On September 17th, a lecture was given in regards to the 2011 Millennium Development Goal Progress (MDG), which was held in the KOICA building, celebrating its tenth anniversary. It was specifically highlighted that common people should be more aware of spectrums entailed by MDG. For this cause or reason, NGO will be provided a great opportunity to advertise their campaigns and activities throughout the field, in which to soon become a discussion key.


Among the presentation, I was awestruck by the Millennium Village Project, held by the Merry Year Foundation, which took place in Gumulira, Malawi. Although the project has brought a delicate attraction, steady changes are still being altered. It was a ‘glocal’ project that implements the ideas of MDGs into every corner of the world, specialized to just the place.

All the panelists and students in the celebratory lecture


Goal1: Eradication of extreme hunger and poverty

When farmers were provided with fertilizers, the harvest rate was 5 tons per one hectare But when fertilizers are not provided, the production was reduced to 2 tons per hectare. Aiding fertilizers and seeds are necessary in order to support fundamental needs.


Goal2: Achieve universal primary education

Participation in school education is valued to its utmost position when schools budgets provide food for students; moreover, providing funds in order to operate a sound education environment for students who come from unstable socio-economic backgrounds. This goal stresses that consistency and validated operations from the Village Sensitization Education Program is necessary, to say the very least.


Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women

The annual school fee in Gumulira is about 60 USD. However there are only a few who can easily afford this amount of money. The installment of a solid and well organized scholarship system must be activated in order to encourage and motivated the educational needs for female children.


Goal 4: Reduce child mortality

The Gumulira Millennium Village is planning on reducing the mortality rate of children to as much as 40 deaths of 1000 lives. It needs a specific and validated approach—such as vaccination, proper environmental sanitation, and most importantly, improvements in the healthcare system, particularly aimed towards maternal health. This goal necessitates the most various strategic approaches to achieve certain degrees of accomplishment.


Goal 5: Improve maternal health

The starting point of achieving this goal is to reduce death rate during birth. When systemized with healthy hospitals, there would be a better possibility to reduce death rates to almost by zero.


Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDs, malaria and other diseases

The most fundamental step to take is to check who is infected with AID’s. Strong education on ways to protect individuals from being infected to venereal diseases and giving them access to protective tools are the only ways to combat unwanted diseases.


Goal 7: Ensure sustainable development

Keeping installed water pumps clean, and planting fertilizing trees (Leguminous trees) are pretty much all about ensuring a sustainable environment— improving high quality lives of people.

Merry Year Foundation, contributing in distributing welfare around the world through glocal partnership inspired me a lot because they put their thoughts into actions, and they were good at it.


The project as a whole itself is a living example of global partnership. When supervised and supported by the government, South Korea’s status as a nation will likely improve. Such projects are ‘global’ projects that bring about practical changes in everyday lives. I am glad to know that there are programs out there which aims for the betterment of the human well-being.

On July 24th, Seoul Youth Center for Cultural Exchange, Mizy Center in short, welcomed the second guest speaker
for the MDG workshop provided for the Mizy Reporters, Kim Kyung Soo. Mr. Kim’s main field of activity is PKO:
Peacekeeping Operations. Starting with the interning at the UN, he has developed his career through working in the
Asia Pacific Council, the Korea Military Academy, the United Nations Military Observer group in India and Pakistan, and the United Nations Mission in Sudan. From his experiences, he realized that the MDGs goals were all parts of a big
cycle linked by two words, sustainable development. He explains the each goals based on his experiences and what
the future peacekeepers can do.


Picture from crcna.org-MDG hands

Goal1: Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger

Poverty does not miss out on anything. The statistics showed many positive results, but the reality he saw was not far
from devastating. He recalls seeing kids rushing in with empty bottles as he and his team readied themselves for 
shower in Sudan. Their soapy waters will be flowing into the kids’ bottles and, eventually, mouth. The even sadder part is that
few kilometers away, there was a supermarket that had clean waters barricaded from t
hose kids with a barrier called
“price tag”

Goal2: Achieve Universal Primary Education

According to the 2011 MDG Report, the Sudanese children’s school enrollment rate has been increasing recently.
owever, when he was in Sudan, the children could barely attend school due to several reasons. Weather affected the most. 8 months of the year, it was too wet for the small children to walk the several kilometers to school, whilst 2 were too dry and hot. Even in normal weathers, parents feel it is too dangerous to send their kids on such a long walk, where
are frequently kidnapped by the army, and the girls, raped. Merely building schools in the nations and
parents to enroll their children have not solved the problem of education, where such indigenous issues
are not taken into account. 

