밴쿠버에 온 지 3개월이 지난 지금, 현재 이곳의 모습은 지난 3개월간의 조용하고 평화로운 밴쿠버의 모습이 아니다. 바로 2010-2011 북미아이스하키리그 스탠리컵 결승전으로 밴쿠버 전체가 열광하고 있다. 밴쿠버와 보스턴의 결승 진출로 인해 스탠리컵은 캐나다 대 미국의 결승구도가 되어버렸다. 그렇기 때문에, 이번 결승전은 밴쿠버 시민을 비롯해 많은 캐나다인이 밴쿠버의 우승을 기원하고 있다. 40년 만에 밴쿠버의 스탠리컵 우승이 눈앞에 다가오자 텔레비전, 라디오, 신문 모두가 헤드라인 뉴스로 결승전을 다루고 있고, 심지어 길거리만 지나가도 이번 스탠리컵 결승전의 열기를 바로 느낄 수 있다. 사람들은 자동차에 2개에서 많으면 8개까지 밴쿠버 카넉스 (밴쿠버 하키팀 정식 이름) 깃발을 꼽고 다니며 밴쿠버 카넉스 유니폼, 응원 티셔츠 등을 누구나 입고 다닌다. 이러한 장면을 보며 외국인인 나도 밴쿠버 카넉스 팀에 순식간에 매료되어 버렸으며 스탠리컵 2차 결승전에는 직접 다운타운에서 사람들과 함께 거리 응원을 해보았다. 


5시 경기 시작 전 비교적 이른 시간에 도착했는데도 다운타운에는 수많은 사람들이 이미 거리 응원을 하고 있었다. 밴쿠버 카넉스 유니폼은 기본이며, 큰 응원 깃발을 들고 다니며 ‘Go Canucks Go!’ 를 외쳤다. 이 날 밴쿠버는 ‘남’이라는 개념이 없었고 모두가 ‘친구’이며 ‘동료’였다. 행길을 건너며 눈만 마주쳐도 ‘Go Canucks Go!’를 외쳤으며, 스스럼없이 옆 사람들과 이야기를 나누었다. 이러한 분위기에 나 또한 그들과 하나가 되어 밴쿠버 카넉스를 더욱 신나게 응원할 수 있었다. 

이 날 사람들은 10 명중 7-8명은 밴쿠버 카넉스를 응원하는 티셔츠, 유니폼을 입고 있었다. 밴쿠버 다운타운의 가장 번화한 거리에서 큰 스크린을 보면서 모두가 밴쿠버 카넉스를 열렬히 응원했다. 우리나라가 붉은 옷을 입고 서울 시청 앞에서 축구대표팀을 응원하듯 밴쿠버 사람들은 온통 파란 물결로 다운타운을 뒤덮었다. 

캐나다 매니토바(Manitoba)에서 밴쿠버 카넉스를 응원하러 왔다는 한 팬은 나에게 밴쿠버에 온 지 얼마나 되었냐고 물어보았다. 3개월 정도 되었다고 대답하니, 그 분은 내가 매우 운이 좋은 시기에 밴쿠버에 왔다고 했다. 밴쿠버가 스탠리컵 결승전에 올라가 사람들이 이렇게 열광적으로 응원하는 것은 자신이 평생 이곳에 살았어도 몇 번 볼 수 없는 기회라고. 우리의 대화를 듣던 주변에 있던 밴쿠버 사람들도 모두 이 말에 동의하며 나보고 Lucky하다고 했다.

내가 응원을 갔던 결승 2차전 날에는 밴쿠버가 보스턴을 상대로 짜릿한 승리를 거두었다. 승리가 확정되자 사람들은 모두 환호성을 지르고 자동차에 타있던 사람들은 클락션을 마구 누르며 기쁨을 표했다. 남녀노소, 국적에 관계없이 모두가 친구처럼 주위 사람들과 승리를 즐겼다. 

밴쿠버와 보스턴의 결승이 확정되자 밴쿠버에 있던 보스턴 피자의 상표가 밴쿠버 피자로 바꿀 정도로 밴쿠버 사람들의 우승을 간절히 바라고 있다. 이러한 좋은 시기에 캐나다 사람들과 함께 ‘Go Canucks Go!'를 외칠 수 있어 매우 흥분되고 기뻤다. 스포츠라면 축구 밖에 모르던 나도 어느새 캐나다인들과 함께 밴쿠버 카넉스를 응원하고 있는 걸 보면, 하키가 매우 매력적이고 신나는 문화임에 틀림 없는 것 같다.
캐나다, 특히 밴쿠버에 올 계획이 있다면 하키 시즌에 방문하기를 추천한다. 캐나다인들과 스스럼없이 친해지고 캐나다 문화를 조금 더 깊숙이 체험해 볼 수 있는 좋은 경험이 될 것이다.

* Stanley Cup (스탠리컵) 이란?

북미 아이스하키 리그 NHL 스탠리컵은 북미 지역 4대 스포츠 중 하나이다. 스탠리컵은 북미 지역 프로 스포츠 역사 상 가장 오래된 우승컵이며, 올해 밴쿠버 카넉스는 17년 만에 스탠리컵 결승에 올랐다. NHL에는 총 30개의 팀이 있으며 북미지역 동부, 서부로 나뉘어 경기를 하게 된다. 16강에 오르면 플레이오프(playoff)로 토너먼트 형식을 적용하게 되는데, 플레이오프란 7전 4승제를 뜻한다. 16강, 8강, 4강, 결승을 플레이오프로 진행하며 최종 우승팀이 스탠리컵을 거머쥐게 된다. 

* Vancouver Canucks (밴쿠버 카넉스) 란?

밴쿠버의 프로 하키팀으로 1970년에 북미 아이스하키 리그 NHL에 가입했다. 밴쿠버 카넉스는 밴쿠버 사람들에게는 우리나라 축구대표팀과 비슷한 스포츠팀이라고 볼 수 있다. 대표적인 선수로는 1번 골키퍼 로버트 루옹고(Roberto Luongo), 17번 라이언 케슬러(Ryan Kesler) 그리고 세딘 쌍둥이 형제 22번 다니엘 세딘(Daniel Sedin)과 33번 헨릭 세딘(Henrik Sedin) 등이 있다.


      New Yorkers cheering hours after Osama Bin Laden's death

        On the evening of May 1, I was in Manhattan to find the popularity rating and opinions of presidential candidate Donald Trump (confirmed not running on May 17th), when I received a breaking news tweet by CNN. I then received another tweet from BBC. All of the tweets displayed the same message. “OSAMA BIN LADEN IS DEAD.”As I read the tweet, more people started muttering about the same thing. A few hours later, many gathered in Times Square and Ground Zero (the site of the former WTC towers) and started to chant “we got him, we got him!” People were listening to President Obama’s speech on their tablets and smartphones, hearing their president announcing the news.


