On April 22nd, 2011, the Earth celebrated its 41st Earth Day. This day was founded due to a crude oil leakage in 1969, California, US, which led Senate Nelson to advocate the need for a designated day for the Earth to recall the Earth’s preciousness and its vulnerable nature. As a result, Dennis Hays, a Harvard student at the time, was chosen to declare the foundation of the Earth Day. Moreover, 20 million American citizens launched a campaign urging others to live environmental-friendly lifestyle. Since 1970, the Earth Day has officially become an internationally celebrated day for the sake of the Earth and its well being.

Picture of the first earth day, US, 1970/ picture by Google


Korea also celebrated the Earth day this year. One of the events was the ‘2011 Unplugged Concert’. It was held in the City Hall Oval, where hundreds of people brought their own musical instruments. However, the instruments had to be played ‘unplugged’ to electricity. The whole concert was very dimly lighted compared to typical concerts, but it was intended to save electricity. The electricity used during the entire concert was fulfilled by the power generator that citizens generated all day long. It was a very meaningful concert in many ways and gave people a refreshing jolt- that there were endeavors around to be found that anyone could contribute to save the earth.

 ‘2011 Unplugged Concert’ held in the City Hall Oval/ picture by the writer herself

These days, more and more students are getting interested in learning about the environment.  However, the endeavors are often short-termed or hard to reach by students. All in all, , students cannot make changes in the world only with their passion. But, some excellent programs are being organized to help students raise awareness about the environment through actions.


In Jungnang Youth Center, the ‘Environment Club’ was organized, consisting of high school to middle school students. It is supported by Ministry of Gender Equality and Family. While many of the environment-related programs only last for several months at the most, this program is held throughout a year, emphasizing the importance of consistent care for the Earth. “Tuvalu”, it is called. The name is after a nation which is having problem with drowning underwater by the effects of the climate change.

'Tuvalu' environment club, in Jungnang Youth Center/ picture by the writer herself

The program has its unique and friendly approach towards studying current environmental problems: traveling and observing nature. It is different from any other environment related events – it is more than hard lectures, or hearings that only plea for people to think of environment because it is a moral issue. To describe its motto: ‘A good education is made with one fourth of theory and the other thirds of practice and application.’

What the world really needs is action, and mankind’s introspection towards their regrettable deeds/ picture by


On April 9th, 2011, orientation for the club was held in Jungnang Youth Center by Park Cha Yong, the Team Manager for the project. He said, “Many of us do know there is an environmental problem, but we don’t know by heart why it is desperate and time sensitive.”

 Kim Mi Kyung, a mother of a male participant quoted, “It is an issue we all have to take in seriously. It may seem trivial when we act environmental-friendly out of pure love for the earth, but I believe my child should have his responsibility towards the world he would soon be in charge.”

 A female participant, Hong Ji Soo(15), “My dream is to become a veterinarian, and I have realized the number of species were decreasing because of human activities that are detrimental to ecology, consequently leading to climate change and environment destruction. I would like to realize the seriousness of current situation through experiences on the environmental front borders, because it seems it would never come to me when I am in my chairs. I want my children to know that the earth is a good place to live.”


It is a great scene to notice that many students believe environmental needs more than academic research and debate. What it really needs is action, and mankind’s introspection towards their regrettable deeds.



April 22
nd, 2011 was the 41st Earth day. Earth Day is the day designated for raising the awareness of individuals and conglomerates all over the world about the importance of conservation and protection of our planet, Earth.

This day was founded in 1970 by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson and it is currently performed in 175 countries.
Unfortunately, despite the worldwide attention and attempts to lead nations to be more aware of environmental issues over the past decade, the Earth has always been in danger.


The U.S. Geological Survey Office affirmed that the reduction in sea ice in the Arctic can see a loss of 2/3rds of the entire word’s Polar Bear population over the next 50 years.

The Globe and Mail, Canada's national newspaper, stated that the 5 Great Lakes of the U.S and Canada are shrinking “at an alarming pace”.


24,000 people die each year from a water shortage in the Middle East according to the BBC.

Frequent natural disasters in the recent years and Japan earthquake tells the world that our mother nature is asking for our help.  

It is obvious that individuals’ participation in preserving the earth and continuous concern over the environment will have a positive impact on the Earth even tough their involvement can not resolve the environmental problems overnight.

Since 1970,  many countries have taken part in fostering people's participation by hosting a wide variety of events in every April.  South Korea has also annually held many different events to commemorate the Earth day.

From April 16th to 22nd, various Earth Day events took place, encouraging a lot of people to be informed about the importance of conserving the earth. For instance, the Presidential Committe ‘Green Growth Korea’ announced ‘Green Week’ and hosted many different events in Seoul Plaza, Seoul. ‘Green Land’ and ‘Green playground’ were set, where children could learn about current eco-friendly technologies and environmental issues by experiencing a wide variety of entertaining games and booths. Bicycle generator campaign was hosted; people together generated electricity by riding bicycles.

On top of this, on 22nd, ‘Unplugged Concert’ was held. No electronic devices or instruments were used in this concert. Participants brought their own instruments that are readily available in everyday life and played several songs together. A Korean male singer, Kim Jang Hoon, and a sing a song writer, Kim Hyun Chul were invited as guest-performers.


In addition, the 3rd The Aveda Walk for Water was held in cities all over the world during Earth Month to raise awareness about the water shortage problems around the world and fund for clean water in developing countries.

This year, the walk for water, annually held by Aveda Korea, took place in Cheonggye Plaza, Seoul  on April 23. 
Over hundreds of people came and participated in the walk for water in spite of cold weather. 

For this event, special guests came to join the walk.


(From the left) Choi Yeo Jin (model & actress) and Park Jin Hee (actress) came to take part in the walk. Sean, who is a member of a Korean hip-hop group, ‘Jinusean’ and well-known for his good deeds, also joined the walk for water.

Park Jin Hee said “Actually, we are not that aware of water shortage problems in South Korea. I think we, together need to put more efforts on saving the water in our daily life by spending less time in shower or reducing the intake of a surfactant which harms the environment.”

On this day, participants walked 6 kilometers which is the average distance that women in developing nations have to walk every day for clean water.

From these events, I learned that people have greater concern over the environment than I had expected.
On my way home after all the activities, it appeared to me that with people's consistent involvement and interest in environment, it is probable that our planet, which has been severely damaged by us over the past decade, will be gradually restored to its original condition and stay out of danger, posed by humans.