Goal3: Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women

The number of women with paid jobs is considerably lower than the number of men with paid jobs in Sudan. Most
women in Sudan do not realize that they are receiving unjust and unequal treatment. For them to know this, they need to be educated, but of unfortunately, everything has a price tag, even education.

Goal4: Reduce Child Mortality

In year 2007, during 3 months of time, 821 Sudanese children died of measle. That corresponds to two small elementary
schools in Seoul. Likewise, malaria is one of the diseases that wipes out children now and then. However, having
caught them twice, Mr. Kim says that they were somewhat like normal colds, gone in 3 days with medication. The 
diseases are not what raises child mortality rate, but it’s their extremely weak bodies and immunity, along with the
unyielding poverty that seems to beholding the Sudaneses’ ankles on all parts of their lives.

Goal5: Improve Maternal Health

The ratio of baby getting born under proper professional medical care was only 48% in year 2008. If the mothers’ health is deteriorating, the child mortality will rise. If the mother has AIDS, the number of new AIDS infectants will rise. If the mother receives low quality education, or no education, the child is less likely to have proper education, and so on. This
generation’s females’ problems are literally “inherited” by the next generation if they are not solved.  


Goal6: Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and other Diseases

Because of the high illiteracy, instead documents with definition and descriptions of AIDS, he and the team plastered a
large poster with the word “AIDS” on it, color print. The next day, the poster was found stuck in a home’s wall as
decoration. Due to lack of education and knowledge, the could not understand his explanations on why AIDS is
dangerous, what happens to kids born with AIDS, and where they can get the pills.


Goal7: Ensure Environmental Sustainability

Mr. Kim realized the seriousness of the water issues not only when he saw people using drinking water for washing, but also the vice versa. To help these Sudanese, an industry kindly sent high-technology generators that could pump out
water from the underground that ran on electricity. Unsurprisingly, the generators ended up in the children’s hands
because they did not have enough energy to operate such machines and did not know how such technology worked.
Similarly, he found out that the land is actually fertile enough to operate an agricultural system, but because they lacked
agricultural technology and knowledge, they fall into idleness.

Goal8: Global Partnership for Development.

From all these experiences, he realized that what he and other people working in international bodies and partnerships
that support the developing nations need to do is ‘research.’ To gather correct information and database so that they
actually “know” the realities of each nation, rather than planning on surmises and speculations. The UN might seem as if they are doing nothing, but it is they who do the research with which the NGOs and other international organizations
raise funds.

Sudan is an impoverished nation, but at the same time, the most supported by the UN. But why are they showing second to no progression when countries like India and China, which were once in the same line receiving same or less help
than them, are prospering? Mr. Kim says that he has never heard a ‘thank you’ in Sudan. Their history filled with betrayal and embezzlement, the Sudanese neglects to depend on other nations for development, making the effects of the UN and other international organizations’ help temporal. However, Mr. Kim explains that this is not their fault, but our ignorance of their unique culture and history. “Like humans have different characteristics, so does the nations. We need to understand these characteristics: the history, culture, the environment, the weather, and so on. You think that you know, but when
you look at the real scenes, you’ll realize that reality is very different.” To promote sustainable development, the main goal of MDGs, we need to firstly research and understand them.


Tip for those who are interested in joining Mr. Kim:

Mr. Kim says that many students ask him what major they should choose and how high their TOEFL, TOEIC, and other
English scores have to be to work in the UN or NGOs. He says that his answers are always the same: follow your bliss and dream. In the book
Succeed as the citizen of the world, not of Korea(한국인이 아닌 세계인으로 성공하라), he recalls when he and his team members of the OCHA, Office of Coordination for Humanitarian Affairs, gathered after a long day of work. All eight members were from different countries and all had different majors, ranging from social welfare to computer programmers. He quotes “Don’t accommodate yourself to the international organizations but apply your own merits to their needs.” Doing what you can do best and with joy is the quickest way to helping others be happy.