"Now I can go and rebuild the symbol of American freedom in peace." 

           Two days after Bin Laden’s death, I revisited New York to see how Americans were taking Bin Laden’s death. As New York has been the site where Bin Laden became known for his atrocious action on September 11th, 2001, it would be interesting to see how New York reacted to Bin Laden’s death other than celebration. I compiled a list of various questions to see how Bin Laden and his death affected the interviewee’s life, whether the interviewees approve President Obama’s handling of Bin Laden, and whether the interviewees think they aresafer from Al Qaeda and the threat of terrorism after Bin Laden’s death. I interviewed 100 people in the WTC site (most of them construction workers), 200 people in Times Square, 100 people in Wall Street, and 150 people in Columbia University. I also asked them whether they thought Bin Laden was really dead,and/or if the American government is omitting some facts.

“And while I was depressed in missing my first day at work, the first tower was struck.”
(source:  britannica.com)

              100% of the people in the WTCsite, 60% of the people in Times Square, 45% of the people in Wall Street, and 30% of the people in Columbia University answered that they have been personally affected by Bin Laden’s actions and/or his death. Chelley, who is 29 years old and has lived in New York for 14 years, told me that she remembered the day when the towers fell down. “I was supposed to go to the Wall Street area for an internship, but I missed the bus on that day,” she explained, “and while I was depressed in missing my first day at work, the first tower was struck by the plane.” Although the WTC area was in the financial district area, I was surprised that the percentage of people in Wall Street were less affected by Bin Laden’s death personally than other parts of New York. “It’s simple,” said a businessman (he was asked not to be named). “Many people here don’t stay in one place for even a month, let alone a decade. Besides, since the WTC was so close to here, maybe the people who were affected are probably resting in graves.”

                Jared, the construction worker for the new WTC, and who I’ve interviewed earlier in the April article, told me how happy he was that the nightmare of America lies beneath the sea. “I haven’t seen that horrible event face to face, but I’m sure as hell glad to see that **** dead. Now I can go and rebuild the symbol of American freedom in peace.” 


Obama during the Bin Laden Raid, receiving live coverage from the deployed Navy SEALS Team
(source: wordpress.com) 

             Although the poll numbers for personal significance varied from different locations, there was almost unanimous support for the assertion that President Barack Obama’s decision to assassinate Bin Laden and the subsequent burial at sea. The Times Square, WTC, Wall Street, and Columbia University had 95%, 100%, 85%, and 90% respectively in terms of people supporting President Obama’s actions.  One interviewee told me that his confidence in the president has strengthened. “He could have bombed Bin Laden’s hideout,and yet he was brave enough to send in Americans to get Bin Laden.” Another interviewee commended the risks the president took. “It could have gone terribly wrong,” she explained, “if this raid failed, Obama’s presidency would not have recovered.

Although most of the people’s confidence in Obama’s popularity has increased, some of the New Yorkers do believe that Obama has caused a blunder in America-Pakistan relations. “I seriously do not think that the president has thought this through,” said an interviewee. “I think Obama was merely thinking about his poll ratings. Even if he WAS thinking about how to dispose Bin Laden without mistake, I wouldn’t barge into allied territory without notifying them.” Another interviewee gave a more balanced criticism. "I respect Mr. Obama's decision to send in troops in order to confirm Bin Laden's death, but I would rather have bombed the compound, as sending in troops may have gone very wrong: he could have escaped, or many Americans could have died during the operation."


Some have even suggested to me that Bin Laden might not be even dead (Al Qaeda confirmed Bin Laden’s death on May 6, 5 days after the raid). “It kind of seems suspicious to me that Bin Laden is dead. He was living near a military base in an authoritarian regime, and was only a few distances away from the capital”, said Patish Kunjahabi, an Indian who was in the States because of his business. “I’m pretty sure the Pakistani government, no matter how incompetent, would know that the most wanted man in the world is within their country. Pakistan wants to know about the lives of the daily lives of their citizens. You’re telling me that they don’t even know about the most famous man in the world living next to their capital?”


"I know that Bin Laden's death won't bring my brother back; still, we got him."

                Despite the celebrations and debates about Bin Laden’s death, there was also a time of mourning in NY.Although there was celebration on the evening the day of Bin Laden’s death, I was also able to witness events that were not celebratory. There were a few families who were mourning in Ground Zero. Many of them had placards and flowers, and laid them near the construction site. A fire fighter (name undisclosed) who worked near the WTC site told me that he remembered people jumping for their lives. He remembered himself and his friends trying to save as many people as possible amid the thick blanket of dust from the buildings.Another man remembers losing his friend in the chaos during the building’s collapse, only to hear his death the following morning.

                A teenager named Simon (not his real name)was laying flowers and a placard written “we got ‘em”, accompanied by his father and his mother. When I asked who they were laying these flowers for, Simon replied that it was for his older brother, who was a salary man in the WTC. I asked him if he was happy that Bin Laden died. Simon started to cry, and his fists were clenched tightly. “I know that Bin Laden’s death won’t bring my brother back.” He then got up and forced a smile, his face stained by tears. “Still,we got him.” 


한국 좋아요.”
년 째 이 곳 북경에 살면서 무수히 들었던 기분 좋은 말. 이 곳에서 지내다보면 한국에 관심을 가지고 있는 현지인들을 꽤 많이 보게 된다. 그러나 한류열풍’이 겉으로 드러난 것처럼 좋은 면모만 갖추고 있는 것일까궁금증을 해결하기 위해, 중국 속의 한류를 살짝 들여다보았다.

한류 = 해피(Happy)!

