‘Girl’s Dream’?

‘Girl’s Dream’ was formed in 2008 when the news that women in Thailand and Burma were not able to attend schools because of the lack of sanitary pads was heard by the Seoul YWCA International Cooperation (Gangnam Youth Center’s operating business). The club was organized to help poor girls living on the other side of the world who couldn’t even satisfy their most fundamental needs. I personally think that this can be a true act of global leadership.


Could you explain the plans for the future of ‘Girl’s Dream’?

From now on, ‘Girl’s Dream’ is planning to continue its donations to women in Thailand and Burma, orphans in Cambodia and to orphan girls suffering from AIDS in Uganda. Also we aim to collect un-used stationery materials to donate with the sanitary pads. To add, ‘Girl’s Dream’ is planning a pen-pal activity between girls in Korea and Uganda. We wish to hear from anyone who is interested.



Recently, middle schools and high schools in the Seoul district have gotten involved in the cotton sanitary pad making programs. This made more citizens to grow interest in the sanitary pad problem and it caused more feminist groups to shout out for the ban of chemical ingredients in sanitary pads. Like ‘Girl’s Dream’, the contribution of national groups will save more women from danger.




Gangnam Seoul Youth Center

Phone) 02-544-9725

Fax) 02-548-2462








Korea Women Link(한국여성민우회)

Blood Sister Regiment(피자매연대)




Canada- Lunapads (Available in Korea)










2012 친구 이벤트 참가자 모집


그동안 판게아 프로그램에~ 참여하고 싶었지만 여러 가지 제한점들 때문에 참여하지 못해서 아쉬우셨죠?

그래서 준비했습니다!!! 판게아 여름방학 특별 이벤트에 참여하고 싶은 친구들, 지금 얼른 신청해주세요~ 선착순 마감이랍니다! :-)




친구 는 언어의 장벽을 뛰어 넘어 타문화와의 교류를 지향하는 문화 교류 프로그램으로 서울시립청소년문화교류센터(미지센터)와 일본의 비영리기구 NPO Pangaea(판게아)가 협력하여 진행하고 있습니다.


판게아는 내 친구를 통해 청소년들은 지구 반대편의 친구들과 언어의 장벽 없이 교류할 수 있습니다. 인터넷 가상공간인 PangaeaNet(판게아넷)으로 일본, 오스트리아, 케냐, 말레이시아 등에서 판게아 프로그램에 참여하고 있는 외국 친구들과 그림문자를 이용해 메시지를 주고받으며 미니홈페이지를 꾸미기 위한 창의적인 미술 활동 및 애니메이션을 만드는 활동을 합니다. 또한 화상시스템을 이용하여 외국의 친구들과 게임도 즐길 수 있습니다.

더불어 다른 학교의 또래 친구들도 만나고, 자원봉사 선생님들과도 즐거운 시간을 보낼 수 있습니다.




그동안 아쉽게 판게아를 참가하지 못했던 친구들을 판게아 여름방학 특별 이벤트로 초대합니다!


1. 모집대상: 초등학교 4~6학년 나이의 청소년 28(선착순 모집)

2. 활동일시: 201288일 수요일, 오후 2~5

3. 활동장소: 미지센터 (미지센터는 명동역/충무로역에서 걸어서 약 10분 거리에 위치해 있습니다)

4. 활동내용: 문어발 자기소개, 마음지도 그리기, 판게아 패션쇼, 비스킷 애니메이션 만들기

5. 지원방법: 미지센터 홈페이지에서 참가지원서를 다운 받아 작성 후, 으로 접수

6. 참 가 비 : 무료

7. 문     의 : 교류협력팀 김진선, 02-755-1024(내선 114),


* 참가 접수가 되신 분들에게는 확정 이메일이 발송될 예정이며, 참가 확정 후 무단 불참하시는 경우 차후 프로그램 참가신청이 제한될 수 있습니다.

* 판게아는 내 친구의 자세한 활동 내용은 미지센터 홈페이지( , 자료실-영상자료/사진자료 및 일본 NPO Pangaea 홈페이지(에서 보실 수 있습니다.




365 희망의 운동화 자원봉사자 모집






365 희망의 운동화는 운동화에 평화와 희망을 상징하는 이미지를 그려 넣어

해외 빈곤 청소년들에게 전달하는 나눔 운동입니다.

올해에도 많은 분들이 운동화를 그려주셨습니다.

이에 미지센터에서는 2012년 상반기에 모아진 운동화들을

분류 및 정리하는 데 도움을 줄 자원봉사자를 모집합니다.




1. 모집인원: 5명

2. 지원자격

    -만16세~만25세의 청(소)년

    -희망의 운동화가 가지는 의미에 대해 알고 참여하고 싶은 사람

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    -장소: 미지센터

4. 봉사내용: 상반기 운동화의 분류 및 정리, 통계, 박스포장

5. 선발일정

    -서류마감: 8월 10일(금) 20:00까지

    -발표: 8월 17일(금) 오후 2시

6. 지원방법: 지원서류 hope@mizy.net으로 접수 (제목: 이름_자원봉사신청)

7. 자원봉사확인증: 자원봉사 완료 후, 15시간 자원봉사확인증 발급

8. 문의: 이사민(02-755-1024, 내선103)






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