청소년들의 축제, 8 대한민국 청소년 박람회를 가다.



 중∙고등학생이 되었음에도 불구하고 자신의 능을 찾지 못하거나, 꿈을 정하지 못한 청소년들이 많이 있다. 그런 청소년들을 위해 다양한 활동과 문화에 대한 정보를 나누고, 청소년들이 직접 참여함으로써 숨은 재능을 마음껏 표현할 있는 기회를 제공하기 위해 정부는 매년 청소년 주간인 매년 5 마지막 주에 맞춰 대한민국 청소년박람회를 개최한다. 올해는 2012 5 24 부터 5 26일까지 제 8회 박람회(http://www.youthexpo.net/) 서울무역전시관 (SETEC)에서 개최되었다.


청소년 박람회는 매년 전국의 주요 도시를 번갈아가며 열리는데 올해는 서울시가 여성가족부 및 서울 시내 청소년 관련기관들과 함께 참여했다. 지난해 대전에서 열린 박람회가 건강’이라는 대주제 하에 ‘It’s youth! 웃어라 청소년! 빛나라 내일아!’ 를 슬로건으로 내세운 반면 올해는 '청소년이 행복한 세상! 함께 만들어요!' 를 슬로건으로 내세웠다. 특히 올해는 진로와 꿈을 주제로 각종 청소년 단체와 서울시 산하 기관들이 참여한 가운데 토크 콘서트, 공연, 한중 수교 20주년 기념 가요제, 청소년 열린 토론회, 김장훈 콘서트 청소년들을 위한 다채로운 행사와 공연이 박람회를 풍성하게 채웠다.




 이번 박람회는 크게 진로존, 창의존, 참여존 세 가지로 나누어져 있어 청소년들이 테마에 맞추어 부스를 방문하고, 체험할 있었다. 진로존에는 식약청, 여성가족부 정부부처와, 부산시 대구시 지방자치단체들이 참여했으며, 서울시립청소년문화교류센터 (미지센터), 서울특별시립 청소년활동진흥센터 등 서울시 청소년 기관들과 경찰, 군인, 메이크업 등 각종 직업 관련 단체들이 부스들을 마련하여 청소년들의 진로 선택에 관한 정보를 제공하였다.


다양한 전시물과 체험행사를 마련한 진로존의 부스들 중 미지센터는 '다문화, 세계화'를 키워드로 실내 전시와 실외 체험행사를 운영했다. 특히 실외에서 진행된 '희망의 운동화' 그리기 행사는 여성가족부 장관을 비롯한 이번 행사 관계자들과 수많은 참가자들의 관심을 끌었다. 또한 실내에서는 미지센터와 협력관계를 맺고 있는 이스탄불 문화원, 유엔인권정책센터, 미국대사관 아메리칸센터 등을 초청, 터키 도자기와 전통의상, 미 국무부 제작 도서 등 다채로운 전시물을 선보였다. 



세 개의 전시관 중 참여존이 청소년들에게 가장 많은 인기를 끌었는데, 청소년들이 직접 운영하는 단체와 청소년 동아리들이 대거 참여해서 청소년들이 공감을 느끼고 다채로운 체험을 할 수 있었기 때문인 것으로 보인다.



참여존에 부스를 마련한 수많은 단체들 중 청소년의 강제노동에 반대하면서, 이를 공정무역을 통해 해결하고, 어린이 노동법 강화를 위해 청소년 박람회에서 청소년이 남긴 편지를 유엔 인권위원회에 보내겠다는 목표를 가지고 있는 청소년 단체 TGCP(The Global Children Project, http://www.tgcproject.blogspot.kr/) 만나 있었다. 참가자들이 남긴 편지를 유엔 인권위원회에 보내겠다고 해서인지, TGCP 이번 청소년 박람회에서 매우 많은 청소년들의 관심을 끌었다.



 박람회 현장에서 열심히 구호를 외치고 있는 TGCP 회원(김민성,15) 이야기를 나누어 보았다.



Q.TGCP 어떤 단체인가요? 


 모든 청소년들은 교육을 받을 권리를 가지고 있습니다. TGCP 세상의 모든 청소년들이 교육을 받게 하기 위해 설립된 단체입니다.


Q.TGCP 하는 , 우리 청소년들이 직접 해낼 있는 방법에는 무엇이 있을까요?