   "평범한 미술 전시회 같은 것 말고, 뭔가 좀 독특한 곳이 없을까?"
정겹게 펼쳐진 거리의 사람들과 상가들 곁을 지나치는 길, '예술구'와 '영화박물관'이라는 난생 처음 가보는 장소는 호기심을 자극하기에 충분했다. 북경 거주 5년 째, 오랫동안 접하지 못했던 신선한 예술의 열기가 필요했던 터였지만 문제는 깃털만큼이나 가벼워진 지갑이었다. '세계적으로' 주목을 받는 예술구와 '세계최대의 규모'를 갖추고 있는 영화박물관은, '세계적'이라는 면모로 이목을 사로잡았을 뿐만이 아니라, '무료'라는 특징을 갖고 있었다. 어쩌면 돈이 있든 없든 예술을 좋아하는 사람이라면 누구나 와도 좋다는 그 개방성때문에, '798 예술구'와 '중국영화박물관'에서 만난 사람들이 그리 즐겁고 유쾌한 얼굴을 하고 있었는지도 모르겠다.

가난한 공장에서 세계적 예술지역으로, 798예술구 (七九八艺术区,치지우바 이슈취)

                          798예술거리의 입구

   중국이 좋아하는 밝은 빨간색으로 큼직하게 칠해진 '798'이 보이는가? 그 앞으로 쭉 걸어나가면 자유로운 영혼을 담은 '예술 모험'이 시작 된다.

   798 예술구는 독일과 구 소련의 기술로 세운 군수품 공장지대였는데, 냉전이 끝나자 무기생산은 점차 줄어들게 되었고, 정부에 의해 공장들이 외부로 옮겨지게 되었다. 그 후, 가난한 예술가들이 저렴한 임대계약으로 798에 들어오게 되면서 예술공간이 형성되고, 수많은 예술행사가 열리기 시작하며 세계적으로 주목을 받게 되었다. 그래서 798 예술구 거리를 거닐다 보면 종종 군복을 떠올리게 하는 침침한 회색의 작품들이나 어두운 색의 건물이 뿌연 연기를 내뿜는 것을 볼 수도 있다.

4 23일 활기찬 토요일 오후의 흥미진진한 예술모험!

   4월 23일 햇살이 매우 따스하던 날, 의외로 굉장히 넓었던 이 예술지역에는, 수많은 전시장, 미술센터, 갤러리, 회사, 박물관, 수공예품 상점 등등이 셀 수도 없이 보였다. "몇 월 몇일부터 몇 일까지"라며 유명 화가들의 개인전을 광고하는 전단지도 회색기둥에 다닥다닥 달라붙어있었고, 내딛는 발걸음마다 너무나도 생기가 넘치는 화려한 그래피티(graffiti)들이 마치 한 편의 뮤지컬을 보여주는 듯하여 매우 쾌활한 분위기였다. "707街" 라고 쓰여진 노란 표지판을 지나면 커다란 빨간 돌들이 쌓여있는 넓은 광장이 나타난다.

                        예술구의 골목길들 중 하나에 있던, 자동차 부속품들로 만든 거대로봇 (위)                          
                        예술거리 광장에 있는 '빨간 돌이 쌓인 곳'. 이 날은 여러 사람들이 와서 자유로이 사진촬영을 하고 갔다. (아래)

   피자를 38위안에 파는 카페 반대편에는 'Ming Chao Art Museum'이 자리하고 있었다. 입장료는 물론 무료. 한창 'Gui Yan liu'라는 화가의 개인전을 열고 있던 그 곳은, 어두컴컴한 듯한 분위기에, 여러 그림들이 벽에 걸려있었다. 테마는 'Lonely Beauty'(외로운 미녀). 다소 어둡고 쓸쓸해 보이는, 공포영화에서 나온 듯한 소녀의 그림들은 매우 인상적이었다. 그 곳에서 나오면 여러 동상들이 보인다. 굳이 갤러리 안으로 들어가지 않아도 거리 곳곳에 너무나도 독창적이고 신선한 동상, 소품, 건물들이 너무나도 흥미로워 활기찬 거리는 재미난 포즈를 취하며 사진을 찍는 사람들로 넘쳐났다.

   좀 더 앞으로 가서 오른쪽으로 돌아서니, 커다란 철장에 갇힌 동상들이 보였다. 그 중 눈물자국까지 선명하게 나타낸 인간의 형체를 띤 동상이 유난히도  눈길을 끌었다. 너무나도 슬픈 표정과 애절한 모습을 보고있자니 절로 목이 말라지는 듯하여, 바로 앞 매점에서 요거트 한 병을 집어들었다. 가격은 4위안. 둥근 갈색 병 안에 담겨 있었다. 너무나도 상큼해서 우리나라 사람들이 먹기에도 딱 좋은 맛이었다.

   먹었던 병을 돌려주고 나서 앞으로 쭉 걸으니, 바로 한국 드라마 '도망자' 촬영지가 나왔다. 수많은 늑대 동상들이 단 한 남자를 향해 열렬히 짖어대는 모습인데, 그 남자는 전혀 주눅이 들지 않고 오히려 칼 한 자루를 쥔 채 당당히 맞서는 모습이 참 인상적이다. 수많은 외국 관광객들도 그 곳에서 셔터를 재빠르게 눌러대고 있었다. 주변에는 깜찍한 아기 동상이 장난기 가득한 얼굴로 웃고 있었고, 사람의  얼굴을 한 달걀도 있었다. 가던 길 앞으로 다시 향하니, "Pace Beijing Photo Gallery"가 보였다. 마침 'Journey of a Diane Von Furstenberg Dress'라는 주제로 '다이앤 본 퍼스텐버그'라는 세계적 패션 디자니어에 대한 전시회를 하고 있었다. 넓디 넓은 패션 전시회에서 사진 촬영은 금지되었지만, 70년대 뉴스와 잡지도 읽고, 여러 패션도 감상하고, 그녀의 옷과 사진도 구경하며 '엣지있는' 감각을 배울 수 있는 곳임을 알 수 있었다.

                                       독특한 페인트가 인상적인 하얀 자이언트(giant)아기 동상 (위)
                                       한국 드라마 '도망자'의 촬영지(아래)

세계로 뻗어나가는 북경의 문화 아이콘, 798.