     필자의 '중국 속의 한류' 여행은 자그마한 글로벌 공동체에서 시작됐다. ‘YCIS’라는 약자로 곧잘 불리는, 북경에 위치한 이 학교는 필자가 다니고 있는 학교로, 1932년 홍콩에서 처음 문을 연 뒤, 상해, 북경, 청도 같은 다른 도시들에도 캠퍼스를 개설한 영국국제학교이다. 북경 캠퍼스에는 현재 꽤 다수의 한국학생들을 포함하여, 아시아, 유럽, 아프리카, 아메리카에서 온 다양한 국적의 학생들이 모여 공부를 하고 있다
한적한 학교 속을 꼼꼼히 청소하고 계신 청소부 아주머니께서 여쭤보니 한국 드라마 대장금을 즐겨 본 적이 있죠.”라고 말했다. 아주머니는 한국과 관련이 전혀 없으신 분임에도 불구하고, 주변인들의 생활 속에 깃든 한류열풍을 몸소 보았다고 했다. “내 친구가 20대 딸이 있는데, 한국의 유행 스타일을 참 좋아해요. 옷이나 화장품, 연예인을 동경하고..”.
필자의 친구인 Cy.(17. , 홍콩.)도 평소 웬만한 한국 걸그룹과 노래, 안무 쯤은 한국인인 필자보다 오히려 더 줄줄이 꿰차고 있을 정도다. “한국어는 독학으로 아직까지 공부하고 있지요. 여러 한국 연예인을 참 좋아하고, 그들의 콘서트를 보러 한국에 몇 번 갔다 왔을 정도랍니다.” ‘아냐~’ ‘바보라고 연신 한국어로 말하며 하하 웃던 Cy.양은, 한국의 연예인에만 눈이 밝은 것이 아니었다. 제일 좋아하는 한국 음식은 떡볶이이고, 한국 문구 브랜드 ‘Artbox’와 한국 화장품을 애용한다. “요번에 학교 장기자랑 때 소녀시대’(한국가수) 노래로 춤을 출 거예요!”.


                                             중국 북경의 코리아 타운왕징에 있는 한 시장

     자그만 국제학교에만 한류가 있는 것은 아니다. 
중국 속의 한국으로도 불리는 코리아 타운, ‘왕징은 중국 속의 한류를 한 눈에 볼 수 있는 곳이다. 왕징의 한 한국 미용/성형외과로 들어서니 하얀색 대리석과 조각상이 핑크빛 실크와 고풍스럽게 어우러진 넓고 포근한 분위기였다. 한국사람이라고 해도 단박에 믿을 만큼 유창한 한국어를 구사하는 중국인 데스크 안내원이 두 명이 필자를 맞아주었다. “중국 분들만 오는 편이예요. (오히려) 한국 분들은 거의 안 와요.” 중국고객들은 대개 한국 미용시술과 성형의 효과와 품질에 대단히 좋은 인상을 가지고 있고, 또 피부관리와 수술 후에 만족하는 편이라고 한다. “한국 분들은 비싸다고 하시기 때문에, 매달 5 명 정도가 올까 말까거든요. 그런데 중국 분들은 하루에 10명꼴로 옵니다.” 길거리를 걷자 보이는 글들은 두 종류였다. 중국한자인 간자체와 한글.
빌딩을 들어서자 카페한국 옷이라는 글씨가 눈에 들어왔다. 한국손님들이 많이 찾기도 하는 곳이지만, 한국 드라마와 친구 등의 영향으로, ‘한류에 물든중국손님들도 많다. 종종 한국가수 소녀시대슈퍼주니어의 노랫가락이 들려오던 곳을 지나, 한국상표 전자제품을 파는 가게로 들어섰다. 곧이어 안으로 들어선 중국손님께 한국제품을 평소 애용하는지 여쭤보자, 말없이 주머니에서 핸드폰을 꺼내 보여주셨다. 검은색과 황금색이 우아하게 매치된 한국산 핸드폰이었다. “품질과 디자인이 참 좋아요. 단지, 배터리가 쉽게 떨어진다는 것이 단점이라면 단점이고요.” 


                                한국제품을 고르는 중국사람들. 중국 현지학교 교복의 특징인 파란색과 하얀색이 보인다.


     그런데 정말로, 한국이 중국 속에서 이렇게 환영만 받는 것일까?

한류 = 글루미(gloomy)

화창한 봄날 길거리에서 만난 젊은 중국 아주머니들께 다가서며 미지 청소년 기자단 명함을 보여드리고 질문을 시작했다. 한국드라마에 대해 물어보며, “정말 좋아요! 한국 배우들은 어찌 그리도 멋있던지…” 이러한 대답을 생각하고 있던 필자는 의외의 대답을 듣게 되었다. “한국드라마? 전혀 안 보는데요..” 세 분께서 입을 모으자, 필자는 또 다른 질문을 하였다. “한국에 대한 인상이 어떠신가요?” 그러자 갑자기 한 아주머니가 기다렸다는 듯이 정색을 하며 입을 열었다. “한국사람들은 예의가 없어요.” 너무나도 직설적인 한 마디였지만, 최대한 담담한 척 필자는 이유를 물었다. “한국사람들이 자국에서는 예의가 있을지 모르겠지만, 적어도 이 곳 중국에서만큼은 정말 실망이랍니다. 쓰레기를 바깥에 버린다는 것이 가장 큰 문제예요.” 아주머니는 중국에 거주 중인 한국인들의 태도를 조심스레 비판하였다. “우리(중국인)들에게 큰소리를 치는 것은 다반사이고, 밤 늦게까지 무리를 지어 술을 마시며 돌아다녀요. 한국자체를 미워하는 것은 아니지만, 가끔 중국인 청소부나 종업원에게 한국말로 욕설을 퍼붓는 것을 보면 좋은 감정이 있을 리 없지요.” 그러자 나머지 두 분도 조용히 동의를 하였다. 그 중 한 분은, “잘하길 바라는 것도 아니고, 쓰레기를 버리지 말고 그저 조금 조용히만 해주었으면 좋겠어요.”라고 밝혔다. 결국 필자는 마지막에 모든 한국사람이 다 그런 것이 아님을 강조하고 인사를 한 후 쓸쓸히 뒤돌아설 수밖에 없었다.


                                               중국 북경의 특징인 자전거와 다채로운 빛깔의 택시 (왕징)

     중국에 셀 수 없이 많은 사람이 있는 만큼, 인터뷰를 했던 아주머니처럼 한국에 대해 나쁜 기억을 가지고 있는 사람들도 꽤 많은 편이다. 솔직히 필자도 고개 들고 다니기가 부끄러울 만큼 몰상식한 한국인들의 태도를 중국에서 목격한 경우가 적지 않다. 길거리를 지나다가 한국 남학생들이 중국 땅에서중국을 비하하는 발언을 하며 웃는 것을 본 적이 있고, 한국 직장인 손님이 식당에서 중국 종업원에게 신경질을 내는 것은 자주 보았다. 덧붙이자면, 아무리 사람 좋던 한국학생들도 중국인
阿姨(a yi, 일하시는 아주머니: 가정부, 청소부 등등)만 대하면 금세 태도가 돌변해서 함부로 짜증을 내거나 대답도 하지 않는 일은, 정말, 과장 하나도 없이 지나치게 많이일어나고 있는 일이다. 필자가 북경 왕징에 위치한 어느 한국 미용실에 갔던 날에도, 중국인 종업원이 5~10명의 한국 손님에게 인사를 했지만 받아 준 손님은 단 한 명도 없었다. 그 중 어쩌다가 한 한국사람이 90도 인사를 하며 나가자, 뒤에서 이런 소리가 들렸다. “한국사람이 어째서 저렇게 예의가 바른걸까?” 