 가장 중요한 것은 관심입니다. 우리나라의 많은 청소년들이 세계 청소년들의 교육, 그리고 인권 문제에 대해 관심을 가진다는 것이 가장 소중한 일입니다. 또한 실질적인 행동을 생각한다면 어린이 노동을 막기 위해 공정무역 제품을 사서 쓰는 것도 한가지 방법이지 않을까요? (웃음)


Q. 기사를 청소년들에게 한마디 해주신다면?


 세계 곳곳에는 노동으로 고통 받으며, 교육의 혜택은 받지 못하는 청소년들이 많습니다. 많은 청소년 여러분들이 이들에게 관심을 가져주는 것이 가장 중요합니다. 청소년 여러분들 세계 청소년들의 문제에 관심이 많으신 분이라면, 저희 TGCP 참여하시는 것도 좋을거에요!


다양한 체험행사 벌이고 있는 TGCP 참가자들 (사진출처 - TGCP 홈페이지)



  8 대한민국 청소년 박람회는 다양한 볼거리를 비롯해서 청소년의 진로와 관련된 다양한 활동들을 체험할 있는 축제와 대화의 장으로 성공적으로 마무리 되었다. 내년에도 청소년의 진로 선택을 위한 정보 제공과 전시, 그리고 풍부한 볼거리와 체험행사로  9 청소년 박람회가 우리를 찾아오기를 기대해본다.


    1st MIZY Youth Reporters expand the territories for teenagers to make an impact toward the world

As a teenager, I wondered what kind of impacts I can make in the world that I am living in. After a long period of thinking, I have always been disappointed with the fact that I am only a teenager. Because I am a teenager I believed that my power will be small and that there would not be people listening toward my words. However, as I started MIZY Youth Reporter program, my doubts about my abilities as a teenager has changed.

             The MIZY Youth Reporter program started in January of 2011. Through document screening and interviews, 15 teenagers of age between 15~24 were selected to grow as an active citizen of the global society. Every month each youth reporter wrote an article related with the international society. The articles varied from author interviews, international events, global campaigns, current events and etc. All of the articles contents differed from one another, yet all with the purpose to expand the territories as a teen journalist toward the global world.

             At first, I couldn’t tell that people were reading our articles. Yet, as more articles of the MIZY Youth Reporters are posted on the Mizy Tistory, it was clear that more people were visiting the website. With the start of about 40 people visiting the website, now over a hundred of people visit to read our articles and read other Mizy Center news. Also many more people have been responding to the articles by commenting on the articles and showing interests. My doubts about the effects that teenagers can make have slowly changed through my growing as a 21st century citizen of the world. As I was coming to an end as the 1st youth reporter of MIZY, I interviewed hundred teenagers varying from actively participating teenagers to timid teenagers. They were asked about how much of an impact that they can make toward the world currently as a teenager.

As shown above, 98% of teenagers themselves believe that they can make at least some kind of effect in the world. Personally, I have experienced that my words can be heard to other people and even though it might have only been a small impact, I am expanding the strengths to make bigger effects in the world. As many of the Youth Reporters of MIZY experienced the same kind of feeling as I did, I have interviewed ChoRok Lee, a junior at Dae-Won Foreign Language High School and a member of the 1
st MIZY Youth Reporter, about her experience as a youth reporter. She is a young but dedicated teenager that is actively participating in the global society. I decided to hear about her experience as a youth reporter on how it helped her to grow as a more active teenager. 

Photo credit to Mizy center

Q. How did you get to apply to a teen journalist at Mizy?

A. Hi. I have participated to writ e monthly English articles about international affairs and exchange as a member of MIZY Youth Reporters. I applied in January and after some orientation sessions we began writing the articles and upload them online, on the MIZY Tistory page. I was particularly interested in environmental issues and activities, so I wrote mostly about them as my theme throughout the year. My purpose in writing was to inform other fellow students who also have the same interest with me but is short in information where they could contribute their passion to. I thought not only could this activity benefit me by the means of improving article writing skills but also benefit those who are willing to search for their ways to specify their dreams and interest. And also officially writing a piece of an article gave me the sense of being the spokesperson of the contemporary affairs.


Q. What helped you grow as an active teenager while participating as a MIZY Youth Reporter?

A. Well the most obvious answer that is expected at this question is when someone read my article and was inspired by it and went ahead to dream of becoming a diplomat. But I remember I visited New York to attend the Youth Assembly in the United Nations. It was an international conference in August about MDGs and future roadmaps. I actually hoped to see Mr. Secretary General Ban but I was not lucky enough. But it was told that he peeked at us having a conference twice! Anyways I was able to interview numerous students and activists from all six continents and numerous of countries. It was the biggest breakthrough in my temporary career as a Mizy Youth Reporter.