I could not understand why people in Africa laid tens of children when they could not raise them all healthily. Neither could I comprehend why an enormous continent, Africa, with so much resource left underground, they would not dig them up and make use of them. But as it turns out, we were lucky that we were not born in Africa. Most chances are that we too would be suffering from extreme poverty and malnourished if we were simply out of luck. Just as we are protected, since birth, under a relatively stable environment, African children did not choose their destiny either.


‘Phew, that was close..’ Sure. We successfully made a narrow escape from not being born in Africa. But this is not an attitude to be encouraged. We cannot put off solving the seemingly endless chain of poverty forever. As a same human being with a sense of compassion, we feel sorry to hear their everyday lives. We will never experience that pain but 2 billion populations is covering their stomach, not in hunger but knife sticking pain.


There was a lecture by Song Shin Hye (The Korean Committee for UNICEF, Manager of Education Development Division) in MIZY center (Seoul Youth Center for Cultural Exchange) in July 20th, with the topic of ‘MDGs, for A World Where Every Child is Happy’. The lecture was originally for the Youth Reporters of MIZY, but it became open for anyone who is interested in child well-being and MDGs.

Song Shin Hye, Manager of Education Development Division, The Korean Committee for UNICEF alks about how UN can be compared to a galaxy.


I was surprised to hear there were so many close relations between MDGs and children. MDGs are Millennium Development Goals, approved by UN in 2000, Summit Meeting. It has designated 8 conundrums to be solved upon decided percentage by 2015. (See below for more information) She declared very shocking statistics from the beginning of the speech, that 50 percent of the social class to be protected by MDGs is children, by definition, people of five to eighteen years old. They are vulnerable; immune system is to be developed by thorough nourishment. Yet, overwhelming number of children in South-West Africa, for instance, is heavily dependent on infrequent, unsustainable foreign medical aids. They are so depended on those aids that the number fluctuates according to the foreign aid given.


MDG declares: ‘As leaders we have a duty therefore to the entire world’s people, especially the most vulnerable and, in particular, the children of the world, to whom the future belongs. ’ However this promise is not being kept very well. The average life expectancy for people in Zimbabwe is 36. A third of children are dying of malnutrition. Pneumonia derives from simple cold. Many African children suffer from diarrhea because they drank filthy water. Malaria is easily overcome than common mosquitoes’ bites but they are known to be deadly because people in Africa have weak immune system to fight against malaria.

                                                               MDG slogan

UNICEF is facing several responsibilities: First they must increase maternal health (MDG Goal 5: Maternal Health). When mothers are healthy, entire household becomes healthy (MDG Goal 4: Child Health). Children do not have to work instead of their parents but go to school. This is how universal education comes true (MDG Goal 2: Universal Education). People become more intellectual, and develop their insights towards the world through education. This leads to eradication of extreme poverty and hunger (MDG Goal 1: End Poverty and Hunger) in the long run, because educated people are more likely to have better jobs than simple labor or going through trash. Someday, female version of Nelson Mandela will be leading Africa. At this moment, women are less educated compared to male, but through ‘universal’ education, more women will fight for gender equality and empower women (MDG Goal 3: Gender Equality). Ultimately, national strength and sovereignty will come to stand firm, and their governments will focus on basic sanitation as their life quality increases. HIV/AIDS and other diseases will be eradicated (MDG Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS) by increased sanity.

                                           UNICEF(United Nation Children's Fund)

There is a time limit to MDG goals. Until 2015, all the goals should be met. However it seems to me it would be very hard in any goal to reach the expected level. Nevertheless, I think we should keep going like we used to. It doesn’t mean the world will end in 2015, the time will pass but people stay the same. The time limit exists to give pressure and prevent from nations saving the issue for later but encourage instantly putting action to it. Whenever we believe it is already late, it is the earliest it can get.


Now: how can you contribute to UNICEF and to the world’s being?

Go to https://www.unicef.or.kr/donate/main.asp

You can send gifts or monthly donations. 1,000 won a day can save a dying child. In your pencil case, you are carrying lives of 10 children. What would you do? It is in your hands.