글로벌하게 뻗어나가고자 하는 우리의 한류. 그렇다면, ‘글로벌’한 마음을 지니며, 모든 이에게 동방의 예의지국이라는 옛 별칭을 인식시켜줘야 하지 않을까 생각이 든다. 특히 
哈韩”(하 한, 한류팬)이라는 단어가 있을 정도로 한류열풍이 거세게 부는 중국에서 앞으로도 한류라는 뜨거운 바람이 쉽게 사그라들지 않았으면 좋겠다. 

5년 연속 살기 좋은 도시로 뽑힌 밴쿠버가 속한 BC 주 (British Colombia)는 캐나다 한인 중 35% 이상이 살고 있는 ‘포트 랭리(Fort Langley)’라는 한적한 동네에서 시작되었다. 화려하고 사람들로 항상 붐비는 밴쿠버 도심과는 달리, ‘포트 랭리’는 150년 전 이주자들이 생활했던 모습 그대로를 간직하고 있었다. 특히 BC주 첫 정착 당시에 만들어진 요새인 Fort Langley National Historic Site에 방문해 19세기 BC주를 직접 경험해 보았다. 


한국에 민속촌이 있다면 BC주에는 Fort Langley National Historic Site가 있다!


Fort Langley National Historic Site는 1827년 영국의 Hudson's Bay Company(이하 HBC)가 캐나다 원주민과의 모피 교역을 더욱 활발히 하기 위하여 설립한 곳이다. 원주민의 풍부한 노동력과 비옥한 토양, 연어가 많이 사는 프레이저 강 근처에 설립해 모피 수출 시장 이외에도 연어, 크랜베리 교역을 활발히 실행했다. 또한 강에서 많은 양의 금이 매장되어 있다는 것을 발견하고는 세계 각지의 사람들이 몰려와 더욱 번창한 도시로 성장할 수 있었다. 따라서 이곳은 현재의 BC주가 되었으며, 국립 사적지로 지정되어 보존되고 있다.

커다란 나무 문 안으로 들어가면 포트 랭리의 옛 자취를 고스란히 남겨 둔 'Fort Langley National Historic Site' 관광을 시작 할 수 있다. 입구를 지나면 자연과 어우러져 고즈넉한 분위기에 평화로움을 느낄 수 있을 것이다.

Fort Langley National Historic Site에서는 관광객들의 이해를 돕기 위해 정착 당시의 모습을 재현해주는 사람들을 곳곳에서 찾아볼 수 있다. 가장 처음에 위치한 건물에는 연어, 크랜베리와 같은 음식을 저장하는 통을 만드는 작업장인 Cooperage였다.  목수 할아버지가 직접 통을 만드는 모습을 보여주며 재미난 설명을 해주셨다. 특히 관광객 중에 청소년들과 아이들이 있다면 더 알아듣기 쉽도록 눈높이에 맞게 실감나게 설명을 해주시는 것 같다. 영어 설명이 걱정되거나 원활한 질의응답을 하고 싶다면 내가 방문했던 평일 낮, 아이들과 함께 설명을 듣는 것도 좋은 방법이다.

대장간에도 역시 농사용 도구, 건축 철물을 제작하고 있는 대장장이가 시범을 보이고 있었다. 옛날 대장장이들이 만들 던 모습 그대로를 재현해 장식용 못을 눈앞에서 바로 만들어 보였다. 운이 좋다면 대장장이가 그 자리에서 만든 장식용 못을 선물로 받을 수도 있다!

창고에 들어서니 Hudson's Bay Company(HBC)가 활발히 무역을 하던 실제 모피들이 여기저기 놓여있었다. 비버를 비롯해 다양한 종류의 동물 모피들이 있었는데, 직접 만져보고 걸쳐 볼 수도 있다. 창고에도 역시 19세기 당시 모습을 한 현지인 안내인이 있으므로 궁금한 점이 있으면 언제든지 물어볼 수 있다. 



Fort Langley National Historic Site를 방문하면 꼭 영화관 건물에서 상영하는 짧은 영상물을 다 보길 바란다. 이곳을 소개하는 영화를 보여주는데, 매우 재미있기에 나도 모르게 내용에 푹 빠져서 보고 있었다. 영화를 보고 나면 그 당시 사람들이 사는 모습, 역사적 배경을 쉽게 이해할 수 있을 것이다.

위에 보이는 흰 집은 Big House이다. 이곳에서 BC주가 영국의 식민지로 선포되었으며 아래 사진에 보이는 대표 교역자와 사무원 가족들의 숙소로 사용되었다고 한다. 현대식 집과 별반 다른 것이 없어 보일 정도로 잘 구성되어 있는 집에 감탄할 수밖에 없었다.

포트 랭리에 세계 각처의 사람들이 이주해 온 이유 중 하나인 금 채취를 직접 체험할 수도 있다. 프레이저 강물을 흐르게 해 이 체험장에서 납작한 냄비를 가지고 금을 찾아보는 것도 재미있는 경험이 될 수 있다. 나는 아쉽게도 발견하지 못했지만 종종 운이 따르는 사람들은 금을 발견할 수 있다.


 매년 많은 수의 한국인 관광객과 유학생, 이주민들이 캐나다 BC주로 오곤 한다. 캐나다 BC주에 오면 대다수의 사람들이 방문하는 밴쿠버 도심뿐만 아니라 포트 랭리의 Fort Langley National Historic Site를 꼭 찾아가 보길 바란다. 한적한 자연과 벗하고 있는 이 작은 마을에서 지금의 BC주가 탄생했다는 것을 몸소 체험해보는 것도 의미있는 경험이 될 수 있을 것이다. 

* 매 달 색다른 이벤트가 열리는 Fort Langley National Historic Site! 

Fort Langley National Historic Site에서는 매 달 다양한 종류의 이벤트가 개최된다. 이벤트 날에 맞추어 방문한다면, 평소보다 한 층 더 재미있는 체험활동을 해 볼 수 있다. 아래에는 2011년에 열린 몇 가지 눈여겨 볼 행사이다. 

5월 23일 - Parks Canada Centennial Weekend at Fort Langley

 포트 랭리의 시내에서 May Day 퍼레이드가 열리며 다양한 활동을 할 수 있는 체험장이 열린다. 또한 이날은 특별히 입장료가 무료이다. 또한 Parks Canada's Centennial을 기념해 2시 30분에는 케익을 먹을 수 있다.

