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MIZY Youth Reporters Meets for its First Meeting

알 수 없는 사용자 2011. 2. 16. 18:17

             On 21st of January 2011, MIZY Youth Reporters gathered for the first time at the Seoul Youth Cultural Exchange Center (a.k.a MIZY center) for the orientation. Total fifteen students were selected through a competitive process. Because some live overseas, only eleven reporters appeared on the orientation day. The meeting was very meaningful to the reporters. The orientation was separated into three sessions: a welcoming ceremony, activities, and job trainings.


Welcoming Ceremony

“The orientation ceremony provided me both hope and responsibility. The responsibility of becoming a journalist suddenly came upon me hard, and put me on my nerves.”


             The orientation began followed by the celebration of the admission of the MIZY Youth Reporters. Then the team manager Won Jin Lim introduced the MIZY center. According to her, the center is operated by the Korean National Commission for UNESCO under the auspices of the Seoul Metropolitan Government. It is a specialized organization for understanding diverse culture. She also stressed the role of the “MIZY Youth Reporters”. The members should learn to tell stories in perspectives of both MIZY members and the youth. As the pioneers of the MIZY Youth Reporters, we promised to continuously capture insightful, useful, and interesting moments around our lives.



“As we got to know each other through Ice Breaking and self-PRs,

the awkwardness started to melt and I felt a bond among the members.”


             The first activity was called Ice Breaking. Through the activity each member had time to introduce herself and learn about others. Soon the awkwardness in the atmosphere disappeared.

             Next, the members had discussions on our future plans. We selected the team, Korean article, and English article managers respectively. Then, every reporter chose specialized article subject; the topic varied from environment to art. The members will write monthly articles according to their topics.


Job Trainings

"After the orientation, I learned to observe everyone’s action.
I wanted to think of reasons behind his action. ”
“The lessons gave me insights. It was different from teenagers’ chat. From the lectures,
I learned more about reporter and made strong bonds with fellow reporters.”

Journalist Chung Shin from Naeilshot, Tae Hyung Kim from the Kukmin Ilbo, and Jeong Tae Kim from the UN Governance Department gave us distinctive lectures for the job training session. Ms. Shin and Mr. Kim discussed on definitions of good articles and successful reporters. Ms. Shin’s lecture was based on her anecdotes. She showed us both good and bad examples of articles and titles; analyzed differences between offline and online articles; and advised us to continuously seek for new ideas. On the other hand, Mr. Kim’s lecture was on the importance of photographs. We learned that a photograph can be powerful tool for delivering a message.


“He brought me hopes about the new responsibility bestowed upon me.”


             Finally there was a lecture by Jeong Tae Kim the press agent for the UN Governance Department. His lecture was on “How to Become an Influential Person.” He tried to break our prejudices on a successful or influential person, and advised us to start from what we can do now. Furthermore, he encouraged us to try our best.


            Though it could have been a tiring day, it was an apt start for the MIZY Youth Reporters. We met each other, planned for our future challenges and realized vital factors to becoming successful reporters. We hope to both fulfill our goals of providing useful information and learn to become more mature reporters.

“I feel very fortunate to be given the chance to participate as one of the MIZY Youth Reporters.
 I expect to see myself grown more mature when I look back at the end of this year”


/ by MIZY Youth Reporters, English Articles Division