MDG goals

Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger

           - Halve the proportion of people living on less than $1 a day

           - Achieve Decent Employment for Women, Men, and Young People

           - Halve the proportion of people who suffer from hunger

Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education 
By 2015, all children can complete a full course of primary schooling, girls and boys

Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women
Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education preferably by 2005, and at all levels by 2015

Goal 4: Reduce child mortality rates
Reduce by two-thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the under-five mortality rate

Goal 5: Improve maternal health

      -       Reduce by three quarters, between 1990 and 2015, the maternal mortality ratio
-       Achieve, by 2015, universal access to reproductive health

Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases

      -        Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS
-        Achieve, by 2010, universal access to treatment for HIV/AIDS for all those who need it
-       Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the incidence of malaria and other major diseases

Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability

      -  Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programs; reverse loss of environmental resources

      - Reduce biodiversity loss, achieving, by 2010, a significant reduction in the rate of loss

      - Halve, by 2015, the proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation (for more information see the entry on water supply)

     - By 2020, to have achieved a significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum-dwellers

Goal 8: Develop a global partnership for development

     -        Develop further an open, rule-based, predictable, non-discriminatory trading and financial system

     -       Address the Special Needs of the Least Developed Countries (LDC)

     -       Address the special needs of landlocked developing countries and small island

     -       Deal comprehensively with the debt problems of developing countries through national and international measures in order to make debt sustainable in the long term

     -        In co-operation with pharmaceutical companies, provide access to affordable, essential drugs in developing countries

     -       In co-operation with the private sector, make available the benefits of new technologies, especially information and communications



2011 January 29th, in KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency), there was an event for VANK (Voluntary Agency Network of Korea) member students. The name of the event was called ‘VANK World Changer Education’. Such forum is held for the first time ever, but will continue to educate VANK students about contemporary global issues frequently from now on. 330 middle and high school students’ passionate minds to bring a better change in the world heated up the cold room. Students realized MDGs (Millennium Development Goals) were the challenges for young generations to solve.


MDGs are eight most imminent conundrums of 21st century, of which should be solved upto certain level by 2015. “Some problems are a little bit more influential to our lives than others. However if you were to become a world changer, you should care them all.” , VANK leader Park Gi-tae said.

VANK leader Park Gi-tae introducing a Moroccan intern in VANK


Some people question the effectiveness of United Nations. ICUNIA (Information Center for UN and International Activities) representative Kyung-Soo Kim  told the students “OCHA(UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) makes sure that relief goods are handed out to every single corner of rural areas. This is one of the practical actions that nothing else but UN can accomplish.” And also, “There are so few Koreans working in international organizations. Your chances are big. Try before you give up. But first, be an expert in your expertise.”

Frankly, many students looked partially relieved to know their English did not have to be perfect to work in UN. With their passionate minds, respectable English proficiency and expertise on a particular section, they were already a part of UN.

ICUNIA (Information Center for UN and International Activities) representative Kyung-Soo Kim being introduced at the beginning of his lecture


Lastly, KOICA Global Village Project Assistant Jung Sunghoon gave a speech about ODA(Official Development Assistant). ODAs are various forms of aids given by developed nations or its governments to international organizations or developing nations purely for their benefit. The aid is never limited to financial aid, but also includes technological, humanitarian aids. South Korea is the only country to no longer receive the aid but give the aid. But there are problems to unconditional ODAs. Recipient countries may no longer be able to stand up for themselves without the aid, making them heavily dependent on the aid. Their governments are easily corrupted, and modernization / democratization are delayed. ODAs may help recipient countries temporarily, but if they are not used properly, it does more harm than good.


KOICA Global Village Project Assistant Jung Sunghoon giving a lecture about MDGs and ODA.

“I came to open my sight to inconvenient truth, problems the universe is facing. Furthermore, students all together came up with practical solutions to the problems, of what we can contribute to make a better world! As I was listening to several lectures, I could visualize my dream, and find out what I would like to devote my career upon. I felt dignity to my home country. It was such a precious time to meet fellow students who are interested in similar issues. I will treasure this event for a long time.” said Kim Hyun Ah, 17, a participant of VANK World Changer Education.


VANK World Changer Education pointed out the problems we are facing. Students came to realize that not even solutions are going to completely solve the problem. But students with dreams of making a better world is ‘changing’ our world one step closer to Utopia, by acknowledging what the problem is, and why they should be solved.

/MIZY Youth Reporters, Cho Rok Lee

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