7월 16일 - Happy Birthday Parks Canada!

 캐나다 공원의 생일을 기념하는 행사를 개최하는 날이다. Fort Langley Historic Site에서는 야생에서 살아남는 법을 배우면서 재밌는 체험을 해 볼 수 있다.

10월 8일 - Cranberry Day

 포트 랭리 전체가 크랜베리 축제를 즐기는 날이다. 크랜베리 게임도 행해지며 크랜베리 행상인들도 곳곳에 있을 예정이라고 한다.


* Fort Langley National Historic Site 방문을 위한 알찬 정보! 

1. 한적하고 여유로운 관광을 즐기기 위해서는 평일 낮, 많은 사람들과 재미난 행사를 즐기려면 이벤트 날을 활용해라!
내가 방문했던 평일 낮은 사람들이 많지 않아 안내 해주는 분들과 사람들이 많을 때 보다 자유로운 소통이 이루어졌다. 하지만 북적거리며 사람들과 즐기는 것을 원한다면 이벤트 날을 http://www.pc.gc.ca/fortlangley 에서 확인해 방문하는 것도 좋은 방법이다.

2. Fort Langley National Historic Site에 들어서면 ‘극장’ 건물을 가장 먼저 방문해라!
극장에서 보여주는 짧은 소개 영상물은 재미있으면서도 이 장소에 대한 이해를 쉽게 할 수 있도록 도와준다. 영상을 본 후 관광을 한다면 주변 건물들에 대한 이해가 훨씬 쉬울것이다.

3. 매표소에서 영어 안내서 이외에도 한국어 안내서를 달라고 하면 한국어로 된 안내서를 받을 수 있다.

On April 5th, an interview was done with the Korean bestseller Shin Kyung-sook, who published her book <Please Look After Mom> in the United States. Her book caused the ‘mother syndrome’ three years ago and has also succeeded in captivating the American and European readership. One hundred thousand were published for the first editions of the book, followed by three thousand second editions. It was selected as Amazon’s Bestselling Books of the Month for April, 2011 and was also selected as one of the 15 books at Barnes and Noble’s “Discover Great New Writers: 2011 Summer“ program.


Picture copyright: Left from Shin Kyung Sook; Right from munrobooks.com

1. What led you to take interest in writing?

I grew up in a typical rustic home with many children. I read the books that my brothers brought home and started dreaming about writing from then. Writing was a natural thing for me, and becoming a writer was my dream from a very early age. I did not know for sure whether I wanted to write poems or novels, but I just vaguely hoped of becoming a writer. During high school, my room teacher was Korean-language teacher. I did not go to school for some period and had to write a letter of apologies to him. After the teacher read the letter, he suggested me to consider career as a novelist, and that was when I settled my future as a novelist.

2. How did your youth affect your writing?

I did not have a normal youth. In the day, I worked in an audio manufacturing company and attended schools at night. In those days, Korean society was in a industrial stage. The hopes and dreams of the people living in poverty then strongly influenced my writing. One of my novels “The Secluded Room(외딴방 in Korean)” was based in that period.

3. The subject of <Please Look After Mom> is ‘mom.’ How did you choose this subject matter, and how do you usually choose the materials for your writing?

One night when I was sixteen, I was on a train heading to Seoul with my mom. As I looked at my mom’s weary face, I first promised myself that I would one day write a novel about my mom that I could dedicate to her. Although this promise took 30 years to keep, I finally managed it in the end. I mostly find the subject matter in my natural surroundings in the lives of the contemporary people. I hope that my works can be a company to those people who are living in sorrows of life.

4. What do you do when writing does not work out so well?

I just think that it is not the right time and don’t write. I meet people and go traveling. Reading books and taking a stroll are parts of my daily life. After I finish a piece, I sometimes just sleep for two or three days.

5. What was your opportunity in publishing the English version of <Please Look After Mom>, and how did you feel when you first heard this news?

I was thrilled. The fact that KNOPF of Randomhouse was my publisher that had published many of the books that I had spent my childhood with made me even happier. This also made me think about the audience outside Korea for the first time. <Please Look After Mom> led me to many new people and relationships when it was shown in Korea. Now, it's a piece that has yielded me so many valuable experiences outside Korea.

6. Like you said, you are like the ‘first-snow’ of the Korean literature that has fallen on the foreign readership. What advice would you give to those students who hope to one day become a “global" writer like yourself?

This is a complex question. You should write about subjects that you want to write about. If you try to follow the ideas of others, you yourself will grow irritated and easily give up. I advice that students take interest in the society and the lives of the people in it, always participating and communicating with a sincere heart. If you write thinking “I need to move people’s heart,” you are unlikely to do so. The foremost process in writing would be really understanding the subject inside the writer’s mind and heart . Unlike poems, writing novels requires personal efforts as well as talent. I suggest that students keep an open mind that is ready to communicate with the world and take interest in how it is going around.

7. Is there a particular reading you suggest to Korean students?

I read the Collection of Sixty Korean Literature en route to age twenty from nineteen. That reading has been the most secure field of knowledge throughout my writing career. I suggest that students read the books one by one when they have time.

Shin once compared the publishment to snow by saying “The book is the first-snow for both myself and the Korean literature in foreign publishment. I hope that more beautiful works will accumulate over it.” Following the publishment, the American critics praised on her ability to catch the truest feelings of all humanity regardless of the language or culture.

We often assume that different cultures and traditions make emotions differ from one culture to another. This might be true, but the novelist Shin Kyung-sook has proven that the truest feelings are borderless. She provided a chance for all Korean daughters, sons, and husbands to reconsider the existence of “mom” for once, and has also succeeded in making the Americans hold onto the Kleenex box during their reading. As an author, as well as a person, Shin Kyung-sook is a true global leader who has opened up both the Korean literature to the foreign audience and the world to their deepest, most forgotten and regretful emotion.

Shin is currently staying in New York, and this interview was done over e-mail. She has finished her book tour in the States and is preparing another one around 8 European countries that will also publish her books soon.



April 22
nd, 2011 was the 41st Earth day. Earth Day is the day designated for raising the awareness of individuals and conglomerates all over the world about the importance of conservation and protection of our planet, Earth.

This day was founded in 1970 by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson and it is currently performed in 175 countries.
Unfortunately, despite the worldwide attention and attempts to lead nations to be more aware of environmental issues over the past decade, the Earth has always been in danger.


The U.S. Geological Survey Office affirmed that the reduction in sea ice in the Arctic can see a loss of 2/3rds of the entire word’s Polar Bear population over the next 50 years.

