청소년 기자단

Change of Sharing Cultures through the Society's Interest

알 수 없는 사용자 2012. 6. 21. 17:09

Change of Sharing Cultures through the Society's Interest

    New trend of sharing through talent giving &  K-POP

One of the performance team performing

     A new trend of sharing is becoming a trend in Korea. For example, there is the 'Give Concert' by KBS. On 14th of July, 2012, KBS is holding 'Give Concert'. 'Give Concert' is concert with K-POP stars. The money earned from the concert is donated to International Vaccine Institue(IVI). Like the 'Give Concert', lately there has been this kind of trend of sharing starting in Korea. Especially, this kind of 'giving culture' is a rising topic in our country. With the rising popularity of K-POP, K-POP concerts are held in the meanings of sharing. Lately there is a new trend of sharing through sharing K-POP. Usually, these sharing are done by K-POP stars such as idols like Girls Generation, Infinite and etc. Therefore people think that only K-POP stars can be a part of this kind of sharing. However, there is one group that consits of regular people sharing K-POP as a meaning of sharing. This group is 'Over The Rainbow'. 'Over The Rainbow' consists of non K-POP stars but regular people. Over The Rainbow is a team that consists of staffs and performers. Their purpose is to help the orphans in Thailand through earning support. These people prepare K-POP performances and share to others.

     Over The Rainbow held the Thailand Lampang Orphanage Sponsor Concert on the 2nd of June at God's Vision Church in Seoul. This concert is held every third Saturday and Sunday of the month. It is held to sponsor children that lost their parents through drug war. Through diverse K-POP, they wish to enjoy the festival and help neighbors. People dance and sing. These voices and moves are to help the others. Today I interviewed Hayeon, the manger of the Over The Rainbow.


Q. Why was this even with the theme as a K-POP concert?

A. The reason for making K-POP concert the theme of our event is because K-POP is currently the most popular Korean culture in and out the country. We wanted to show a performance that lots of people can like. When we perform in Thailand, when we visit, the reaction is great. Since K-POP has a repetitive melody and a fun tune, no matter what country you are from, how old you are or your gender does not get in the way to enjoy this music. Also another strong point is that if we just have speakers, we can perform anywhere. Whether we perform on the street or on a big stage, we want to show our performance to anyone who is willing to enjoy with us.

Q. How can you participate in this festival?

A. Anyone who wants to participate in this festival can contact me. This festival doesn't only require dance or singing. Anyone with the heart and time to share with others can be a part of this festival. Through a quick interview about your personal interests in the field to share or hobbies, you can become a part to prepare for our festival.

Q. What was the purpose of this festival?

A. This festival's purpose was to 'Share Happily'. Korean teenagers forced to live nicely and with effort. However it is hard for them to be exposed to where they can do such nice actions. There is a saying that playing is bad. We wanted to show that that is a wrong saying. We wanted to share the thinking of sharing and playing together.

Q. What kind of global meaning does this festival have in the global century?

A. Soon Korea will be part of the '20-50 Club'. '20-50 Club' is a club that only developed countries can be a part of. Per capita income of over twenty thousand dollars and a population over 50 million is the requirement to be a part of this club. Currently countries that are part of this club is Japan, United States of America, France, Italy, Germany and United Kingdom. There are only six countries. In this year June, Korea is expected to have a population of over 50 million. So Korea will be the seventh member of this club. Many countries agree that Korea's fast growing speed from the war is a miracle and this may be the reason for the joining. However unfortunately, Korea is criticized for not being a developed country in the culture field. One of the reasons for this is due to the donation culture. In the 2010 'World Donation Index' Korea ranked 81st. It's sad to know that Korea ranked so low on donation. Through our festival, we want to help Korean culture of sharing to spread. We wish that Korea can grow as a country that not only has a strong economic growth but also a strong culture of sharing. We do not want to limit to any country or lay borders. By one strong heart we wish to make a fantastic stage and performance of sharing.


Over The Rainbow not only performs in Korea but also visit Thailand and perform there. There are actually many organizations of charities that shares K-POP. These organizations share K-POP as a meaning of sharing in foreign countries. Then what makes Over The Rainbow special? First, they are a part of a new trend of sharing. This new trend can be defined into two category. The trend of rise of K-POP and the trend of sharing through talent giving. Secondly, non-K-POP stars can participate in the performance. Lastly, it is the only group that specializes in regular people's sharing through K-POP performances. There are many organizations that seem similar to Over The Rainbow. Yet, theses differences separate this group from other charity groups. Now sharing is not only 'just sharing'. Sharing is now relative with the society's interest and the country's specializations. Now Korea is heading toward the new culture of sharing through its K-POP-forming a new trend of sharing.


More information on Over The Rainbow is at http://www.facebook.com/gvcrainbow

Also if one wishes to be a part of Over The Rainbow, you can do so by contacting through facebook.



Video credit to Over the Rainbow