   798의 전반적 분위기는 매우 자유로웠다. 사람들은 명랑한 얼굴을 한 채 캐주얼 복장으로 갤러리를 드나들었고, 너무나 독특하고 기괴하기까지 한 동상들은 길거리 곳곳에 있어 굳이 전시장 안으로 들어가지 않아도 중국의 예술적 면모를 충분히 체험 할 수 있었다. 중국 혁명 당시의 뜨거운 피와 가난한 예술가들의 열정이 느껴지는 이 곳은 중국 근대의 분위기와 예술 문화를 배울 수 있는 매우 유익한 곳이다. "Group Exhibition of Print Arts"라는 전시장처럼 입장료로 5위안을 받는 곳도 있었지만, 대부분 입장료는 무료였으므로, 누구라도 798에 달랑 100위안만 들고 와서, 아니 한 푼도 없이 와서 자유로이 길거리를 구경하고 견학할 수 있다. 미국의 주간지 타임, 뉴스 위크, 포춘지가 선정한 세계에서 가장 문화적 발전 가능성이 있는 예술지역으로 꼽힌 798 예술구. 커다란 예술행사가 자주 열리고, 수많은 세계 거장들이 오가며, 무명 예술가들이 자신의 이름을 알릴 수 있는 기회인 798 예술구. 이 곳에 와서 북경 예술의 향기를 맘껏 맡은 후, 중국 현대예술의 또 다른 매력을 발산하는 곳 '중국영화박물관'으로 향하였다.

세계최대의 전문박물관,
중국영화박물관(中国电影博物馆,중궈 띠엔잉 보어우관)

                                   멀리서 본 중국영화박물관의 커다란 모습

   "중국영화 100주년을 맞이 해 2005년에 설립 된 세계 최대의 전문 박물관!"
중국영화박물관은 말 그대로 '세계 최대'였다. 엄청나게 큰 규모에 놀라 보이던 사람들도,售票处'(소우 퍄오 츄,매표소)라 쓰여진 앞으로 가서 표를 받더니, 곧장 왼쪽의 박물관을 향해 돌진하였다. 필자도 매표소로 갔다. 신분증이 없어 대신 학생증을 보여주니, 두말 없이 무료로 표를 내주었다. 왼쪽으로 가서 표를 뜯고 들어서서 빨간색으로 쓰여진 入口(루 커우, 입구) 옆으로 들어서면 보이는 것은 바로 영화 티켓 구매로 인해 줄을 선 사람들. 이 곳 박물관에서는 참 기특하게도 영화를 매우 저렴한 가격에 영화관 안에서 즐길 수 있는 혜택을 준다. 가격은 무려 2위안부터 시작해서 10, 20, 50 위안까지 있다.

열공하자, 영화의 모든 것에 대해!


                               19~20세기 당시 최초의 영화상영을 재현한 모습                                 

 'entrance'라고 쓰여진 곳으로 들어가 우아한 색상의 벽 위에 촘촘히 걸려있는, 사진으로 만나는 중국영화들의 한 장면을 지나자 광대하고 넓은 빨간 계단들이 나타났다. 저절로 연주하는 그랜드 피아노를 지나 그 계단을 올라가니, 황금색으로 쓰여진 'Chinese film, 1905-2005'이 보인다. 그럼 그 왼쪽에 있는 ‘1-3 로 들어가기만 하면 된다. 놀랄 정도로 잘 정리된 세련미가 물씬 풍기자 너무나도 놀라웠다. 북경 거주 5년만에 중국에 이렇게 감명을 받은 것은 거의 처음이었다.
1 은 영화의 발명에 대해 설명하고 있었다. 세계 최초의 영화는 1895년 12월 28일 프랑스에서 상영 되었었다고 중국어와 영어로 간략히 설명한 글들을 읽고나서, 왼쪽에 있는, 영화가 만들어졌던 과정을 찬찬히 둘러보았다. 동그란 판 위, 한 쪽에는 새 그림이, 반대쪽에는 새장이 그려져 있어, 초록색 스위치를 누르면 빠르게 회전한다. 그 모습이 흡사 새가 새장에서 춤을 추는 듯 보였다. 'Light and Shadow'(빛과 음영), 'Motion Pictures'(움직이는 사진), 'From Photography to Motion Pictures'(사진에서 움직이는 사진)등등을 필기하며 '열공'을 한 뒤, 제 2과 제 3에서 보여주는 중국영화의 탄생과 중국 내전과 혁명 당시의 영화는 사람들의 혀를 내두르게 만들었다. 수많은 사진들과, 중국어, 영어로 된 설명들, 당시를 재현한 사람 모형과 당시 유명했던 배우, 감독, 영화들에 대한 상세한 소개는, 한국어 설명이 없어 투덜댈 작정이었던 필자의 기분을 실컷 달래주었다.

중국영화의 화려한 역사

   1905년, 'Ren Qing Tai'라는 'Feng Tai 스튜디오'운영자가 경극 거장 'Tan Xin Pei'와 'Conquering the Jun Mountain'(정군산)이라는 아주 짤막하고 간단한 영화를 스튜디오 앞 마당에서 찍은 것이 최초의 중국영화이다. 그 후 중국영화는 급속도로 발전하기 시작하여, 1913년 최초의 중국 단편 영화 'The Sorrowful Couple'(슬픈 연인)이 상해에서 제작되었고, 1920년대 중반부터 중국에는 이미 수많은 영화사가 설립되었으며 여러 영화가 제작되었다고 한다. 1920년 대가 끝나갈 무렵에는 이미 무협, 로맨스, 사회, 민족, 역사 등에 대한 수많은 영화를 제작해낸 중국의 영화역사는 굉장히 의외였고 놀라웠다. 이후 중국 혁명 당시의 영화도 사회에 대한 의견을 표출한 좌파 영화도 많이 제작되었고, 30년대~60년대 사이에 유성 영화, 채색 영화도 탄생했다.

                          중국최초의 영화 '정군산' 촬영장면을 모형으로 재현한 모습

빨리 끝나서 아쉬운 중국영화박물관 탐험

   오후 3시에 박물관에 도착했던 필자는 4시 반에 박물관이 문을 닫는다는 사실도 잊은 채 신이 난 채로 곳곳을 둘러보다가, 시간이 다 되어 들어온 박물관 관리인 아저씨 덕분에 가까스로 빠져나갈 수 있었다. 제 3출구로 빠져 나와서 앞으로 가다 보면 제 4부터 제 10까지, 중국 현대 영화사, 미술영화, 어린이 영화, 과학교육영화, 신문기록 영화, 홍콩.마카오.대만 지역의 영화 등등에 대해서도 볼 수 있다. 시간이 다 되어가기 전, 'entrance'로 다시 나와 앞에 있는 에스컬레이터에 몸을 맡긴 후, 위에 다다라서 왼쪽으로 꺾으니, 中国电影博物馆,人物馆(쭝궈 띠엔잉 보어우관, 런우관, 중국영화박물관, 인물관)이라는 곳이 나오는데, 짤막하게 펼쳐진 길에 각 중국영화계의 유명 인물들의 사진과 이름, 설명이 전시되어있었다. 조명들로 은은하게 비춰진 사진들로 짧은 여운을 달랜 후, 출구로 나오면서 세계 최대 영화박물관, 중국영화박물관의 모험이 끝났다.