The Globe and Mail, Canada's national newspaper, stated that the 5 Great Lakes of the U.S and Canada are shrinking “at an alarming pace”.


24,000 people die each year from a water shortage in the Middle East according to the BBC.

Frequent natural disasters in the recent years and Japan earthquake tells the world that our mother nature is asking for our help.  

It is obvious that individuals’ participation in preserving the earth and continuous concern over the environment will have a positive impact on the Earth even tough their involvement can not resolve the environmental problems overnight.

Since 1970,  many countries have taken part in fostering people's participation by hosting a wide variety of events in every April.  South Korea has also annually held many different events to commemorate the Earth day.

From April 16th to 22nd, various Earth Day events took place, encouraging a lot of people to be informed about the importance of conserving the earth. For instance, the Presidential Committe ‘Green Growth Korea’ announced ‘Green Week’ and hosted many different events in Seoul Plaza, Seoul. ‘Green Land’ and ‘Green playground’ were set, where children could learn about current eco-friendly technologies and environmental issues by experiencing a wide variety of entertaining games and booths. Bicycle generator campaign was hosted; people together generated electricity by riding bicycles.

On top of this, on 22nd, ‘Unplugged Concert’ was held. No electronic devices or instruments were used in this concert. Participants brought their own instruments that are readily available in everyday life and played several songs together. A Korean male singer, Kim Jang Hoon, and a sing a song writer, Kim Hyun Chul were invited as guest-performers.


In addition, the 3rd The Aveda Walk for Water was held in cities all over the world during Earth Month to raise awareness about the water shortage problems around the world and fund for clean water in developing countries.

This year, the walk for water, annually held by Aveda Korea, took place in Cheonggye Plaza, Seoul  on April 23. 
Over hundreds of people came and participated in the walk for water in spite of cold weather. 

For this event, special guests came to join the walk.


(From the left) Choi Yeo Jin (model & actress) and Park Jin Hee (actress) came to take part in the walk. Sean, who is a member of a Korean hip-hop group, ‘Jinusean’ and well-known for his good deeds, also joined the walk for water.

Park Jin Hee said “Actually, we are not that aware of water shortage problems in South Korea. I think we, together need to put more efforts on saving the water in our daily life by spending less time in shower or reducing the intake of a surfactant which harms the environment.”

On this day, participants walked 6 kilometers which is the average distance that women in developing nations have to walk every day for clean water.

From these events, I learned that people have greater concern over the environment than I had expected.
On my way home after all the activities, it appeared to me that with people's consistent involvement and interest in environment, it is probable that our planet, which has been severely damaged by us over the past decade, will be gradually restored to its original condition and stay out of danger, posed by humans.


국제적인 조각가 50인과 국내 조각가143의 작품으로 구성, 조각작품으로만 구성되어 치러지는 전시회로는 최초이자 최고의 규모로 눈길을 끌었던 ISF 서울국제조각페스타 2011 (International Scuplpture Festa 2011 in Seoul)이 4월 12일(화)부터 18일(월)까지 7일간 예술의전당 한가람미술관에서 열렸다. 평소 예술활동을 통한 국제교류에 관심 있는 필자는 이번 전시회를 둘러보고, 전시회를 주최한 사단법인 한국조각가협회 유재흥 사무국장을 인터뷰했다.

전시는 세 부분으로 나뉘어 구성되었다.
첫 번째 만난 특별전 “All about Sculpture 조각의 모든 것"에서는 한국이 낳은 세계적인 아티스트 백남준이 10여년 전 오늘의 디지털 세계를 내다본 테크노보이가 전시되어있고, 부르델과 시계그림으로 더 유명한 달리 외에 아르망, 조엘 사피로, 로버트 라우젠버그, 안토니 카로, 마크 퀸의 조각들이 전시되었다.
또한 영국
, 이탈리아, 프랑스, 중국, 일본 등에서 현재 활발히 활동 중인 13개국 50여 명의 외국 작가들의 작품과 국내 초청작가 74명의 대표작품, 전시를 후원한 크라운 해태의 레지던시(residency:(화가작가음악가 등이 특정 기관 소속으로 일하는) 전속작가 19명의 작품이 한자리에 모여 작품의 다양함과 규모에 보는 관람객들의 탄성을 자아냈다.

본 전시 ”Sculpture the World 세상을 조각하라는 국내 원로작가부터 젊은 작가까지 90여 명의 작가들의 미니 개인전이라는 독특한 형식으로 금속, , 종이, 혼합매체등의 다양한 재료와 새로운 기법을 가지고 각 작가들의 개성이 돋보이는 작품들로 구성하여 부스전을 하였다.

한편 야외 조각전 “Into the Nature 자연 속으로 간 조각" 은 미술관 밖 실외공간에서 펼쳐졌는데 관람객들이 그 작품과 함께 사진을 찍거나 친밀히 교감할 수 있어 따스한 봄 햇살과 어울리는 전시였다.

이번 2011 서울국제조각페스타는 세계 여러나라에 한국과 한국의 조각을 알릴 수 있는 좋은 기회였다. 딱딱하고 어렵게느껴졌던 한국의 조각도 이제는 부모와 자녀들이 함께 쉽게 다가가 체험하며 관람할 수 있는 문화콘텐츠가 되었음을 피부로 느낄 수 있는 전시이기도 했다. 앞으로도 이런 전시가 많아지길 바라며 서울국제조각페스타 2012를 기대해본다.

조각가들로만 구성된 최초의 국제 조각축제라고 들었는데
페스타를 개최하시게 된 계기가 무엇인가요?

유재흥사무국장(이하’) : 조각가들이 아트페어와 같은 전시를 하려면 어려움이 많습니다. 좁은 공간에 많은 작품을 보여주려는 갤러리들 입장에서는 부피가 크고, 작품가격이 비싸 일반인들이 부담스러워하는 조각을 꺼려하기 때문입니다. 그래서 많은 조각가들은 자신의 성향을 한번에 보여주는 개인전의 형태로 작품을 발표하지요. 이번 조각페스타는 한 장소인 예술의전당 내에서 조각가들만 모여 전시를 함으로써 관람들이 조각을 한꺼번에 볼 수 있는 계기를 마련하고 화랑을 거치지 않고 직접 작품을 구입할 수 있는 복합적인 아트페어형식으로 기획되었습니다.

세계 여러 나라의 작가들을 섭외하는 데 어려움은 없었나요

: 사실은 작고하신 외국작가들, 현존하는 작가들도 계신데... 모두를 섭외하기는 힘들었지만 작품을 소장하고 계시는 분들에게 의뢰도 하고 공문을 통해 작가 섭외를 하는 방식으로 진행하여 큰 어려움은 없었습니다.

