Education Donation
Korean middle and high school students are participating in various meaningful volunteer activities. One of the volunteer activities that students perform is 'education donation', an act which senior students teach basic academic works to children in need. While volunteering students have a chance to gain more knowledge, they also spend their efforts for children living in poor environments. For those children who do not even have the chance to get education, this meaningful activity has bestowed a light of hope for them. This activity is held in numerous organizations, youth centers and even in churches throughout the nation.
Some places to seach for Education Donation:
Korea Nanum Volunteer Service Inc.(대한나눔복지회)
The Korea Nanum Volunteer Service Inc.(대한나눔복지회) manages a group called the Korea Nanum Youth Volunteer Service (대한나눔청소년봉사대) which is a noncommercial organization consisted of many teenage volunteers to give social service to the elders. Among its meaningful activities, the Korea Nanum Youth Volunteer Service (대한나눔청소년봉사대) cooperates with other youth organizations to help their volunteers participate in education donation. Teenage volunteering takes place every saturday and during holidays as an ordinary program.
For more information, please visit
Good Neighbors (굿네이버스)
Good Neighbors is a non-governmental organization established in 1991 to protect the lives and human rights of poor world citizens and has cared for health and peace along with the United Nations. Good Neighbors also organizes volunteer activities to put 'share' 'volunteer' 'social contribution' into action. Good Neighbors has made an agreement with the Western Incheon Office of Education Support (인천시서부교육지원청) to mature students for competence and talents. Good Neighbors has organized many winter education donation programs in elementary schools of Gangseo-gu/Yangcheon-gu. Many volunteers got involved to ensure the safe growth of young children and to encourage the development of their hidden abilities.
For more information, please visit
Local Children Facilities/ Youth Centers(지역별 아동복지관/청소년수련관)
Many different children facilities and youth centers have added education donation programs to open children to a wide variety of activities they can enjoy. Children facilities and youth centers of different regions have cooperated with different organizations to invite skilled senior students for simple and enjoyable lessons. For young children in Chlidren Facilities, the education donation program focuses on building a good basis for their start in studying and for the adolescents in Youth Centers, the lessons makes sure that the problems children face with their school work are solved.
For more information, please visit the web page of children facility or youth center nearest from your resident.
With great luck, I had the opportunity to have a talk with an Apgujeong high school student Yoon Hee Sung (18), who has been participating in the education donation program in a church for two years.
Q> Looking back two years, what was it like starting this volunteer activity?
At first, I didn't really have much courage and I still feel shy and uneasy when I think about my first day at the church. Since I'm not that kind of an open person, I don't really speak much and I hate standing in front of other people I do not know. I really wondered if I could get along with this well.
Q> What did you learn while teaching children at the church?
As I got used to giving lessons to children and sharing conversations with them, I started to get really talkative and changed into a teacher who is very eager and passoinate about her learners. Sort of like a mentor. I really wanted to tell them stories about my days at school and some fun jokes, too. I learnt that studying is not about accepting the lessons being taught. What is impotrant is that the children enjoy the materials that they and I have gone through together.
Q> What did you like most about this program?
To be honest, I first decided to take part in this activity for filling up my volunteering time. But when it was time for me to finish and go back to the church to get the volunteer certificate, I didn't want to show it to my students and felt ashamed of myself. All the effort and time I had spent for this program seemed worthless. The true beauty of this program is that it helped me to develop my skills of interacting with other people and it was such a pleasure to help children with the best thing I can do.
The education donation program is very rewarding for both teachers and learners and it is more than a volunteer activity. This program hopes to mature successful individuals to become sound civilians for the future society.
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