MIZY Youth Reporters program surely is not the only program that is expanding the territories for teenagers to speak and be heard. There are many other programs launching or being progressed inside of MIZY Center and also outside. What is important is that many teenagers realize their power as a teenager and are actively participating in the society as a valued citizen. With realizing the importance of making one small effect at a time, MIZY Youth Reporters 2nd has officially started. Through the baton touch from the 1st youth reporters to the 2nd, the MIZY Youth Reporters are starting on ground that the first reporters have opened. 1st reporters duty was to open the ears of many people to hear our voices. Now I believe that the 2nd   reporters' duties are to expand effects of voices of teenagers.


In September, the film ‘Silenced('Dogani' in Korean)’ released and sent shock waves through the nation.

  This movie has been reconstituted based on a true story of   hearing impaired, young students at Gwangju Inhwa School
who were raped by the principal in 2005. They were not only sexually abused but also physically. They were beaten, died of malnutrition, and involved in a forced labor.
However, the principle and other officials denied their charges and tried to cover their sins up by using their wealth and high social status, making judges and even victims be silenced.
So, the principle only paid the penalty and other teachers who also raped their students were sentenced to 1~2 years in prison. They all returned to the school as if nothing has happened to them and still teach students.

The film brought about a public rage and people started several campaigns and petition in an effort to urge the police to reinvestigate the case. 

Several weeks after the movie was released, the police booked 14 people who were involved in the case in 2005 and a new law ‘Dogani’ was enacted which was named after the movie in order to strengthen the punishment of crimes against disabled people especially young children.

However, what the movie showed is only part of the whole picture. It only showed a part of an abuse of human rights of people with disabilities in South Korea. Since July of 2008, in Kong-ju city, Chungcheong nam-do, a 14 year-old girl with intellectual disability has been sexually assaulted by neighbors for more than 2 years and the criminals were arrested in 2010. Other than this, there have been a lot of sexual crimes against disabled people who need protection from society.

The main reason why so many disabled people become the victims of crimes is due to the society’s negligence and a biased perspective people hold. People normally consider them to be weak and incompetent. This has led some people to commit crimes against people with disabilities.

There are a wide range of social organizations which have been established to protect their rights and uncover any crimes against them.
However, still, many disabled people are assaulted by others. Since July of 2008, in Kong-ju city, Chungcheong nam-do, a 14 year-old girl with intellectual disability has been sexually assaulted by neighbors for more than 2 years and the criminals were arrested in 2010.

Other than this, there have been a lot of sexual crimes against disabled people who need protection from society.

The film ’Silenced’ should be a starting point for people to continuously pay attention to any injustice towards people with disabilities.




From Oct. 5th to 9th, a special film festival took place. Every year, Fiwom presents a wide variety of movies that reveal womens rights issues around the world. It was initially held by Korea Womens Hotline in 2006 and its primary goal is to inform people of the severity of violation of womens rights and encourage them to pay more attention to women who are suffering from the abuse of human rights in daily life.

There are a number of film festivals for womens rights other than Fiwom such as the International Womens Film Festival, Womens film festival in Incheon, and the Network of Asian Womens Film Festivals (NAWFF), and Samsung International Womens Film Festival. However, what is special about Fiwom Festival was that it offered the audience a great opportunity to communicate with directors and talk about a lot of issues related womens rights.

Although the scale of Fiwom is not that magnificent, its a great event for people who have a deep interest in womens rights. Whats more, even high school students were allowed to make an attempt to submit a movie about the themes the festival assigned and participate as a director. For instance, a young director named Ji-whe Moon who is currently attending Korean Animation High School was one of the directors of the film festival.

In addition, 2011 Fiwom had more various international films than previous ones. More directors from different countries participated in and from honor killing in Iran to sexual harassment in the workplace, a broader range of women
s rights issues were included in films.

Several films were based on true stories and social issues.

Let me introduce one of them. The film called
Paradise is about an orphan girl who enters into prostitution in order to make a living and raise her younger brother. This young girl represents a lot of todays orphans and neglected children who do immoral things for money and get no protection from the society they live in. The fantasy and paradoxical symbols the director used are to remind the audience of hellish reality of orphans. This movie is a must-see since many teenagers do not pay much attention to them but mostly care much more about their grades or academic career.  This film and also other films about various social issues about youth probably motivate a lot of teenagers to pay more attention to those who are in need.

                     BANN restaurant is opening up a new sensation of Korean cuisines in New York

Lately with the spread of Hallryu, there are expanding new interests in Korean cultures around the world. Besides K-POP, Korean celebrities, and Korean dramas, there is a new kind of culture that is interesting people in the United States. A Korean restaurant in New York is interesting the taste of many foreigners-this restaurant is called Bann. BANN Restaurant, since opening in 2005, has become the premier Korean restaurant in New York City. It is the flagship of a group of bicoastal restaurants developed by Mrs. Young Sook Choi, highly regarded as the pioneer in revolutionizing modern Korean cuisine. Following the success of more contemporary restaurants in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills and SoHo, Mrs. Choi began to focus more on broadening traditional flavors and artisan crafted foods, creating BANN's signature style of cuisine.