추천 여행 코스!


1.    오전 10, 798예술구로 출발


a) 왕징의 대서양 아파트 근처에 있는 花家地西里站 화지아 띠시리 쨘에서 445번 버스 타기.

b) 6정거장 지나서 大山子路口南站  (따샨즈 루커우 난 쨘)에서 내리기.

c) 앞의 육교를 지나서 오른 쪽에 있는 ‘798’ 표지판을 보고 들어가기!



2.    798 예술구 감상 후, 오후 2에 중국영화박물관으로!


a) ‘787라고 쓰여진 노란색 표지판을 지나 大山子路口南站  (따샨즈 루커우 난 쨘)역에 가기.

b) 973번 버스를 타고, 3정거장을 지나 南皋站 (난 가오 쨘)에서 내리기.

c) 버스가 오던 길을 마저 돌아 걸으며, 신호등을 건넌다.

d) 왼쪽으로 꺾으면中国电影博物馆’(중국영화박물관)이 보인다.

e) 그 왼쪽에 있는 갈림길에서, 위쪽으로 올라가지 말고, 차도와 인도가 있는 밑쪽으로 내려가서걷는다.

f) 터널을 지나고, 인도를 한참 걷다 보면 中国电影博物馆이 나온다.

g)售票处(shou piao chu, 매표소)라고 쓰여진 곳의 왼쪽에서, 신분증/학생증을 보여주고 무료로 표를 받는다.

h) 표를 가지고 왼쪽으로 가서 들어가기만 하면 된다!


3.    중국영화박물관 관람을 4시 반에 마치고, 택시를 타고 숙소/집으로 돌아가기!




1.  798 예술구는 오전 10부터 문을 연다. 또한, 대부분의 갤러리들이 오후 4~5시쯤 되면 서서히  문을 닫는다.

2.  중국영화박물관은 오전 9부터 시작해서 4 문을 닫는다. 월요일에는 문을 열지 않으므로 주의.

3.  버스 값은 늘 1위안이다. 교통카드가 있으면 더 저렴한 가격에 탑승 가능하지만, 중국에 거주하지 않는 이상 교통카드까지 살 필요는 없다.

4.  새치기는 어쩔 수 없으므로 넘기되, 소매치기는 주의하자. 특히 사람들이 넘치는 버스 안에서는 가방 주의!

5.  간혹 태워준다는헤이쳐’(불법 개인택시)는 무시하고, 버스 타기가 어려우면 차라리 진짜 택시를 타자.

국제적인 조각가 50인과 국내 조각가143의 작품으로 구성, 조각작품으로만 구성되어 치러지는 전시회로는 최초이자 최고의 규모로 눈길을 끌었던 ISF 서울국제조각페스타 2011 (International Scuplpture Festa 2011 in Seoul)이 4월 12일(화)부터 18일(월)까지 7일간 예술의전당 한가람미술관에서 열렸다. 평소 예술활동을 통한 국제교류에 관심 있는 필자는 이번 전시회를 둘러보고, 전시회를 주최한 사단법인 한국조각가협회 유재흥 사무국장을 인터뷰했다.

전시는 세 부분으로 나뉘어 구성되었다.
첫 번째 만난 특별전 “All about Sculpture 조각의 모든 것"에서는 한국이 낳은 세계적인 아티스트 백남준이 10여년 전 오늘의 디지털 세계를 내다본 테크노보이가 전시되어있고, 부르델과 시계그림으로 더 유명한 달리 외에 아르망, 조엘 사피로, 로버트 라우젠버그, 안토니 카로, 마크 퀸의 조각들이 전시되었다.
또한 영국
, 이탈리아, 프랑스, 중국, 일본 등에서 현재 활발히 활동 중인 13개국 50여 명의 외국 작가들의 작품과 국내 초청작가 74명의 대표작품, 전시를 후원한 크라운 해태의 레지던시(residency:(화가작가음악가 등이 특정 기관 소속으로 일하는) 전속작가 19명의 작품이 한자리에 모여 작품의 다양함과 규모에 보는 관람객들의 탄성을 자아냈다.

본 전시 ”Sculpture the World 세상을 조각하라는 국내 원로작가부터 젊은 작가까지 90여 명의 작가들의 미니 개인전이라는 독특한 형식으로 금속, , 종이, 혼합매체등의 다양한 재료와 새로운 기법을 가지고 각 작가들의 개성이 돋보이는 작품들로 구성하여 부스전을 하였다.

한편 야외 조각전 “Into the Nature 자연 속으로 간 조각" 은 미술관 밖 실외공간에서 펼쳐졌는데 관람객들이 그 작품과 함께 사진을 찍거나 친밀히 교감할 수 있어 따스한 봄 햇살과 어울리는 전시였다.

이번 2011 서울국제조각페스타는 세계 여러나라에 한국과 한국의 조각을 알릴 수 있는 좋은 기회였다. 딱딱하고 어렵게느껴졌던 한국의 조각도 이제는 부모와 자녀들이 함께 쉽게 다가가 체험하며 관람할 수 있는 문화콘텐츠가 되었음을 피부로 느낄 수 있는 전시이기도 했다. 앞으로도 이런 전시가 많아지길 바라며 서울국제조각페스타 2012를 기대해본다.

조각가들로만 구성된 최초의 국제 조각축제라고 들었는데
페스타를 개최하시게 된 계기가 무엇인가요?

유재흥사무국장(이하’) : 조각가들이 아트페어와 같은 전시를 하려면 어려움이 많습니다. 좁은 공간에 많은 작품을 보여주려는 갤러리들 입장에서는 부피가 크고, 작품가격이 비싸 일반인들이 부담스러워하는 조각을 꺼려하기 때문입니다. 그래서 많은 조각가들은 자신의 성향을 한번에 보여주는 개인전의 형태로 작품을 발표하지요. 이번 조각페스타는 한 장소인 예술의전당 내에서 조각가들만 모여 전시를 함으로써 관람들이 조각을 한꺼번에 볼 수 있는 계기를 마련하고 화랑을 거치지 않고 직접 작품을 구입할 수 있는 복합적인 아트페어형식으로 기획되었습니다.

세계 여러 나라의 작가들을 섭외하는 데 어려움은 없었나요

: 사실은 작고하신 외국작가들, 현존하는 작가들도 계신데... 모두를 섭외하기는 힘들었지만 작품을 소장하고 계시는 분들에게 의뢰도 하고 공문을 통해 작가 섭외를 하는 방식으로 진행하여 큰 어려움은 없었습니다.