이번 조각페스타를 관람하신 분들의 반응은 어떤가요

: 처음에는 반신반의, 전시를 개최한 경험적 수치가 없기 때문에 관람객들이 실망하지 않기를 바라는 정도로만 생각했습니다. 하지만 많은 관람객들이 이렇게 유명하고 많은 작품들을 한곳에서 볼 수 있다는 것에 만족해 하시고 다양한 작품의 관람이 지루하지 않았다는 말씀들을 해주셔서 전시를 기획한 한국조각가협회 입장에선 기분 좋은 일이고 내년 전시를 다시 기획하는 계기가 되고 있습니다.

이번 조각 페스타가 한국의 조각을 세계에 알리는 데 도움이 되었나요

: 외국에서도 출품한 작가 의외에 많은 손님들이 오셨고, 한국조각은 이렇게 전시하며 이렇게 만드는구나 하면서 감탄을 하기도 하였고, 그밖에 외국에 많은 홍보물이 배포되었기 때문에 한국조각의 위상이 세계로 알려지는 데 큰 역할을 했다고 생각합니다.

조각페스타에 관심 있는 청소년들에게 한 말씀 해주신다면!

: 청소년 여러분들 중 미술에 관심을 갖고 있거나, 조각을 전공하고자하는 청소년이 있다면 이번 전시를 관람하면서 선배들의 작품을 보고 느끼면서 큰 동기부여가 되었으면 하고, 이번 페스타에서 조각이라는 분야가 대중에게 늘 친근하게 자리 잡을 수 있는 장이 되었기를 바랍니다.

       Back in 2010, Students from Concordia International School Shanghai, an American curricula-based international school located in Shanghai, China, had successfully held its annual project of Yunnan English Project, YEP, in Da Shan Bao, a rural town in Yunnan Province.

Local students from Da Shan Bao are posing for picture
What is YEP 2010?

       Yunnan Education Project is an annual project that aims provision of education and human care services in impoverished regions, where residents cannot enjoy educational and technological benefits that we take for granted. Three students of Concordia International School, following 10 students’ school service trip to the Yunnan Province, started the project in 2002. The project's original goal was to help minority children fund their education up to Grade 6. It has expanded to additional provinces in China, providing school buildings, school libraries, school materials, English language instruction, village water systems, leadership and health education, and high school scholarships.

      In 2010, Yunnan Education Project team, composed of 22 instructors and students, provided English education service in an impoverished rural town Da Shan Bao from January 23 to 29, 2010. Yirang Park, participant of 2010 Yunnan Education Project, commented on the trip, “We went to Da Shan Bao as teachers, but the kids inspired and taught us more with their beautiful smiles and unconditional love.”

A week in Da shan Bao

       I, as one of the participants of the 2010 Yunnan Education Project team, was in charge of teaching local students in Da Shan Bao basic English vocabularies. Showing enthusiasm and passion for learning, students were eager to note everything that my team members and I taught them. The lecture was held in the form of art class; team members and I distributed color papers and taught students how to fold origami. In the process of teaching origami, the local students naturally learned English vocabulary. Despite I had no experience in teaching students and organizing lectures, local student’s eagerness to learn gave me great support to continue the lectures for one week.

       After the one-week of service trip ended, Da Shan Bao village generously held festival to appreciate us and congratulate our successful English-teaching in Da Shan Bao local school. During the festival, a girl from the Da Shan Bao local school played Chinese traditional flute and I believed it would be the last time I hear from that girl.
Children in Da Shan Bao are posing infront of Camera (not a picture of the girl mentioned below)

Story heard from the Village

      After few days had passed after the Yunnan Education Project, an unfortunate story was delivered from the village to YEP team members; a 4th grade student in Da Shan Bao, who had played the Chinese traditional flute in the celebration festival, had lost her both parents by accident right after the YEP team had left the town. All the 2010 Yunnan Education Project team members and I gathered in a room and discussed how we can help the girl. Fortunately, after contacting with Concordia Charity Group, which is in charge of planning and processing YEP-related programs, for few times, the group gladly promised to take care of the girl, who now was staying with her brother and sister due to the absence of parents.

The Girl Now Stands by Herself

       After few months have passed since the 2010 YEP team members heard promise of Concordia Charity Group to take care of the girl, we could hear updated information regarding the girl from Concordia Charity Group. The girl who lost his parents due to the accident now attends a school outside of Da Shan Bao. The school that the girl now attends provides better quality of education and, best of all, dormitory that the girl can stay during weekdays. During weekend, the girl goes back to house provided by Concordia Charity Group and her aunt frequently visits her. Even though she feels lonely often times, she tries to maintain her bright personality.
      To a member of Concordia Charity Group, the girl told, “I am recently learning how to cook food, but I like the school cafeteria food better.” Mr. Chris Carter, the instructor of 2010 YEP team commented on the girl, “No one knows the end from the beginning. No one can know how the girl will grow, or what her future holds. However, the YEP members do know that, now, she has a future in education.  YEP members believe that there is no such thing as coincidence.  YEP members believe that the girl and the YEP English team were brought together in space and time for many reasons.  Surely, one of them was so that YEP members could show the power of selfless giving and love to the people of Da shan bao, and to a little girl.”

 Our Promise 
       2010 Yunnan Education Team has finished its mission of teaching Da Shan Bao local students English. However, while the annual gathering, all of the YEP members promised to never forget the girl and Da Shan Bao, and someday visit the village again to share those privileges that we enjoy due to better economic and technological environment. (Name of the girl is not specified for her privacy).

To Ground Zero

It has been almost 10 years since the destruction of the twin World Trade Center Towers on September 11, 2001. However, Ground Zero (the site of the former WTC towers) is no more a tragic graveyard. Ground Zero, once a derelict strip of ruins, is now facing a revival as construction has started to build a single main World Trade Center, along with minor WTC office buildings, a memorial center, a train station, a shopping center, and a performing arts center. I wanted to see the progress of the construction first hand for those outside New York. I went to the WTC station via the Metro Transit Authority of New York.

The Construction

“We want the American people to be able to see the WTC as soon as possible” (Left to Right: Other WTC buildings, The main WTC buildin, the second WTC building)

          When I arrived at the site, the construction of the main World Trade Center (also called Freedom Tower) was continuing in full-scale. It was raining on April 16. Despite poor weather and dangerous slippery conditions workers were re-constructing the building. I asked one of the workers, Jared, on his opinion of the current construction work. “Yeah, it’s dangerous, I know,” said Jared, “but we want the American people to be able to see the new World Trade Center as soon as possible; I think it will mean a lot to them and the 9/11 victims.” “Besides,” he added, “we have a schedule to follow and I think the workers have adequate safety gear.”

