Show the World through the Eyes of Lenses-13th JeonJu International Film Festival


Goal: A Beautiful Change of the World through Cinema




     Recently, the power of seeing with the eyes is growing bigger than ever. In Korea, the book ‘Silenced’ by Cong Jee Young was made as a film in 2011. People paid attention to the issue mentioned in this book even more when it was made as a film. Films have the power not only as a media, but also as something to see with our own eyes. The massive power and strength of films have been influencing many people not only in Korea, but also in the world. Due to such kind of power of films, people are paying more attention to the impacts of films. Therefore, film festivals are continuing on their history to spread more films throughout the world. One of the top film festivals in Korea is the JeonJu International Film Festival (JIFF).


     The 13th JeonJu International Film Festival was held in April 26 to May 4, 2012. Under the slogan, 'Freedom, Independence and Communication' the festival's goal is to show alternative and independent films to the world., To know about the leading effects of the film festival, an interview has been done with YoungHee Park, the manager of publicity department of JIFF.


YoungHee Park, manager of publicity department (JIFF)


Q. What are the differences of JeonJu International Film Festival (JIFF) compared to other film festivals?


A. Normally, people call JeonJu International Film Festival, BuSan International Film Festival, and PuChon International Fantastic Film Festival are the 3 film festivals in South Korea. JeonJu International Film Festival is the Mecca of the whole world’s independence films. At this film festival, you can approach films from in and outside the country that you can’t approach anywhere else. These films include the 3rd world countries’ films or films of great masters in the experimental film industries. Also, there are many big and small performances and events to enjoy. These kinds of characteristics set our film festival to be young and an energetic film festival.


   In JeonJu, there is a specialized street called ‘Street Film’, and the happy smiles of the JeonJu citizens and the ‘JIFF volunteers’. JIFF is trying to take it up to the next level by fitting in with the century by changing the way of communication. For example, JIFF has given mass information about JIFF to all over the world by using SNS. Through these efforts, JIFF is trying to be a film festival through communicating with the audience, citizens and movie-makers and movie-lovers. Also, JIFF is the only film festival to have the system to make films and distribute it. Through this system, they are leading the distribution of different kinds of movies and working hard to provide different kinds of movies in Korea.


Q. Why is there the word ‘International’ inside the title, JeonJu International Film Festival?


A. There was 184 films by 42 different countries screened at the 13th JeonJu International Film Festival this year. Also, there are about 300 international guests and foreign audiences that head to JeonJu. Therefore, JIFF is specialized as an international film festival rather than just a film festival. It will be visible why this festival is an international event if you visit JeonJu during the film festival season!


Q. Why is JIFF held in JeonJu? Is there a special reason that this festival is held in this city?


A. It is true that JeonJu has only been recognized as a traditional city to many people for a long time. However, Jeonju pursues fast-moving generation cultures as much as any other cities. Also, this city does not hesitate to invest for the films and movie cultures. This kind of direction of the city’s growth and the interest in investment for films has made this city, the city of JIFF.


Q. What is the meaning of JIFF in the 21st global century? Also what are the true goals of JIFF in the global world?


A. We live in a world where the development of science and civilization makes it easy for us to easily share each other’s cultures in the global century. However, the cultures shared, especially films and movies can only be limited. The films that has been appreciated and favored publicly in foreign countries are hard for Korean audiences to encounter them at the theaters. This is the starting reason for the film festivals. Therefore, JeonJu International Film Festival not only brings the new films of the masters of films, but also the films that are hidden to publicly. By bringing out all kinds of films, JIFF wants to take a part in sharing such films to these hidden but shining films and work of art. Eventually, the goal of JIFF is to stand as an incomparable, creative, and experimental film festival in the whole world.




 Films are now showing more impact in the world. More than just the films that are easily available at theaters, there are also many independent and alternative films. Through Jeonju International Film Festival, it is more visible to many people about the importance of such films.