이번 조각페스타를 관람하신 분들의 반응은 어떤가요

: 처음에는 반신반의, 전시를 개최한 경험적 수치가 없기 때문에 관람객들이 실망하지 않기를 바라는 정도로만 생각했습니다. 하지만 많은 관람객들이 이렇게 유명하고 많은 작품들을 한곳에서 볼 수 있다는 것에 만족해 하시고 다양한 작품의 관람이 지루하지 않았다는 말씀들을 해주셔서 전시를 기획한 한국조각가협회 입장에선 기분 좋은 일이고 내년 전시를 다시 기획하는 계기가 되고 있습니다.

이번 조각 페스타가 한국의 조각을 세계에 알리는 데 도움이 되었나요

: 외국에서도 출품한 작가 의외에 많은 손님들이 오셨고, 한국조각은 이렇게 전시하며 이렇게 만드는구나 하면서 감탄을 하기도 하였고, 그밖에 외국에 많은 홍보물이 배포되었기 때문에 한국조각의 위상이 세계로 알려지는 데 큰 역할을 했다고 생각합니다.

조각페스타에 관심 있는 청소년들에게 한 말씀 해주신다면!

: 청소년 여러분들 중 미술에 관심을 갖고 있거나, 조각을 전공하고자하는 청소년이 있다면 이번 전시를 관람하면서 선배들의 작품을 보고 느끼면서 큰 동기부여가 되었으면 하고, 이번 페스타에서 조각이라는 분야가 대중에게 늘 친근하게 자리 잡을 수 있는 장이 되었기를 바랍니다.

       Back in 2010, Students from Concordia International School Shanghai, an American curricula-based international school located in Shanghai, China, had successfully held its annual project of Yunnan English Project, YEP, in Da Shan Bao, a rural town in Yunnan Province.

Local students from Da Shan Bao are posing for picture
What is YEP 2010?

       Yunnan Education Project is an annual project that aims provision of education and human care services in impoverished regions, where residents cannot enjoy educational and technological benefits that we take for granted. Three students of Concordia International School, following 10 students’ school service trip to the Yunnan Province, started the project in 2002. The project's original goal was to help minority children fund their education up to Grade 6. It has expanded to additional provinces in China, providing school buildings, school libraries, school materials, English language instruction, village water systems, leadership and health education, and high school scholarships.

      In 2010, Yunnan Education Project team, composed of 22 instructors and students, provided English education service in an impoverished rural town Da Shan Bao from January 23 to 29, 2010. Yirang Park, participant of 2010 Yunnan Education Project, commented on the trip, “We went to Da Shan Bao as teachers, but the kids inspired and taught us more with their beautiful smiles and unconditional love.”

A week in Da shan Bao

       I, as one of the participants of the 2010 Yunnan Education Project team, was in charge of teaching local students in Da Shan Bao basic English vocabularies. Showing enthusiasm and passion for learning, students were eager to note everything that my team members and I taught them. The lecture was held in the form of art class; team members and I distributed color papers and taught students how to fold origami. In the process of teaching origami, the local students naturally learned English vocabulary. Despite I had no experience in teaching students and organizing lectures, local student’s eagerness to learn gave me great support to continue the lectures for one week.

       After the one-week of service trip ended, Da Shan Bao village generously held festival to appreciate us and congratulate our successful English-teaching in Da Shan Bao local school. During the festival, a girl from the Da Shan Bao local school played Chinese traditional flute and I believed it would be the last time I hear from that girl.
Children in Da Shan Bao are posing infront of Camera (not a picture of the girl mentioned below)

Story heard from the Village

      After few days had passed after the Yunnan Education Project, an unfortunate story was delivered from the village to YEP team members; a 4th grade student in Da Shan Bao, who had played the Chinese traditional flute in the celebration festival, had lost her both parents by accident right after the YEP team had left the town. All the 2010 Yunnan Education Project team members and I gathered in a room and discussed how we can help the girl. Fortunately, after contacting with Concordia Charity Group, which is in charge of planning and processing YEP-related programs, for few times, the group gladly promised to take care of the girl, who now was staying with her brother and sister due to the absence of parents.

The Girl Now Stands by Herself

       After few months have passed since the 2010 YEP team members heard promise of Concordia Charity Group to take care of the girl, we could hear updated information regarding the girl from Concordia Charity Group. The girl who lost his parents due to the accident now attends a school outside of Da Shan Bao. The school that the girl now attends provides better quality of education and, best of all, dormitory that the girl can stay during weekdays. During weekend, the girl goes back to house provided by Concordia Charity Group and her aunt frequently visits her. Even though she feels lonely often times, she tries to maintain her bright personality.
      To a member of Concordia Charity Group, the girl told, “I am recently learning how to cook food, but I like the school cafeteria food better.” Mr. Chris Carter, the instructor of 2010 YEP team commented on the girl, “No one knows the end from the beginning. No one can know how the girl will grow, or what her future holds. However, the YEP members do know that, now, she has a future in education.  YEP members believe that there is no such thing as coincidence.  YEP members believe that the girl and the YEP English team were brought together in space and time for many reasons.  Surely, one of them was so that YEP members could show the power of selfless giving and love to the people of Da shan bao, and to a little girl.”

 Our Promise 
       2010 Yunnan Education Team has finished its mission of teaching Da Shan Bao local students English. However, while the annual gathering, all of the YEP members promised to never forget the girl and Da Shan Bao, and someday visit the village again to share those privileges that we enjoy due to better economic and technological environment. (Name of the girl is not specified for her privacy).

 “It's spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want - oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!” - Mark Twain

          Spring. What a magical word! It is so jolly and bouncy that just hearing the word makes you yearn for a picnic: cherry blossoms, sun bath, and club sandwich. You decide to spend golden weekend to enjoy the spring. Yet you should be careful not to waste your time. Living busy in Seoul, you shall find a proper place where you can both enjoy the spring and rest within the weekend. Here are some suggestions to less crowded and beautiful spots for your sparkling spring picnic.
SPOT 1. The Seoul National Cemetery’s Cherry Blossom

          Spring never discriminates people or place. The Seoul National Cemetery is covered with blooming flowers. The Seoul National Cemetery is the nation’s sanctuary where the martyred patriots rest in peace. Starting from April 13th to 19th, the Seoul National Cemetery held cherry blossom festival.
          Cherry blossoms in the Seoul National Cemetery are like Weeping Willows that have pendulous twigs. Unfortunately, when I visited the place on the 16th, cherry blossoms did not bloom fully. Still it was fascinating because the Seoul National Cemetery provided special events for visitors: mounted party’s patrol, martial music concert, etc.
          Even when the Cherry Blossom Festival is over, you can visit the Seoul National Cemetery and view bloomed flowers. Also if you are interested in memorial facilities, you can look around freely.