From Left to Right (tallest buildings): Main WTC building, second WTC building, third WTC building
Pictures from (

          According to Jared (confirmed in Wikipedia), the main World Trade Center building is to be completed in 2013 and would be the tallest building in New York (standing 541m), as well as in the US. The lower exterior has almost been completed; its glass windows are already installed. All of the seven WTC buildings are to be environmentally friendly, in accordance with the rising movement to improve the environment and fuel efficiency. Apart from the main WTC building, the second WTC building has also shown progress. “With sluggish economy and the depression, I’m actually amazed at the fact that we’ve completed this far although we have a long way to go,” said Johnny, another construction worker.

High Expectations

          When I asked why the main WTC is called the Freedom Tower, Jared remarked “It’s called Freedom Tower because it stands tall and FREE in America.” Like Jared, all 20 interviewers on the WTC construction site replied the main World Trade Center was a symbol of rebirth for the US. They added that they have high expectations for the new World Trade Center buildings. “I’ve lived in New York for 15 years, and I was shocked when the terrorist attacked and destroyed one of the symbols of New York,” said Sam, one of the interviewees, “and I’m glad that the construction has kicked off.” When I asked the interviewers about the cost of the WTC buildings, all of them had stated that they would be ready to pay for the rebuilding of the WTC buildings. “We’re constructing more than a building,” said Sam. “We’re rebuilding America and New York.”

In Memoriam


  “I saw people jumping off the roof. I saw the building collapse. These events I can’t forget,”

          People still remember the tragedy of the twin WTC buildings. There is a mural set up to honor the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attack. The inscription reads “DEDICATED TO THOSE WHO FELL AND TO THOSE WHO CARRY ON – MAY WE NEVER FORGET.” Even in the rainy weather, many people who lost their family members in the attack and those who were passing by were paying their respects. “Although the construction of the new WTC buildings signal for a rebirth, the scars remain” said an anonymous mourner. A fire fighter recounted what happened on 9/11. “I thought the world was ending,” he said. “I saw people jumping off the roof. I saw the building collapse. These I can’t forget,” he added.

“He [the statue] represents all the victims, who were ordinary and who were uninvolved.”

          Near the construction site is a statue of a man in a suit sitting on a bench, rummaging through his suitcase. The statue has no inscription that describes it. I asked 10 random people on their thoughts on the statue.  “I think it represents an unnamed victim of 9/11,” said one interviewee. “It must represent an ordinary day for an ordinary person, minding his own business, before 9/11,” stated another. “He [the statue] represents all the victims, who were ordinary and who were uninvolved.”

Leaving Ground Zero

          Many people hold high hopes for the new WTC buildings; they believe that it will rejuvenate a torture caused by the recession. The buildings, which will incorporate safety features that exceed New York standards, are to be beacons of hope and freedom for Americans. The people who admire the buildings, however, have not forgotten the victims of 9/11. The buildings will not only serve as a beacon of hope, but a reminder of those who perished in 9/11. 

The Washington Post Book World, The Christian Science Monitor and Business Week evaluated a book “one of the best books of the year,” and Times even named it “one of the top ten books of the year.” This highly evaluated and appreciated book’s title is Factory Girls. (Times: PATRICK RADDEN KEEFE’s review: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/09/books/review/Keefe-t.html)

Cover Page of Factory Girls
What is Factory Girls?

   Factory Girls is a honest review and confession that the author, Leslie T. Chang, has witnessed in China. In her book, Chang mainly discusses the struggle that Chinese migrant workers are facing in an industrial area called Dong Guan; she provides specific and direct accounts of individuals who are actually involved in the blue-collar industry. The book is fresh and new since it is not merely asserting for the betterment of environment of Chinese migrant workers’ working places, bur also it pays attention to the migrant workers’ personal backgrounds and daily lives. Furthermore, in her book, Chang attempts to reclaim her identity as a Chinese American. Her book develops the story in unique style of talking back and forth about her family history in China and migrant workers’ struggle in Dong Guan.

Great Opportunity to Read and Learn

   It is rare opportunity to explore what the migrant workers are really into and what they do for their free times. Factory Girls provide great guide for its readers to travel in industrial Dong Guan and see what it is like in China. The book is the very first book of Leslie T. Chung and information regarding her on Internet databse is very limited. I believe this introduction will be a great opportunity for readers, who have deep interest in contemporary China and its rapidly shifting economy, to explore the world of industrial China represented by migrant workers in Dong Guan.

Her Visit to Concordia International School Shanghai

   Lesile T. Chang, who has written such fabulous story, had visited Concordia International School Shanghai, an American-Curricula based school located in Shanghai, China, to meet her fans and readers. The book review was held on March 18 for two hours. The author meeting session was first started with Chang introducing her book and explaining what motives made her to start writing the book. After that, participants could have opportunity to ask questions to Chang. During the session, Chang had introduced interesting facts and opinions, and followings are responses made by Chang to few questions.

A Conversation With Leslie T. Chang

*Questions, Q, from Participants and Answer, A, from Leslie T. Chang

Q: There are so many stories to write about in China. Why focus on migrants?

A: As I mention in the book, the project began with a bit of an agenda: The foreign press, including Wall Street Journal, where I worked, had already published stories about the terrible conditions in the factories. They tended to portray about the terrible conditions in the factories. They tended to portray migration as a desperate act without much of a payoff for people. I had a suspicion that there must be more to this, that perhaps things were not so black and white. Even though migrant workers inhabit the specific world of the factory, their stories are also the story of contemporary China writ large. Migrants’ stories are not merely their story but that of contemporary China.

Q: A lot of what we’re accustomed to reading about China, like political dissidents, protests, pollution, is absent from your book. Did you make a conscious decision to stay away from these issues?

A: No, I was just responding to what the migrants wanted to talk about, and those issues almost never came up.

Q: You write that you began to research your family history around the time you started work on the book. At what point did you decide that these two stories belonged together?

A: The initial impetus to look into my family history was logistical. I had just spent two weeks in Min’s family village over the lunar new year before I started book leave from The Wall Street Journal; with more free time on my hands, I decided to visit my own ancestral villages. After I returned, I started thinking about my family village and Min’s village, my grandfather’s story and the migrants’ story, and I realized there were parallels between these two moments in Chinese history.

       Even though Leslie T. Chang’s visit to Concordia was only brief, it was a great opportunity for readers to share and discuss their thoughts with Chang. Furthermore, I firmly believe Chang has successfully provided motives for people to see and understand the dichotomy of rural and urban, poor and rich, and underdevelopment and cutting-edge technology within rapidly emerging China.


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