 About JeonJu International Film Festival


   1.     How to get to JeonJu International Film Festival-

    Take the bus to JeonJu Bus Station

    During the weekdays, the shuttle bus comes at 10:20, 12:40, 16:00, and 19:00

    During the weekend, the shuttle bus comes at 10:15, 12:10, 12:40, 15:00, 16:10, 18:50, and 21:35.                            *The shuttle bus is provided on no charge by JIFF


 2. How to watch the films

     ①  To watch the films, you must reserve a ticket through If you want 

        to reserve on-site, you can do so from 11:00-19:00 at ZIP&JIFF located next to the

         restaurant Sam-baek-jip on Cinema Street.

    ②  The tickets vary from 5,000~10, 000 won per movie.

       Credit card (Visa, Masters, Amex) can be used for the reservation.


      3.  How to become a JIFF volunteer


    You must be able to communicate in Korean.

    You must be at least 18 in the United States age.

    You volunteer for about 9 days from 9a.m. to 22p.m.

    First application is through personal statements.

    People who pass the first part will be able to take the interview.

    If you pass the interview, you can become part of the JIFF volunteer!


          For more information on JIFF, you can research through .


푸른미래를 위하여



6월 17일이 '세계 사막화 방지'의 날로 지정되어 있다는 것을 아는 사람이 몇 명이나 될까?


세계 사막화 방지의 날은 사막화방지협약 채택일을 기념하기 위한 날이다. 사막화란 오랫동안의 가뭄과 인간의 과도한 개발로 숲이 사라지고, 토지가 사막으로 변해가는 현상이다. 따라서 사막화는 황사와도 직접적인 연관이 있다.





우리나라도 매년 황사로 몸살을 앓고 있는 만큼 사막화로 인한 피해에서 자유롭지 못하다. 국내에도 사막화 방지를 위한 방법으로 나무심기를 추진하고 있는 단체들이 많이 있는데, '우리숲' , '한중미래숲' , '푸른아시아' 등 그 이름에서부터 활동을 짐작할 수 있다.

푸른아시아에서 추진한 몽골 만달고비 지역 사막화방지사업에 참여해 보았다. 푸른아시아는 국제환경문제 대응 및 지속가능발전 실현을 위해 다음과 같은 방향으로 사업을 추진하고 있다.





현재 푸른아시아는 몽골의 여러 지역(바앙노르, 바가노르, 성긴, 만달고비, 울란바트로, 에르덴)에서 사막화 방지 사업을 추진하고 있다. 그 중 ‘만달고비’ 지역은 경기도 고양시, ‘바가노르’ 지역은 대한항공, ‘성긴’ 지역은 인천시의 지원을 각각 받아 사업을 추진 중이다.


경기도 고양시의 지원으로 조성된 만달고비 지역의 ‘고양의 숲’


대한항공의 지원으로 조성된 바가노르 지역의  ‘대한항공의숲, 한.몽행복의 숲’


인천시의 지원으로 조성된 성긴 지역의 ‘인천 희망의 숲’



현재 사막화방지와 나무심기운동을 위해 국가, 단체, 기업에서 노력을 하고 있지만 제일 중요한 것은 개개인들의 환경에 대한 인식이다. 매년 사막화가 빠르게 진행되고 있는 이 때에 우리의 미래를 짊어질 청소년들부터 사막화의 심각성을 깨닫고 관심을 갖는 것이 필요하다.


다른나라에도 우리나라처럼 나무심는 날이 있을까?


△일본 : '식수제(4월 4일)'는 천황이 참가하는 전국적인 규모의 나무 심는 날이며, 황태자가 참석하는 '육수제'는 9월 16일이다.


△독일 : '나무의 날'은 해마다 4월 중 하루를 정해 열린다.


△미국 : '식목일'은 4월 마지막 주 금요일이며 각 주마다 나무심기 최적기에 주 식목일을 정한다.


△중국 : 3월 12일이 '식목절'이다.


△북한 : 3월 2일이 '식수절'이다.



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