                      <How to visit the Seoul National Cemetery>
                         Subway - Get off at 'Dongjak' station of subway line No. 4 
                         Bus - Get off at 'Seoul National Cemetery' 
                                 Red Bus : 9408, 9412, 600 
                                 Blue Bus : 640, 642, 360, 361, 362, 363, 752 
                                 Green Bus : 4511, 5524, 6411

SPOT 2. CheongJu Musim cheon Cherry Blossom 

          CheongJu is located at southeast of Seoul. Musim cheon passes through CheongJu’s downtown. Ironically, despite the beautiful cherry blossom scenery of Musim cheon, CheongJu does not hold cherry blossom festival. Most of roadside trees along the river are cherry blossom trees. When I walked along the riverside, I thought I was walking through pink clouds. There is cycling and jogging path for citizens to exercise. At the park located along the Musim cheon, people can borrow roller skates, bikes, etc. and have fun for a while. 

                              <How to visit CheongJu Musim cheon>
 Seoul to CheongJu – take either intercity bus or express (takes about 1.5 hr.)
 CheongJu IC to Musim cheon - Walk 200m to the river

SPOT 3. Ssangyesa and JeongEup cheon

          Unlike the previous two spots, Ssangyesa is very popular for its cherry blossoms. In other words, Ssangyesa is very crowded and also comparatively far from Seoul - JeongEup is located in the Southwest of Jeollabuk-do. But I strongly recommend these places for your big spring picnic. At Ssangyesa, you would be overwhelmed by the cherry blossoms on the cherry blossom street. Though the road is about 4km long, it seems too short to fully emerge into cherry blossom-clouds. Also, Ssangyesa itself is famous for its historical values. The temple consists of 22 regional treasures and 29 national treasures. Traditional temples and the mountain form beautiful harmony, too. Also, you can have a temple stay on every fourth Saturday. You only need to register online ahead. (http://www.ssanggyesa.net/)

          JeongEup cheon is another fantastic spot to enjoy cherry blossoms. Starting from JeonEup cheon to Naejang Mountain, cherry blossoms decorate roughly 16km long road – one of the longest cherry blossom street in Korea. Cherry blossoms form a flower tunnel. Between 7pm to 10pm, cars are not allowed to drive along the cherry blossom tunnel. So if you visit the place within that time, the street is yours!

          <How to visit Ssangyesa>
   KTX to JeongEup – Taxi to Ssangyessa
   Express bus to Hwagae – Take intercity bus to Ssangyesa from Hwagae bus terminal.

/ MIZY Youth Reporters Yeong-ran Ahn



 서울시가 광화문 광장 옆 세종로 공원 내에 ‘한글 글자 마당’ 사업을 시작했다. ‘한글 글자 마당’은 한글 초성(19자), 중성(21자), 종성(28자)로 조합 가능한 1만 1172자를 1만 1172명이 한 자씩 쓰고 돌에 새기는 사업이다. 이번 사업은 특히 내국인만이 아니라 국내 거주 외국인, 다문화 가정, 재외동포가 모두 참여할 수 있다는 점에서 뜻 깊은 한글 알리기 행사라고 볼 수 있다.

 내가 현재 거주 중인 캐나다 밴쿠버의 경우 주 밴쿠버 총영사관에 배정된 글자 ‘도, 독, 돈, 돋, 돌, 돎’으로 ‘한글 글자 마당’ 행사에 참가할 수 있었다. 캐나다와 한국의 한글 글자 마당 참가자들 이야기를 들어보았다.  

재외국민에게도 기회가 주어진 ‘한글 글자 마당’

- 조현규 (David Cho) 12세 Gorden Greenwood Elementary School, Canada (캐나다 거주)

1) 어떠한 계기로 ‘한글 글자 마당’에 참가하게 되었나요?

인터넷 기사를 둘러보던 중 발견하게 되어 신청하게 되었어요. ‘참 좋은 사업이다.’ 라고 생각하고 모집공고를 읽어보니 마침 재외국민도 참가할 수 있더라구요. 그래서 몇 번 연습 끝에 글씨를 써 대사관에 제출했습니다.


2) ‘한글 글자 마당’에 참가한 소감을 말씀해주세요.

무엇보다도 내국인과 더불어 재외국민, 외국인, 다문화가정이 모두가 참가할 수 있어서 매우 좋은 사업이라 생각해요. 한글을 사랑하고 널리 세계에 알리고 싶은 마음은 다 같잖아요? 제 글씨가 새겨진 돌을 지나갈 때면 또한 매우 뿌듯하고 자랑스러울 것 같아요. 





-조정훈 (Daniel Cho) 16세 Robert Edward Mountain Secondary School, Canada (캐나다 거주)

1)어떠한 계기로 ‘한글 글자 마당’에 참가하게 되었나요?

저는 캐나다에서 공부하고 있는 유학생입니다. 이곳에서 한인 뉴스 기사를 보고 ‘한글 글자 마당’에 대해 알게 되었습니다. 항상 캐나다에서도 한글이 소중하고 우리 민족에게 중요한 문화유산임을 느끼고 있었기에 의미있는 행사라 생각되어 참가하게 되었습니다.

2) ‘한글 글자 마당’에 참가한 소감을 말씀해주세요.

저는 밴쿠버에 주어진 글자들 중 ‘돈’이라는 단어를 택해보았습니다. 어떻게 표현할까 한참 고민하고 정성들여 썼습니다. 글씨를 쓴 후 뿌듯하기도 하고 제가 작성한 글자가 세종로 공원에 새겨질 것이라고 생각하니 설레기도 합니다. 

치열한 경쟁을 뚫은 한국 거주자

- ‘한글 글자 마당’ 한국 거주 공모 당첨자 김태연씨

1) 어떠한 계기로 ‘한글 글자 마당’에 참가하게 되었나요?

우연히 서울시 홈페이지에 들어갔다가 광고를 보고 매우 뜻깊은 행사인 것 같고 세종로에 제 손으로 적은 글자가 새겨진다는 생각에 서울 시민으로서 꼭 참여하고 싶어서 신청했는데 운 좋게도 1만 1172명 중에 한 사람으로 뽑혔네요.

2) 한글 글자 마당’에 참가한 소감을 말씀해주세요.

대한민국 국민 1만 1172명 중에 뽑힌 것도 영광인데, 제가 직접 쓴 글씨 그대로 돌에 새겨져 오래도록 남아있을 것을 생각하니 뿌듯합니다. 나중에 제 가족들과 자손들에게도 보여줄 무언가가 생겨서 서울시에 감사하게 생각하고 있습니다.