Executive Chef Eli Martinez brings 'Innovative Korean Cuisine' to BANN, showcasing traditional elements in a modern adaptation with an emphasis on using the finest natural ingredients to develop rich, distinct flavors highlighting the unique tastes of Korean cuisine in a simple & refined presentation. Exclusive to BANN is the distinctive style of dining not found in any other Korean restaurants. BANN's rare approach creates a dynamic sensory experience through the use of all 5 senses. The open kitchen provides guests with an exciting look into how their food is being prepared with views of blazing fires from the wok and aromas of familiar and exotic foods. Known for authentic Korean barbeque, all tables are fitted with smokeless grills where guests can watch a variety of fresh meats and seafood sizzle and cook to their liking.

             Many people believe that foreigners, especially Southerners, do not enjoy Korean food. They think that it is too spicy and not suitable for their taste. However, BANN proves this wrong with their special cuisines that keep the original Korean taste but also suit the foreigners taste at the same time. Today, I have asked BANN about their special tips on success to suiting the Korean flavor to the foreigners.

1. Could you tell us the history of BANN?

             Mrs. Choi is a second generation restaurateur, being mentored by her mother in law who began the famous Woo Lae Oak chain. After working together for the openings of the original Woo Lae Oak in New York and Los Angeles Mrs Choi decided to modernize Korean cuisine and try to introduce it to the Western palate. She opened her first branch of Woo Lae Oak on the prestigious "Restaurant Row" in Beverly Hills and soon the restaurant gained a large celebrity clientele as well as critical acclaim. Having seen how Korean cuisine was well accepted, Mrs. Choi focused on opening a new branch of Woo Lae Oak to replace the original space in New York that had burned down in Midtown, this time in an up and coming neighborhood, SoHo. In 1999 the restaurant opened and has become the premiere Korean restaurant in the city as well as a hot spot for the chic Soho crowd. 5 years later Mrs. Choi and executive Chef Eli Martinez created a new dining concept to go back to authentic recipes and ingredients and focus on traditional cuisine, which would become the signature style for Bann. Bann is now the most recognized Korean restaurant, having been featured in several media outlets such as television shows, movie, magazines, etc. Bann has hosted the National Korean Tourism Board as well as the Korean Culture Association, has been frequented by the Secretary General of the United Nations and other dignitaries. With the success of Bann New York, Mrs Choi opened another location in Korea town Los Angeles at MaDang Plaza.


2. How many foreigners normally visit the restaurant?
Bann is very popular with tourists because of the prime location in Times Square. About 50% of the customers are foreigners (from all parts of the world) travelling to New York and of Bann's regular clientele roughly 65% are foreigners.

3. What changes/efforts does Bann make in order to adjust to the taste of foreigners?
When people think of Korean food, they automatically think spicy, which traditionally Korean food can tend to be. However at Bann we try to highlight all the unique flavors of each dish using the finest natural ingredients to create a multi-layered but simple and refined plate. We try to create a balance between flavors like spicy, sweet & savory that will not overpower the other. In a word, it is milder than traditional Korean food

4. Can you introduce us foods that foreigners enjoy the most from your restaurant?
Bann is known for our tabletop barbeque, which is successful because all cultures can appreciate grilled meats. Foreigners tend not to order items that are that are too exotic so will choose the more familiar items such as the fresh sashimi (sang sun muchim), Ke Sal Mari (crab), Dae Ji Jim and Dak Nal Ke Ti Kim as appetizers. For traditional dishes foreigners choose entrees (not so much chiges or soups) like the Kalbi Jim or the Un Dae Gu Jorim. Also here are some of my favorites:

Duk Bok Ki

Baked Scallop

Raw beef

Beef with lettuce

5. What kind of future do you see in Bann? (Or what is the future goal of Bann?)
We are trying to truly globalize Korean cuisine. It is still not as well known as Japanese, Chinese or even Thai cuisine so we try to make it more approachable. We are developing new concepts like Bann Next Door which is our fast casual restaurant that serves popular Korean street food. We want to expand the "Bann" concept by creating different dining styles while focusing on using the finest products available.


             Sometimes questions are brought on whether we should keep our original flavor or change the flavor of our food to suit foreigners. BANN Restaurant is expanding the tastes of many foreigners by trying to keep the original flavor, yet also suiting the foreigners’ taste at the same time. Through their efforts, Korea’s culture is spread far through cuisines. Maybe it’s not about only emphasizing the original taste. Like BANN, maybe what combines both the original and foreign taste can be the global choice.

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