* 한국 거주 공모 당첨자는 온라인상에서 인터뷰를 진행했다. 


‘한글 글자 마당’은?

  한글 글자 마당은 '한글 마루지 조성사업'의 일환으로 시작되었다. 한글 마루지 조성사업이란 세계적인   문화유산이자 우리 고유 문자인 한글을 문화상품화하기 위하여 세종대왕 생가 터, 주시경 집터 등 한글 관련 시설이 풍부한 광화문 주변 세종대로 일대를 한글 문화관광 중심지로 조성하기 위해 마련된 사업이다.  
 서울시는 한글 글자 마당에 제출된 글씨를 10cm×10cm의 돌에 새길 계획이라고 한다. 이렇게 새겨진 돌은 7월경 광화문광장 옆 세종로 공원 바닥에 조성된다. 또한 공원 내 QR코드를 스마트폰 등으로 찍으면 참가자별 글자와 사연도 확인할 수 있다고 한다. 더 자세한 사항은 서울 다산콜센터로 문의하면 알 수 있다.


‘한글 글자 마당’ 지원 방법은?

-캐나다 밴쿠버

주 밴쿠버 총영사관에서 ‘한글 글자 마당’ 관련 접수를 관리하고 있으며 주 밴쿠버 총영사관에 배정된 ‘도, 독, 돈, 돋, 돌, 돎’ 중 1인당 1글자를 선택해 참여 신청서를 작성해야 한다. 참여 신청서는 직접 손글씨로 작성, 4월 22일까지 총영사관으로 직접 방문 및 우편을 통해 접수할 수 있다.


2011년 3월 15일부터 4월 10일까지 대한민국 국민을 대상으로 ‘한글 글자 마당’ 참가자를 공모했다. 인터넷 및 우편 접수, 추첨을 통해 10682명을 선정했다. 최종 선정된 참가자들은 4월 13일부터 4월 21일까지 배정된 글씨를 확인 후 글씨를 작성해 파일을 송부하거나 우편으로 제출하면 된다.

서울시 홈페이지 :


한글 글자 마당 :




          What volunteer services are you involved in your spare time? Do you want to be involved? If you do, I’ll introduce you an organization suitable for you and if you do not want to be involved, I’ll inform you of a shocking news that will persuade you to participate in curing a cause. Having experienced this organization, I have realized the positive aspects of this organization and would like to recommend it rather than recommending an organization without experience and only based on facts.


          Did you know the fact that one person becomes blind every 5 seconds and one child becomes blind every minute? About 180 million people in the world have low vision and among them, 45 million are legally blind. Among these 45 million people, 80% of their blindness can be avoided by proper treatment or prevention. Also, 50% of this blindness are caused by cataract, which is curable through surgery. According to WHO, blindness from cataract will reach 50 million by 2020 and 90% of them will be from less developed countries. Their vision could be fully restored with only $120 of medical supplies and one fully equipped ophthalmologist team. (provided by WHO).

     There are many community service groups that work towards curing this issue. However, having experiences in one organization, I would like to deal with one organization in particular, which is Vision Care Service and its associate group, Vision Care Global Youth. 

     Vision Care Global Youth (VCGY) is under an adult organization Vision Care Service, which is an organization working along with IAPB under WHO. It promotes many eye sight restoring campaign inside their capability. They go on street campaigns where they can let others aware of this shocking news and receive donations. They also hold annual concerts in order to collect massive amounts of money that will be used for eye surgery of those who are in need. Also, there are small units who work in their schools. They use their lunch time and time after schools to let the cause be widely known and receive even the smallest donation including 100 won. 

          For students who are not yet ready to be out in the society, schools are a small version of the society that they could fulfill what they want. Therefore, they have campaigning activities in school in order to raise money. They know that school is not going to give them much money but it is most valuable experience. Even though this community service group was created in order to help blind people in Africa, it provides teenagers opportunities to be leaders pulling everything related to the organization together. 

          Vice President of theVCGY in Korea International School, Chloe Song, said “this activity has made me to earn more experience in leading other fellow students which is beneficial for my life because leadership is a helpful quality.”
          Member of VCGY, Peter Kim, has also stated “this community service provides experience valuable to everyone no matter what you would like to become because there are variety of work needed including designing to keep financials organized.” 

          Many members of VCGY feel satisfied with their work and the thought that they are saving someone pleases them.  Anyone willing to help support this cause could visit the website www.vcgy.org.



Last year, Jamie Oliver, a young cook from Britain became the winner of TED2010, after giving an eighteen-minute talk on the the need to teach every child about food. The TED2010s theme was What the World Needs Now,and many people, along with Jamie Oliver hadgiven speeches on what they think is the most urgent matter for the world and suggested ideas to solve the problem.

All photographs provided by TedxSeoul

TED: Ideas Worth Spreading

TED, short for Technology Entertainment and Design, is a non-profit organization that has the goal of disseminating ideas worth spreading. It holds a set of conferences every year, putting forth a theme that covers a range of different ideas concerning culture, science, and humanity. TED, where many people with the same goal of bettering the humanitys lives, also encourages formation of relationships. This encouragement is based on TEDs belief that larger number can make come true something that one person can only hope for.

The spread does not stop here; TEDx events are furthering the spread even more. The x of TEDx means independently organized TED events. TED-like events are held by communities, organizations, or individuals in the hope of advancing TEDs mission of disseminating ides worth spreading.


 Interview with Evangelist Han-Seok Ryu of TEDxSeoul

There are numerous TEDx
s happening in South Korea, such as the TEDxSeoul, TEDx YongSan, TEDxat universities, and endless more. An E-mail interview with Han-Seok Ryu and In-Hyuk Song of TEDxSeoul was carried out for more detailed information of how ideas could be spread insie Korea. Evangelist Ryu and Song (evangelist meaning the person who spreads) are two of the organizers of TED. 

How did TEDxSeoul start?

I (Ryu) personally started as a translator of the TED videos. I watched one or two of them, and I thought that they were really worth spreading to people around me. The wish to spread TED led me to actually organize TEDx with others who had the same passion as me, finally culminating in the formation of TEDxSeoul. The team formed initially in June of 2009 and held the first event in the same year November. We held two more events last year, and during that time 60 more TEDxs formed around the nation. This level of enthusiasm had never been witnessed by the TED community until now, even at the global arena.

You two went to the original TED conference in California last year. What was it like and how did it inspire you?

Many famous people attended such as Bill Gates and Jason Mraz. But this really is not the important part. The real charm was the love for humanity that existed in the heart of everything and everyone. Obviously, the knowledge and ideas you can get from just watching the video, so it was attending the conference itself that could provide something that really mattered. The conference was special in the sense that you can communicate with these people and really share the idea. TED is a very expensive conference, and people sacrifice so much to meet and develop relationships with others who have the same zeal for humanity. One memorable comment by one of the attendees was, I feel relieved to find out through TED that leaders from around the world have such caring minds and hearts.

There are so many TEDx events happening around the world. We really cannot expect what we will end up with them, but one thing for sure is that it will be amazing.

There are also students and teenagers who have great interest in bettering the humanity. How do you think they could participate in TED activities?

There are many ways students can participate. Since TED spreads ideas, we have a natural interest in education. We think much about how TEDx could affect education, and one of the projects that work on this part is the TED ED(http://education.ted.com/). Moreover, there are many TEDxYouth events being held around the globe, such as the TEDxYouth@Tokyo and TEDxYouth@Seoul. Usually, such youth events are carried out by students with assist from teachers.

We heard that there have been two or so events held in Korea until now. Learning by book and lectures is not enough now. Getting to realize who you are and what you are passionate about through experiencing diverse activities is the real learning. In this sense, organizing and participating in TEDxYouth events yourself will be worth it for sure.

What do you think is the TEDxSeoul’s ultimate goal in Korea?

TEDxSeoul’s mission is “Inspire. Share. Change.” This means to bring to surface the many hidden inspirations, and spread them to people around us, so that we can make even the smallest changes to this world. Change starts from the inside. When we decide “I need to do something,” this is when the change
starts. Like Mahatma Gandhi once said “be the change you want to see in the world.” We are just hoping that our small changes will aggregate into a bigger one.

I personally believe that TED is different from other conferences that are held to further improve the lives of the upper minorities. TEDs true interest is not about the technology, entertainment, and design. It is about enhancement in the overall quality of human life. TED exists to bring out the ideas buried in one persons mind, ideas that have the potential to make revolutionary changes when supported. Students can participate in TED through TEDx events, or just by watching the TED videos on TED website and participating in the ongoing debates and conversations about the ideas introduced. Whats the point of having ideas cramped up inside you? Share them!


If you wish to meet the ideas worth spreading, or want to spread yours, below are the links to TED homepage ,TEDxSeoul homepage, and TEDxYouth homepage:

TED: www.ted.com

TEDxSeoul: www.tedxseoul.com

TEDxYouth@Seoul: http://www.tedxyouthseoul.com/

To Ground Zero

It has been almost 10 years since the destruction of the twin World Trade Center Towers on September 11, 2001. However, Ground Zero (the site of the former WTC towers) is no more a tragic graveyard. Ground Zero, once a derelict strip of ruins, is now facing a revival as construction has started to build a single main World Trade Center, along with minor WTC office buildings, a memorial center, a train station, a shopping center, and a performing arts center. I wanted to see the progress of the construction first hand for those outside New York. I went to the WTC station via the Metro Transit Authority of New York.

The Construction

“We want the American people to be able to see the WTC as soon as possible” (Left to Right: Other WTC buildings, The main WTC buildin, the second WTC building)

          When I arrived at the site, the construction of the main World Trade Center (also called Freedom Tower) was continuing in full-scale. It was raining on April 16. Despite poor weather and dangerous slippery conditions workers were re-constructing the building. I asked one of the workers, Jared, on his opinion of the current construction work. “Yeah, it’s dangerous, I know,” said Jared, “but we want the American people to be able to see the new World Trade Center as soon as possible; I think it will mean a lot to them and the 9/11 victims.” “Besides,” he added, “we have a schedule to follow and I think the workers have adequate safety gear.”

From Left to Right (tallest buildings): Main WTC building, second WTC building, third WTC building
Pictures from (

          According to Jared (confirmed in Wikipedia), the main World Trade Center building is to be completed in 2013 and would be the tallest building in New York (standing 541m), as well as in the US. The lower exterior has almost been completed; its glass windows are already installed. All of the seven WTC buildings are to be environmentally friendly, in accordance with the rising movement to improve the environment and fuel efficiency. Apart from the main WTC building, the second WTC building has also shown progress. “With sluggish economy and the depression, I’m actually amazed at the fact that we’ve completed this far although we have a long way to go,” said Johnny, another construction worker.

High Expectations

          When I asked why the main WTC is called the Freedom Tower, Jared remarked “It’s called Freedom Tower because it stands tall and FREE in America.” Like Jared, all 20 interviewers on the WTC construction site replied the main World Trade Center was a symbol of rebirth for the US. They added that they have high expectations for the new World Trade Center buildings. “I’ve lived in New York for 15 years, and I was shocked when the terrorist attacked and destroyed one of the symbols of New York,” said Sam, one of the interviewees, “and I’m glad that the construction has kicked off.” When I asked the interviewers about the cost of the WTC buildings, all of them had stated that they would be ready to pay for the rebuilding of the WTC buildings. “We’re constructing more than a building,” said Sam. “We’re rebuilding America and New York.”

In Memoriam


  “I saw people jumping off the roof. I saw the building collapse. These events I can’t forget,”

          People still remember the tragedy of the twin WTC buildings. There is a mural set up to honor the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attack. The inscription reads “DEDICATED TO THOSE WHO FELL AND TO THOSE WHO CARRY ON – MAY WE NEVER FORGET.” Even in the rainy weather, many people who lost their family members in the attack and those who were passing by were paying their respects. “Although the construction of the new WTC buildings signal for a rebirth, the scars remain” said an anonymous mourner. A fire fighter recounted what happened on 9/11. “I thought the world was ending,” he said. “I saw people jumping off the roof. I saw the building collapse. These I can’t forget,” he added.

“He [the statue] represents all the victims, who were ordinary and who were uninvolved.”

          Near the construction site is a statue of a man in a suit sitting on a bench, rummaging through his suitcase. The statue has no inscription that describes it. I asked 10 random people on their thoughts on the statue.  “I think it represents an unnamed victim of 9/11,” said one interviewee. “It must represent an ordinary day for an ordinary person, minding his own business, before 9/11,” stated another. “He [the statue] represents all the victims, who were ordinary and who were uninvolved.”

Leaving Ground Zero

          Many people hold high hopes for the new WTC buildings; they believe that it will rejuvenate a torture caused by the recession. The buildings, which will incorporate safety features that exceed New York standards, are to be beacons of hope and freedom for Americans. The people who admire the buildings, however, have not forgotten the victims of 9/11. The buildings will not only serve as a beacon of hope, but a reminder of those who perished in 9/11. 


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